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Posts tagged ‘cars’

Left to?


Trolling Pinterest the other day, I came across this photo.  It caught my attention, you know me and rusted out metal.  I liked it enough to post it to my board on old vehicles .. then I moved on and thought really nothing more about it.  This morning, a bing alerted me to an incoming message… someone wanted to know, how anyone could leave such a beauty to simply rot and decay.  I had no answer, but it did get me to thinking.


What is it, why do we do this.  This was a wooded area for about 70 years in Chatillon, Belgium, it was home to one of the largest car cemeteries in the world (found on Pinterest)  Obviously I am not alone in my love of “old” rusted out beauties.  Yes, I say beauties those of us on the hunt, even wax poetically about the shades of rust.  AND we will wander into fields, back woods, where ever there is a hint of a “capture”  Yet I won’t go on a picnic or eat outside at a cafe, cuz the bugs will annoy me!  Go figure!


If I see or meet someone who has found a treasure and fixed it up.  Man that is someone I want to meet.  And you know I’m going after a picture, and the story.  But. for some reason, I have never asked the question, why abandon a car/truck in the first place.

Does anyone know or want to fathom a guess?

Namaste       –       Oyashikiri

have you seen the lastest copy of Canadian Hot Rods..



Life is Art


Wordless Wednesday -lines

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have a great day!

Share a smile today – make someone happy!

Monday 6.27


A window can tell us many things, especially when we can walk up and spy what is inside. It was a beautiful day and finding, I gave her all the admiration I could, separate as we were by glass.  It was late in the day, we were on our way back to the border, when we are happy, everyday is a holiday.


This sleek lady was on the lot, but I’m afraid she did nothing to ring my chines, simply not my style.  She had cleaned up, was buffed and shined ( dressed ) for the party, but she lacked the lines that would catch my eye.  I’ve included her because, I know she did want to be admired  After all she was in the front line up.


For my friends who like me are interested in doors, and locks,  this gem was another find I found in an older building.  Polished up, I would love to have it in my collection.  Suffice to say, a camera capture will have to do.


Another week lies ahead, what excitement and adventure will it bring.  Have a great start to your week where ever you are.


PL Principles # 3      I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things

Where did Saturday go

Hogs back water 1 (6-5-2016 1-02 PM)

In Ottawa, we have an area we call Hogs Back, no, sorry I don’t know why, it has just always been called that.  On one side of the roadway, the water rushes, tumbles and crashes over rocks, the view and the sounds can be very exhilarating.  Yet the park land around it, is tranquil, peaceful and a joy to experience.


I found this beauty parked just sitting there while driving down the highway.  Obviously I couldn’t just drive by, I wanted a closer look.  Usually when one is drawn to something, there is a reason, for it.

P1000067The owner was not around, I did enquire, so I couldn’t get a story on this particular car, but I did discover that this car and others that I will use over the while, belong, or are in the charge of a company called  The Sports Car Factory (restoration and fabrication)  how cool is that.  Their address and coordinates will be found at the end of this blog.


Old cars/trucks tell a story.  I love finding one, the workmanship, the detail, the lines. they aren’t merely functional, often the car will have its very own story to tell.


What we see, is not always the full story, our eyes focus and see what is before them, we will look around us,  and then settle on the view that is most pleasing to us. When I visit Hogs Back, I tend to walk over to the water, I like to gaze down at the swirling mass of water that is travelling at its own pace,  going along with the pull of nature, to wherever it will lead.  I can’t see beyond the upper layers of cascading foam and liquid motion.  But I know it is there, under the water that I see, lies another world, it is there even though I cannot see it.

The same applies to the cars.  In whatever state I find them, I know that their  sum total is only part of what is there.  So why as a human do I often find myself accepting what appears obvious, but in reality is only 1/2 a story, or one of many possibilities.

There you are, Saturday in part, I have so much to assimilate and discover… the  lens captures one second of the day,  the rest will make its way to the top, sometime, somewhere along the way.

