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Posts tagged ‘coping’


I have been reminded lately of how with the passing of the seasons, there is also a change in our daily lives. Some are slow and gradual, while others come up suddenly and take us by surprise. Either way, they are happenings that we cannot divert from our lives. Challenges, opportunities, they come in all shapes and sizes.

This month there have been many beautiful, loved souls who have passed on from this world we live in to an eternal existence that leaves us with cherished memories of what was. I would ask today that we take a moment in quiet prayer. Let’s give thanks that we were so blessed in having been able to know/learn/grow from our connection to these beautiful souls.

In your prayer please include all the members in our community (near and far) and around us who are dealing with issues beyond their control, help ease someone’s pain. take time today to listen with an open heart, make time to reach out and call someone who lives alone or could be in “need” of a “friend”,

Begin each day with a renewed sense of appreciation. Always remember that you are here today thanks to God, and thanks to the many people around you. Let’s make each day meaningful by starting out with a feeling of gratitude.

Perfect Liberty 2014.6


Sometimes in life, we have to deal with challenges we were not expecting. How do you cope.. “let me count the ways”… It certainly took me by surprise one day to find that ouch.. that hurt, and .. contrary to what I thought. .. after a rest it did not go away. It did calm down, but it did stay around, and by the looks of it, it has no intentions of just packing up and going away. Others suffered with this painful “nasty” not me.. Hah! Nature does not play favourites

I do suspect I know some of the “sitiuations” that could have caused this latest flare up, the cold damp weather that has landed in the area, due to the coming season change. Not wearing proper footwear that my “current” time of life requires. i.e. heavy insulated outdoor gear .. is now too heavy for my unhappy hip joint to carry around when I’m out and about. Means.. I have to (had to) consider getting myself a pair of boots that will do the same job but are more lightweight and easier for me to maintain my “active” lifestyle.

We tend to want to continue doing things the way we did,,, and we don’t take into consideration that “change” affects us all…not just “others”. Have the new boots helped, yes.. but it will take time now for me to allow the joint to recover. This means.. R E S T I N G the joint when it says “stop” I need to heed the warning. Gosh.. rules, rules, rules..

This is thanksgiving week in the USA so for us here in Canada, we get to enjoy focusing on appreciation and practicing mindful awareness of all the good in our lives. Again.. note to self, this should be done regularly all the time.. without coaching or civic reminders.

Today’s calendar

Move forward with confidence. Experiences you have acquired through efforts so far are wonderful. Give it all you’ve got.

Perfect Liberty 2023.20

btw. PL Thanksgiving, day of appreciation is every month on the 21st. With services in churches at 10: a.m.


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