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Appreciate your ancestors and their virtues. We are here today thanks to our ancestors. Let’s pay our respects and give sincere thanks to those who came before us. (PL 2011.11)

Service today at 10 a.m.

Here is a close up of my car/peanut thief.

Smile, be happy.


Treasure those fleeting inspirations. The best time to seize an opportunity is when you first notice it. Good timing is crucial to working efficiently, (PL2011.9)

1st door, is inspiration for a storyline. Had me wondering why not just change the lock or have another key made.?

Knowing my love of crows/ravens. Nick and Mel who are traveling in Europe and Iceland, sent a short video of the large gathering of crows/ravens when visiting these ruins, (they don’t show in the recapture of the doorway etc. but they were there and very vocal.)

The third door speaks for itself. Hope that one of the above inspires a story or two, Being this is Thursday Door day.. here is the link for the Thursday Door feature at Dan’s No Facilities site. https://nofacilities.com/2024/05/09/titanic-doors/



Don’t give up! Stick with it, as many times as it takes. Sometimes you want to just throw in the towel and say, “I give up”, but that is the time for you to dig deep and push through. Your sincere effort will invite a good outcome.

nugget… for seeing the birds, the earlier you journey out into the woods, the more likely you will find “activity”… we’ve all heard the expression.. “it is the early bird that catches the worm”


Yes, the fruit trees are flowering, and so is the magnolia. AND the mosquitoes are starting to be active. bring out the repellent, check what is left from last year does it need replacing? Thank you for your kindness and support. Little steps…


Who knew! yesterday I heard a Cackling Goose, hmmm looked to me like the Canada Goose, but no… I eventually had time to look it up, Sorry I had to take a screen shot during a video to get this shot to share with you. It was migrating !!! and I got to hear it. Now I’m wondering if that is the bird I’m seeing with the Sand Crane some mornings.

Again I’m remined one should not take it for granted when we see a bird at a distance that it is not be dismissed as just another XYZ. I’m relatively new to the world of birds.. it is an adventure in learning.

I have been watching the growth of a red trillium… such a little beauty, I didn’t get to see one last year.. and this year it is my first find.

can’t wait to see how she is doing today!!!

PL Precept # 16 all things Progress and Develop

Everything that happens to you is material for growth. Approach everything with a firm belief that, “It will turn out for the best” Anything can be used as material for progress and development, PL 2015.4


Day of Peace

May 1st. in PL we celebrate the 1st of each month with a Day of Peace ceremony. We pray for World Peace and renew our dedication to live as peaceful human beings in our own worlds. Today was also my Mother’s birthday, I will do a special prayer in her memory, and include all my family and friends who have shared part of my journey with me. Love in one’s life is what brings contentment.

Always remember that world peace is everything. If each and every one of us prays for World Peace, we can make it a reality. Let’s keep this in mind as we live each day. PL2015.1

I am blessed to have kind thoughtful people in my life, I appreciate each and every one. Life’s journey would be bleak and bare if we can’t share. Thank YOU all for being part of the world I live in.

Begin today with a smile, spring is bringing new growth, new hope, the buds will open, a new season has begun. We are all ONE under the moon/sun.



New encounters can help you change. Be up for anything even if its out of your comfort zone. This is a chance for you to improve yourself as a human being. (PL 2020.30)

PL Precept #6 efface your self-conceptions




Life is 10% what happens to me and 90 percent of how I react to it. (Charles Swindoll)

With one thought, “the world” will change. changing your way of thinking will make a difference on how you perceive the world. (PL 2021.24)

She was not alone, her mate came closer and kept watch that I would not go closer. I slowly backed away, happy to have shared a domestic moment with the pair.

Have a good day everyone!



Be cheerful and friendly with those around you. Other people can sense how you are feeling. So, be cheerful. PL2022.24

PL Precept 18 Each moment is a turning point



Put your heart into your words. