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Posts tagged ‘humour’

Good morning

Good morning, sharing a moment with you.  Long week-end here, clouds, sunshine and rain, must not forget rain.  With just a splash here and there of thunder and lighteninghound persuasionGarden Centres are open and have a steady stream of landscapers and gardeners wanting to get going ton their outdoor activities.  (this includes yours truly)

dog on beach

Yup, life is good.  thanks to the brilliant minds that composed or found and shared the graphics used today.  We all need SMILES.

PL calendar day 20    Find a good balance between your present and past experiences

Without forgetting your original intent, continue to develop your path by also relying on your knowledge and experience.




statement pictures


This picture along with the next one, were in my inbox this morning.


Both had me looking at the screen,  with multiple thoughts zinging through the old gray cells.  The caption came with the picture.

I have too many different scenarios that come to mind when I want to write my own take on these.  I love the potential these offered. Whoever started this sharing of creativity would be fun to catch up with.. to see how they came up with the idea.. what sparked their  artistic “expression”

The top drawing.. yes! I could relate to posting that a couple of times.. Of course silently in my head… I wish I had the light bulb in my art drawer to have come up with that one.

I am thankful for all of my blessings, and gall darn it… I truly appreciate the brilliant expression of others too.  How about it… do the above pictures inspire a heading from you???

Today is the 21st everyone Thanksgiving service is at 7PM tonight.

21- Let’s be thankful for everything we have right now

NOW is an accumulation of every moment leading up to it, and everything that continues to progress and develop to become “NOW”  Be thankful for everything.



pictures social media

express yourself

skeleton thinking

Do you find yourself waiting for the right moment.  Waiting for the “plan” to come together, then find out days, weeks later that “by golly”, it is not done yet, or you’ve lost the thread of that “great” idea?”

The PL Day 12  Carry Out What you believe in..

Once you have prepared everything to the best of your ability, seize any opportunity that comes your way and take action without hesitation.  Express yourself to the fullest.


There are times, when we can fool others, but try as we might, we cannot fool ourselves.  Deep down, we know ourselves, even when we try to do otherwise… The truth is within.

PL Precept #7  Everything exists in Relativity.



Pig fun

pig fun

well here I am

stuck in a cup

I simply pop up

offering you some fun

cuz I am bored

stuck in this cup

waiting for someone to finish

lunch or whatever

to come back and play

pig 2 fun

 I am sure if you colour me in

my smile will get broader

no one will notice

the tea is laced with gin

Valer eeee, valour aaaa ahahaha

I am a silly little piglet

sitting in tea

popping in

to peak at your chin


Happy Thursday to me

no reason, no rhyme

justtttt me


if you are feeling just as silly colour piglet in…

he/she is a piglet in need, indeed   !!!

Cancer can

montfort 8.6.17

Cancer can turn your life around

it can throw what you have known as reality

into a different dimension.

” What kind of cancer “, someone will ask..

personally, even though we have been told, it doesn’t matter

What matters is it has to e dealt  with..

Here is a little tidbit from today’s adventure,

Yesterday I had to do a small laundry, and decided to do it by hand,

hang it outside to dry, we’ve had a couple of beautiful days .. perfect

for laundry.  I anticipated that fresh smell one gets from clothes hung out to dry,

montfort Aug. 6.17

I got half my wish, one article, the one that I was waiting for, was dry, but a bird had flown over and left its signature on it.  All that came to mind when I saw it, was that “Nature” had a sense of humour, but I wasn’t laughing.

What else to do .. but… come in and wash it all over again.  The other item which I had washed .. just because, was linen fresh, and daisy clean.

I think dealing with cancer will be pretty much the same… It happens, it’s ours, now we have to simply deal with it.  It will be a new adventure for both of us.  My husband has had a wonderful attitude, positive and bright.  Together we will see it through.

Again, thank you all for being so wonderfully supportive.  We ARE, all ONE.

PL Precept # 12  Everything has a way according to its Name.

PL Precept #15  All is a Mirror

Cancer can bring people closer together, in PL we say Kamuwaza (God’s Act) … is part of life.

What can bring out the best in people, cancer can.


love, light, laughter, appreciation, faith, and gratitude make them part of your day, everyday, no matter what….


