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Posts tagged ‘tree’


Take on any task with earnest enthusiasm and it will become interesting. No matter what it is, if you really get into it, you will be able to find joy in doing it. The important point is to put your whole heart into what you are doing.

Perfect Liberty 2015.15

Every morning I visit this tree.. and each morning I see signs it is enjoying the balmy weather and the brighter sunshine, The other morning it was full of chattering birds, The happy chatter filled the air with enthusiasm and brought smiles to everyone around.

Bom final de semana pra todo nos. Bom dia amiga qurida.

Hola, buenos dias – Have a great day.

Attendez un instant. Wait does it matter what language ….NO… smile.. greet the day knowing it is going to be a GREAT Day! Why? Because, you are part of it… Share your smile.. pass the good cheer along! Smiles are non verbal, and speak volumes.


yes. the chippy’s are back!

mid month

Live with firm determination, thinking that “this will turnout for the best” Everything in this world progresses and develops. Always be positive,, knowing that everything will turn out for the best.

Perfect Liberty 2019.15

The key to solving problems is within you.

It is interesting because it is difficult. In order to overcome difficulties in your life, you need to think hard and be creative, That is why life is always interesting.

Perfect Liberty 2016.12

Silent Wednesday

Experiences you have acquired so far are wonderful. Give it all you’ve got. Move forward with Confidence.

Perfect Liberty 2023.20

take out? tap tap tap

what busy bird(s) came by and left its mark while having a tasty slice of tree
these little devils I just discovered love stucco too..! there are a few in the neighbourhood who are wrecking havoc on my neighbour’s new home. The little beggar(s) comes daily to dine … the upper corner of the house, right under the eaves. I’ve never seen the like. so far nothing he(neighbour) has done has deterred the bird(s) from coming to dine.

What can give artistic pleasure to see the designs of “age” ” on an aging tree standing in the forest, does not incur the same reaction when the same craving for food and substance is applied to a home in an urban setting.

In Taoist philosophy, and in PL, there are always two sides to a coin, there is a positive/negative… just look at your hand, there is a top/bottom. the two are ONE. some difference are readily accepted, they just are. no more…no less. Your hand would not be whole without the top/bottom.

It is only natural that you are different from others. Each of us has our own way of thinking and our own individual lifestyles. That’s what makes life interesting.

Perfect Liberty 2020.20


I had a sculpture (still have) on the roof outside the back porch, the same little “beggar(s) ” kept coming back, nothing I did deterred it. now I have a male head(bust) with many “openings” guarding my property. Totally unique and different. =^_^=


Perfect Liberty, Precept #1

One liner Wednesday

thru the eye of the needle

Life is Art – Oyashikiri

wooden heart


The beauty of wood.  Too big to pick up and hug, I was smitten with this piece.


There is something about wood, that even though it is hard to the touch, I feel its strength yet, somehow it radiates to me warmth and vitality. I would have spent more time just absorbing the story lines in each piece, however, time did not permit.


Had someone been around to ask I would have eagerly asked about the now “dismantled” tree..  I knew I could not bring any piece no matter how small home.  Thank goodness for my Huawei.

Victoria Day long week-end here.  Enjoy the extra day off, importantly “take time for YOU”   .  Sunday service at 10 a.m.

If you have not done so yet, mark your calendars, service on the 29th May is at 7:pm


anyone know what kind of tree that might be?

love is

hogs back 4.10.18

Love is-

looking out across the water on a dull day, and seeing a crystalized tree, thanks to the cold mist.

hogs back c

there is beauty in every day, every moment, and every second, we need only look with our hearts.


andei andei

E encontrei



sometimes out of nowhere

tree coventry 1

you don’t know why

but there it is,

you’ve been beckoned by a  tree

it is just a tree you say

either way,

here you are

tree coventry

examining and wondering

what the message will be

after all, there is something

really special about the tree

look how proudly and

beautifully it shows off its scars

life is not always easy

for a tree

Tree on RCMP coventry

suddenly by jove

you see the cutest of faces

smiling at you

love at first sight =^_^=

always now I’ll know

when I drive by

my friend, the tree

will be looking out for me.




PL Precept #3   God appears through One’s Self

PL Precept #11   Always be with God

sometimes 8.29.16


Be unique

be yourself

if you feel like hiding

in a tree’


if you can climb the tree

do it

remember though


we think

we are hidden

but we are in plain view



someone could be watching you

but then,

who cares,

you are where you want to be

safely up the tree

have a purr-fect week



PL Precept #2   To live is to express one’s self

Wordless Wednesday -lines

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have a great day!

Share a smile today – make someone happy!

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