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Posts tagged ‘wisdom’


New encounters can help you change. Be up for anything even if its out of your comfort zone. This is a chance for you to improve yourself as a human being. (PL 2020.30)

PL Precept #6 efface your self-conceptions



elder -youngster

Work well with Everyone regardless of their age or position. The opinions of those who are younger may lead to new solutions, and we can always learn from the accumulated experiences of our elders.

Perfect Liberty 2020.4


Have you ever..

a new sprout

Of course you have. This morning my “kick to my lazy self” was the familiar, why didn’t I save the pictures of previous works. to my new PC. “Cuz you are lazy, lazy, lazy” said the little voice. Sigh, I am, this is one of my lessons in life, .. the battle between the me that wants to do things “my way” and the me that then has to live with the me that doesn’t do something, BEEEE CUZ! (=^_^= a wee rant.. sorry)

I did motivate myself to go up to my husband’s lair and pack a few more bags to take away to the Goodwill. I am getting there. I am from the generation that doesn’t sit still long, we prefer being active/busy. However my body (as wee piglet pointed out) when off balance and needing rest, wants and needs REST. She may be little but she is feisty!

Work well with everyone regardless of their age or position. The opinion of those who are younger may lead to new solutions, and we can always learn from the accumulated experiences of our elders.

Perfect Liberty 2020 1.4.



Discarded by ?  found… now home to enjoy the seasons once more in the natural elements it was born in.

For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that  may be desired are not to be compared to it.  Proverb 8,11



Tuesday 29th.


PL Calendar day 29

Be Cheerful and Easygoing

Everything has a way of turning out alright in the end.  Relax and always try to think positively.

bruce lee

jan 2015Oyashikiri

Wednesday – native prayer


bees polinating

prayer, native

PL Day 18 Perfect Liberty Calendar

Look forward to what’s ahead

There is no use brooding over the past.  Always try to begin each day anew with a fresh outlook.



I am relearning, to practice stillness in my every day life.

There is an art to “Being”


express yourself

skeleton thinking

Do you find yourself waiting for the right moment.  Waiting for the “plan” to come together, then find out days, weeks later that “by golly”, it is not done yet, or you’ve lost the thread of that “great” idea?”

The PL Day 12  Carry Out What you believe in..

Once you have prepared everything to the best of your ability, seize any opportunity that comes your way and take action without hesitation.  Express yourself to the fullest.


There are times, when we can fool others, but try as we might, we cannot fool ourselves.  Deep down, we know ourselves, even when we try to do otherwise… The truth is within.

PL Precept #7  Everything exists in Relativity.



PL Calendar day 7

zentangle card woodless colour sticks

Day 7

Don’t Strain, Don’t Rush, and Don’t be Greedy

When you are doing something, my may rush things to get good results quickly.  Instead relax and enjoy the process (PL, Perfect Liberty)

origami 3.4.18Remember this from yesterday.  I loved the simplicity of it, I wanted to do it.  To make it easier on myself, I asked the minister’s wife if she could please show me how to do it. Being a visual person, I do better when I see something done  (when it is totally foreign to me and origami is)  Her patience at folding the paper, and refolding to ensure that I was seeing where I had to turn the paper, how to fold a crease etc. was calming.

I didn’t know that I was so  hesitant to do it wrong, that I wouldn’t even try until I saw her do it.  The she patiently led me through the steps, one by one.

Me, “miss get it done” was learning something new,  I doubt it is something I will ever excel in, but I did it.  I have an artistic bent as you all know.  The mediums I do best in, are media that work WITH me, for example, my “style” of work, and my need to watch the process develop (I am getting better) finds me working with acrylic and water paints. Oils and I have not clicked over the years.  Yet I do work with mediums that require over night drying…I’ve never taken to oils.

This lesson has a lot to “say” to me. I know that I will do my best to apply myself to practicing the wisdom in this lesson.

I will do my best.. that is all any of us can do.

Have a good day everyone.. LOVE and Blessings.





Thursday Doors May 12



PL Lesson 5, 2016

There is always a door, we need only find it.

Patience and Faith, 

will guide us 

PL Precept #11 – always be with God


There is something enduring about older vehicles

when you opened a door or closed one

there was a “feel” to it, that doesn’t come with the automobiles of today.


PL lesson 5- Widsom Comes Naturally when you are humble


“You will stop growing if you have a conceited or boastful mind.  Always remember to be humble.”

This is when practicing the art of listening is so important.  If we think we know it all, or already know what someone is going to say or do, we deprive ourselves of learning.  It could be a new way of doing something, or a different viewpoint on a subject we think we have down pat.

PL lesson 5

Chinese New Year (year of Monkey) has already started in parts of the world.   A time to celebrate with family and friends. In China, people travel for days to get home, this is a big holiday.

sunshine and flowers

Where ever you are, however you are celebrating, may inner joy, satisfying rewards, and good health be the core essence of the new year.

China Highlights


Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

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