Pictures taken on the grounds of the Montfort Hospital, Ontario.Canada



tag, your turn


Life is happily moving along, life is very good, there appears to be chaos around you, but in your little world, each day is a brand new, happy day.

And then, and then, surprise, the magic wand comes around and a little tap, tap tap, and darn, something changes.

computer-imagejayeshprofitfromprices.com (PC search – computer cartoons)

You get a new computer, because your old, true blue friend, simply refuses to budge, you shut down one night, and it simply refused to wake up. Yes, the new one is top of the line able to do all that you want it to do.  However, it is not warm and fuzzy, it doesn’t remember your last dinner for two, it has not shared any real “moments” with you.  It is a cold black, metal box.


Nothing is where it used to be, and every time you turn it on. you just know you will discover another learning curve.  Sigh.  I know, these opportunities are sent to keep our gray matter from getting sluggish.  To keep us eager for more knowledge, encourage our creativity.

Great way to start the day, how is your day going?  Change is good, mantra for the day, change is good, change is good..

Smiles and waves, good morning, it is the start of a Friday, I’m told there are black Friday sales going on everywhere.  Even here in Canada.  time to take a break and go out to play.

I know my new friend here on my desk will be waiting for me when I return.

broken crayons





taking ownership


I love many of the minion cartoons, not all, but most.  I confess, some I don’t get the humour at all.  And then, others like this one, connect with me right away.

We all have the freedom of choice, some of us exercise that right, another can be passive about the world around them, however, I’ve learned that passive does not mean indifferent.

My personality is what it is.  I now know after living all these years with my “self” that to others I can be not only opinionated, but stubborn.  Do I think of myself as being stubborn, no, do I think I’m opinionated, no…. BUT… if the other person’s reality is that I am.  Then guess what…in my interactions with that person, I have not responded in a way that encouraged communication, or in turn,  they find me to be stubborn and opinionated, because I don’t agree with them.  Fun eh!

The only person I have control over, or can change, is MYSELF.

Every day is a lesson in .. living life to its fullest potential, to do my best when sharing with others to bring happiness and a smile, whenever I can.  I like being happy, and tend to remove myself when I meet up continuously with negativity.

It is not easy to walk away, or take a stand, but, mental health, and our ability to cope with some of the negative energy that bombards us each day,  is just as important as being heart healthy..A healthy  positive and loving spirit, will go a long way, in seeing daily rewards grow.


Wordless Wednesday -location location


Have a sun filled day everyone!

minions 3

bears repeating, just saying


low mein Monday


I confess, I’m a minion fan.  I don’t go seeking them out, but when one lands in my mailbox, I find that for the next lost minutes, I’m following the trail to more.  This one, spoke loudly enough that I claimed a copy to share.  How many times in a day, does my LAZY mind make itself known.

PL Principle # 14

I will not have a mind to be lazy.  I will not have complaints while working,

nor be overly concerned and complain about others.


PL Principle # 5

I will not get angry at anyone or anything


always, I love you

smile and share the happiness

YOU are loved.

cartoons – Pinterest

jet lag- Japan-Canada


Jet lag- stuck in two realities, your body is physically in one place, but the mind,spirit and other sundries are the void somewhere between the two.  In Japan I was up in the wee hours because back home it was daytime.  Now I’m back home and I’m up in the wee hours because in Japan it is daytime.  PL Precept # 15 All is a Mirror


I travelled miles, spent hours in the airports, wandered what seems  days from one terminal to another.  I was in a constant state of “now” yet days later, after finally touching ground and being back on familiar ground, my “now” is still in Japan.  PL Precept # 7  Everything exists in Relativity.


Is this the answer at 2:26 in the morning, spaghetti with anchovies, garlic and olive oil. NO.  One thing that was made clear to me in Japan, was that I needed to cultivate a healthier way of eating, for me that is portion control.


hmmm, I think its time for me to try to go back to bed and find the door to slumber land.  Or I could stay here and be silly with you.  For sanity all around, I will go try to catch some zzzzz’s.  Although my mind is turning over with thoughts on how jet lag is so much like a state of being in another world, one that is parallel to the one we are in.  If only it could be as simple as walking from one room to another, the two worlds are so similar, yet so different. they really are worlds apart.  NOW I’m embraced by both, and physically I can only be in one place at a time.


Namaste        –         Oyashikiri

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