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Posts tagged ‘discovery’

gouda, smoked please


Thursday doors


The fascination of a door.  I loved that the lace curtain still hung on the door.


This doorway was further away, however, I couldn’t resist a capture so I could revisit later..  Had someone built a fort for the children to enjoy, or… was it an old structure, repurposed.  The character of places found when exploring other landscapes far from the city. Absolute heaven.

Eartha my travelling companion, shares in the delights of taking that secondary road, the quest for adventure, the joy of a discovery.  We did have a final destination and arrived soon enough.  But, not before we found another gem.

The past is part of our present.

PL calendar day 16

Avoid being careless or overconfident.

Even though you have put your best effort into doing something you still may have made some mistakes.  That is why it is important to always work with a prayerful mind.

Why would someone put an old tire there?


Upper New York State

roof tops

hwy 43 9.16.17f near Mountain

I sit high when driving, we have a truck.  I as struck by the vegetation and rooftops as I travelled how 43, going east.

hwy 43 9.16.17c

It was a beautiful day as you can see.  The miles slipped silently by as I rode along taking in the views.  It was a “me” day.  A day to allow my thoughts to come and go, my only objective to watch the road, and take in the beauty around me.

hwy 43 9.16.17a

Farmland as far as the eye could see.  Small villages, and towns, expanse of fields waiting for harvest.  Rural Ontario. (250km)  Lots of time to entertain my thoughts.

PL Precept # 15  All is a Mirror    –  I sought tranquility and peaceful surrounding.  The Universe granted my wish.  I enjoyed conversation and friendship along the way, then back in the truck  as I continued on my way………….. the steady hum of the tires and visual delights as Nature provided the beginning colours of her  fall palette.

Just before the final stretch, I stopped for fresh produce and discovered a new fruit.  Ground cherries.  physalis longifolia

Enjoy each new day, give thanks for the opportunities that come your way.  Life is good.

ground cherries

A day spent with and in Nature, alone, in meditation and quiet

is a special day indeed!


Chop Suey Saturday

background 7.29.17e

off in the distance,

under the afternoon skies

they saw the same grouping

that they were looking at

just down the path

half covered by vines

background 7.29.17

Neither spoke

they stood rooted on the spot

another mystery

to be uncovered

journey doll 7.29.17c

Yvette arrived earlier

Clementine was due next week

excitement was building

Rosie promised she would

let them explore her

chest of drawers

they still had no idea

where the music came from

it happened when she was

working in her room,

and now, double statues

3 maidens high above

and 3 maidens on the ground

somewhere there was a clue

quietly no words spoken

they turned

walking deeper into the gardens.

chest or coffin 7.22.17

neither saw the chest hidden further in

from where they had been standing.


PL Precept # 18  Each moment is a Turning Point


NB * ongoing

Wordless Wednesday -Look what I found




Barber Shop in NY State

main street of Oswego,NY

A stop along the way

p1000383knock, knock

I knew no one was home

so I  took time to roam

explore, and  enjoy the decor

p1000381will you look at this doll

she’s had her doors done up out of wood

p1000377with no Chevy in sight

I turned to the Ford

I admit it had a charm

and, it wasn’t in a barn


this is the babe

who welcomed us in

when these ladies, give with the charm

I can’t help but beam

with delight

I raise a glass to the bad ass

owners who track them down

and give them new life

PL Precept #7    Everything exists in relativity

each picture, shows a piece of art, someone made time, to reconstruct, or build

these gems for us to enjoy.

on my part, appreciation, and gratitude is sent out to them for their time and efforts

just reliving my visit brought back a big smile.


chop suey Friday


There is something to be said about looking out over the water into the hills, clear blue skies. white fluffy clouds, and time to simply be. It is important to make the time for yourSELF

  PL Precept 18  Each Moment is a turning Point


foothills of the Adirondacks,NY State (Waverly)

Pl Precept # 15 All is a Mirror

Where did Saturday go

Hogs back water 1 (6-5-2016 1-02 PM)

In Ottawa, we have an area we call Hogs Back, no, sorry I don’t know why, it has just always been called that.  On one side of the roadway, the water rushes, tumbles and crashes over rocks, the view and the sounds can be very exhilarating.  Yet the park land around it, is tranquil, peaceful and a joy to experience.


I found this beauty parked just sitting there while driving down the highway.  Obviously I couldn’t just drive by, I wanted a closer look.  Usually when one is drawn to something, there is a reason, for it.