It was a great day

it made room for today


namaste      –       oyashikiri

PL Principle # 3  I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things

The Sports Car Factory  ( john@hallville.com )

10489 Kerrs Ridge Rd, Hallville, Ontario


Prince Albert 5.27

ring around a rosie

a pocket full of posies

another house came down today

what was once a quiet little community

is being  bombarded

with in fill


cars & trucks are lined up

all in a row

wheels off, and hoods up

like ladies of the night

waiting for someone

to come and hopefully

take what is left of the parts

after all

their hearts were

taken long ago

car art   rust

yes I visited one of my favourite haunts


no I wasn’t out to play

I had to detour and found myself

in a place

that even in the broiling heat

gives me pause

to simply



Namaste       –        Oyashikiri

17 mai, May 17

sheep crossing

Yes, today is Tuesday, and we are once again, taking to the roads,

off to somewhere, where we have not been in a while,

and some places, we’ve never been at all.


No, we won’t be gone long

just long enough to change the channel in our minds

we don’t really plan, we determine a direction

and a few of the stops we’d like to make

along the way

if it should work out that we

find such a place along the way

motor bike

not just on the 17 of May

but really, any day, should be one of exploration

or discoveries

for honestly, we really do get to explore our boundaries

each and every day

if you always go right

perhaps see what happens when you turn left

it could be as simple as crossing a street

1984 citreon

Till soon then,

we will be back by end of day

I’m off to play

Have a great and happy day!

Namaste          –          Oyashikiri

PL Precept # 21  Live in Perfect Liberty

photos from social media

can anyone tell me what the 3 wheeler is?

if the shoe fits


Like what is that!  That is a picture of my fossil purse, (texture)  I bought this one a couple of years ago while wandering downtown in a high-end shopping outlet that draws  tourists.  It was a purchase that I made in one of my “gotta have” moments.  No real reason or rhyme, I just really  took to the bag.  It wasn’t even a style that went with “my lifestyle” or manner of dress.  I just liked it.. it was one of the moments where you see something and .. you don’t think of the price, or what you’ll do with, how you’ll incorporate into your wardrobe.. you just buy it and bring it home.


These are pictures of clocks I found but resisted.  I stood there and considered them, appreciated them, but didn’t get to the stage where I REALLY wanted them.. so I took their pictures instead.


Now what does that tell you, have I changed my shopping M.O.  noooo, just found an easier way to enjoy some of the treasures I find, and not end up with a lot of clutter, “just because”


I also discovered Jo-Annes, I knew the one store, but had not experienced the store in a bigger city centre… had a great time.. here I did come out with a rather full bag of goodies. The fact that I was unable to use my  lap top for most of my time away, contributed a lot to the items I was gathering since they are tools of the trade, that fuel my creativity in a manner that will bring in extra pennies. =^_^=


I found these interesting, who and how can anyone wear such high heels.  Gone are those days for me, I did find the decoration down the back of the heel fun, so they made the photo capture, and so did this little doll.   cute as a button, but certainly not something i was going to come home with.


Now this cheerful little fellow, he was cute too.  Since I have a friend who delights in rooting for the Flyers, I only thought it fitting to perhaps, send some Penguin cheer his way, for those of you reading this, Flyers and Penguins are hockey teams.  I think the Penguins are doing well???  obiously they are a happy lot. IMG_1255

I can see all my friends out there, chuckling over my time away with that knowing.. there she goes again, shopping… Ha.. on you.  I wasn’t shopping I was on a photo excursion.  Let me look, I’ll show you a picture that had nothing to do with being in a treasure shop.


This was a charming church we found on our way from Syracuse to Watertown, It appealed to me enough that we circled around and parked so I could catch it for you.  You were on my mind all the time.. always, I was looking for subjects that could or might interest you. (really)  nooo you did not see the sign on the ground, besides the shop was closed.



Really we had a great time and weather, except for when we tried to see the falls, in Niagara Falls, both Canadian side and American,  There we encountered rain mist,fog,clouds,etc. so thick that we saw absolutely nothing of the falls themselves.


