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Posts tagged ‘discovery’

just a little farther


There are times when you travel down a back road,  that the country side beckons to travel just a little further, and even lures you down a long forgotten,overgrown dirt road.  Just enough width for you to slowly inch your way, so that the brush doesn’t leave a trail on the side of the vehicle, and your muffler if you are lucky, will make it intact, till you find a place to turn around.


You see signs of previous activities, but little else, the farther you go, the land opens up, and you see nature the way it is intended to be enjoyed. No parking lots, and fast food shacks, just the outdoors.


We were able to find a place to park off the single road we’d been on, and made the time to climb the embankment and sit a spell..  The dogs loved it, even though they had to dive, they swam and played, enjoying the freedom of being in that space and time, just as we did.  What is it about the human race that we all want to travel to foreign lands, and only feel that we’ve been on a holiday, if we fight the traffic to the airport, wait in airport lobbies, and sit like sardines in metal contraptions that fly us through congested skies.  To arrive in an exotic place that isn’t home, (to us) rush around to try to see everything there is to see, then tired and over spent, we head home.  Back into the crowded airports, stand in line to go through customs, maybe even be detained.  Then on arrival back home, we still have to get to our homes.. only to be faced with a pile of mail we have to deal with, maybe a good night’s sleep, and then we are back at work, dealing with the backlog of “stuff” that was what we wanted to escape with our well-earned holiday.


When really, not very far from where you live now, just by driving off the main roads. you will find a wonderland, that is pure, unpopulated by commerce and just a little farther, down the road waiting to be discovered.


Every time we venture off the tedious road of routine, we allow our “selves” to really holiday.  A holiday is when we re-energize, re-group, reconnect with the person we are.  Nature is the only true balm for the “soul”


Namaste      –      Oyashikiri


Pictures were taken in the Province of Quebec, near Rubert and Lac Peche



raw nature

Australian wilderness.a wandering memory

When we (a good majority of us) think of spending some time in the wilderness, we envision lush, rugged, environments, the pictures I use of sunsets and magical evenings under the stars, or calm waters on colourful fall days with the sun or moon reflecting of the crystal clear waters.  Ahhhhh yes… such themes make us feel warm, fuzzy maybe, for sure they are a for of eye candy…   The photographers have captured a still moment of beauty.

How about living near this location in Australia, where temperatures can be + 40 – 50 degrees centigrade (hot) and there is a lack of water.  Extreme weather can happen here, it is  wild country where  civilisation where it does exist, has to contend with the challenges every day.

Sitting in the comfort of an air climate controlled office with my morning super tall glass of ice coffee, I can admire the artist view that the photographer, took (awanderingmemory.com).  David and his wife travel all over the world visiting places they feel will enrich their lives with new experiences.  Through  his travels and his photography, we get to see place such as this that we wouldn’t otherwise see.

Australia the-endless-road

This is the endless highway that takes tourists and visitors through the Australian desert. David talks about some of what he felt was being missed by those who just drive through and not stop to explore. ”  It offers silence, true silence,” +”.. endless roads, dramatic sunsets, huge salt-pans, aboriginal heritage sites, hidden wildlife and clarity… ”

Have any of the above been on one of your “want” lists.  No of course we don’t have to travel over seas.. or for thousands of miles to find “true silence”… but we do have to make time to find what we want. AND to be in the moment, to always be aware of just what it  is we are “seeing” hearing” and “taking in”

silly smile

What can I say, there is silly in all of us… I’ve been living with a whippet far too long.. This pictures simply make me giggle and smile..  So… dearest readers.. who share these pages with me…. endure this moment with me…  S M I L E

Forget everything but the warmth of a smile  and enjoy a “silly”

much love to each and every one of  you..

I treasure you all.

namaste      –       oyashikiri

LOL… how many of you will see what I see in the above picture…. gosh you guys are so special…. xxxoo


Makoto on Ancestors’ day

timeGood Morning everyone, how are you today?  For those who are new to my blog, welcome.  Today is the 11th, of the month, in Perfect Liberty, the 11th is a day for remembering and expressing gratitude for the love and virtue of our ancestors.  In China and other countries, it was a natural and everyday part of life to honour our elders.  It is thanks to our ancestor’s virtue and Makoto (sincere effort) that we are here today.

The above picture, evoked a moment of tranquility from my memory banks.  A summer day, visiting in the country, playing in the tall grass, and escaping from the heat by playing by a creek that ran behind the old country store a relative had in the Algonquin Park area of Ontario.  For a city brat, this was so different and a totally new experience.  When you are young, you simply live the moments, you aren’t analyzing  or looking at your new friends with a ton of baggage in your head, you are taking life in, and responding to it with an innocence yet to be tested. You are living the moment, building your experiences in life, finding new emotions, discovering more of the world around you.

In my research this morning, I came across a picture of Betty White (actress) and a loaf of bread, interested in the connection I delved further into the post.  “Did you know that Betty White is older than sliced bread?” was the the sentence that went with the picture.  Of course, I know of Betty White, I’ve seen her in many sitcoms, but to be honest, I never really thought of her as a person of age, probably because in my journey through life, I have been entertained by her talents over the years, and have simply accepted her as “Betty”.  We all do it in some way form or other..  we take someone or some thing for granted….

Today, lets take a moment to give thanks with Makoto to our past, and our present!……. Let us ask for guidance and protection so we can continue to live the PL Way.. (a life of Perfect Liberty) (life with God/Tao)

Iireland x


photos – Pinterest, bottom photo id. Ireland,castle  


Challenge yourself with New things.

Challenge yourself with New things.

Choose to be loving, positive and affirmative.
Allow yourself to feel and express spontaneously the love of God that dwells within you
Life is interesting, we are always encountering unknown or new situations.
Don’t be afraid of failure, proactively challenge each new situation. Give complete awareness to “Divine” direction.

Realize the perfection that is within you, give expression to it as faith, hope,wisdom and understanding. Know that God is directing you, healing and enriching your life in a myriad of ways.

Claim your freedom by knowing that through God’s spirit within you, you will have the strength and wisdom to live a life where you can proactively meet each new situation with confidence.

Practice being spiritually aware.

In our travels yesterday we discovered this pumpkin farm,  It was unexpected and a delight to explore.  Let  your unique SELF shine through.  Bring colour into your world, enjoy the diversity and challenges life throws our way,Allow your Creativity to radiate the potential that is on stand-by, waiting to be utilized, expresss yourself.  LIFE IS ART…

AND have one of your best days ever. humming “love is in the air” =^_^=   GOOD MORNING everyone!

2013-03-22 9.9.2013 fall is coming 001

photos – local colour -Q

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