P1000067The owner was not around, I did enquire, so I couldn’t get a story on this particular car, but I did discover that this car and others that I will use over the while, belong, or are in the charge of a company called  The Sports Car Factory (restoration and fabrication)  how cool is that.  Their address and coordinates will be found at the end of this blog.


Old cars/trucks tell a story.  I love finding one, the workmanship, the detail, the lines. they aren’t merely functional, often the car will have its very own story to tell.


What we see, is not always the full story, our eyes focus and see what is before them, we will look around us,  and then settle on the view that is most pleasing to us. When I visit Hogs Back, I tend to walk over to the water, I like to gaze down at the swirling mass of water that is travelling at its own pace,  going along with the pull of nature, to wherever it will lead.  I can’t see beyond the upper layers of cascading foam and liquid motion.  But I know it is there, under the water that I see, lies another world, it is there even though I cannot see it.

The same applies to the cars.  In whatever state I find them, I know that their  sum total is only part of what is there.  So why as a human do I often find myself accepting what appears obvious, but in reality is only 1/2 a story, or one of many possibilities.

There you are, Saturday in part, I have so much to assimilate and discover… the  lens captures one second of the day,  the rest will make its way to the top, sometime, somewhere along the way.

It was a great day

it made room for today


namaste      –       oyashikiri

PL Principle # 3  I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things

The Sports Car Factory  ( john@hallville.com )

10489 Kerrs Ridge Rd, Hallville, Ontario

“chop suey” blog 5.22.16

visual lesson jpg

PL Principle # 3  I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things

Namaste       –       Oyashikiri



broken pieces of a whole

once full and promising

now all that’s left

are shards of empty memories



native renaissance 1580

Native Renaissance ll

Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Deseronto, Ontario

Spent a wonderful time exploring the inside of this shop.  Original sculptures, collectibles, jewelry along with music from award winning Thomas B. Maracle.  We were passing through and I didn’t get the time I needed to see everything I wanted to see.  I Understand there is also a recording studio there that I would have liked to explore, and obviously to hear music that has been produced there.  http://www.nativerenaissance.com/

native gift shop

What I did find there, was this wonderful painting that had been done, used for advertising (guessing)  and then left to linger in the elements, I so wanted to rescue it.. but left it for someone else to enjoy and discover.  Instead I took a picture.


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  I looked and saw “beauty”… someone else may see nothing at all, but the little otter, swimming along with his friends, the giant turtle and the pesky beaver (?) , left me wanting to know more about their journey, and the man who painted them.

saved image 1592

A journey without an ending?   We will never know.  If you travel that way, say hello.

2 new places you might like to check out if you are out and about…

Asian Buffet and Mongolian Grill

175 Market St. Potsdam, NY 13676  USA

Panda Garden (Chinese,Japanese,Canadian)

All you can eat buffet,  1036 Princess Street, Kingston, Ontario  Canada

chop suey = a bit of this and a bit of that

deja vu


I knew this place nestled in the trees, it came back to me, a very distant memory

The closer I got, the stronger the story line, from a time way before I walked this earth.

The trees were not as mature, in fact  most, except the one, were but  seedlings in the ground


“Father farmed the land for miles around.  The nearest neighbour was a day away, unless of course, it was a Sunday, and we could hitch the horses to the small cart.  We would all dress in our Sunday best to ride into the closest settlement, otherwise, we spent our days  tending to chores and learning to read by candlelight, once all animals had been bedded and we could rest before we ourselves had to head up the stairs to bed.”


I couldn’t resist a look inside, sure enough the stairs were still there, but somehow the rest of the living area had been taken down and left to be dealt with another day.  I did consider going in, to see if I could still see out the window, from outside, I saw it was still there.


Reality is, it was another time, and the youngster who grew up there, was long gone. The world has vastly changed, and now, this home that was, sits alone in an isolated little woodland, on the edge of big farming complex.


The windows of the past, that we encounter today, fascinate and intrigue me.  Similar to the interest I have in doors, doorways and entryways, the questions, the storylines, the hazy visions into what was, could have been, or could be………..  never cease to delight and titillate my creative cells.

life is a journey of discoveries

to be savoured 

and enjoyed


Namaste      –          Oyashikiri

photography & text  Q (mine)

nearest  city – Cornwall, Ontario,Canada

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