.. I missed reading your posts, following along on your adventures, discovering new far away places, that those of you who are travelling keep us  waiting for the next chapter and verse with delightful captures. I obviously have more pictures, but there is lots of time ahead.  For now just wanted to say I’m back.  Oh and quickly, I discovered on the Canadian side, another one of those designer outlet malls, and… err… I now own another purse like the one I started this blog with.. only in blue.  I was over the moon.. really.. Canadian funds even!!!!


Can a Puffin count for a penguin?


The only vintage cars I found this time, were models, good ones, but not good enough to bring back with me.


I have totally left the building, when I find myself again, I’ll be back..

Meanwhile..  Happy Monday everyone!

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

PS I am unable at this time to find another file of pictures.. you have been spared.

Smile and be happy !

vintage – classic


1955 Chevrolet Bel Air convertible 265 Cl. automatic*

How is that when vehicles age, rust and fall apart, we still love them.  This one has been kept in wonderful condition, or lovingly restored. I am enamored with the classic cars, trucks, especially prior to 1960’s.   Something happened to the designs after that, and I lost interest.  I viewed the car simply as the means of transportation.  Now many years later, it is a completely different story.  As I mentioned in an earlier blog, even rusted and in decay I can be totally mesmerized. In fact the other day I purchased a paint enamel called “rust”.


When was the last time you actually saw a hood ornament on a vehicle?  I can’t recall seeing one in a long time.  This one is from a 1936 Packard – (Steve Corey,Flickr)  Lately I find that when I need to take a break from being in “work mode” I search out old photos of  cars/trucks and related items for my Pinterest board,  I have asked myself what this interest is in cars that I only have a vague recollection of, and I don’t have an answer.

In PL, one of the lessons is about listening to others, and to not interrupt, to let what is being said  come to us in a manner that we are respectful of the speaker’s intentions. While I do my best to practice this, I’ve found over the years that I do not always allow my own thoughts and desires to be given the “respect” due them. I’m more apt to listen carefully to someone else, a friend for example will be speaking to me and I am interested and giving my full attention to the conversation.   While I act on my interests, I don’t think that I always understand why I’ve developed a passion for a new “interest”

It is said, that when you are being influenced by an invisible force,  (the Chinese mind -TAO) sees this inspiration as a “penetrating influence” it is important to still the mind, and allow the  gentle force to shape and give form to the answers to the unspoken questions.  Through a willing submission to the time and the situation, you will gain insight and perspective… I know I’m not alone in this love of the classic/vintage vehicle, any feedback or input out there?


I admit to wearing a T shirt with a big Chev logo across the front…  LOL … There is no hope for me…  Happy motoring everyone!

Namaste  – Oyashikiri

*mecum.com posted janis Sweat

vrijdag nu… Good morning!

amishWhen we have been in upper NY State, we often will see a lone Amish buggy making its way down the side of the highway towards its destination.  Cars are whizzing by, driver and horse are not oblivious to the automobiles, their noise and fumes, they simply just keep heading to where they are going appearing to be in their own space and time.  I never can pass without  thinking of how in many ways it would be nice to be sitting along side the driver on a dirt road with nothing but natural woodlands  and meadows on either side.  Instead of concrete,, the horses were making their way over well trod earth.  Day dreaming and reality.  What a pair. We need a daily dose of both.

Life is a balance of negatives and positives, often we find ourselves experiencing the emotions of life on one side of the coin or the other. When you turn the coin on its side, you can see that the side is slim and though you see the rim of the coin, you cannot see both side of the coin at the same time. When I found the following quote this morning, I knew it was  to be shared.  Is love and being in love different?  Are they  different states of BEING?

e90031fba300ed47db3f5204118a9000Look for the beauty around us, appreciate the good qualities  in others. We all have our moments of “ops did I really do/say that”  The ongoing challenge is to see happiness and positives in our daily lives.  We have to begin with being honest with our inner self… loving who we are, and where we are in life.  We are alive.. this is vrijdag, Friday… we have another day to be creative.. Life is ART. And best of all.. YOU are LOVED LOVED LOVED, we are ALL ONE in this glorious UNIVERSE… reach out and touch someone today… let your smile shine!

fdc67ea5fab98b32dc6c374cac03932bPL Precept 15   – ALL is a Mirror


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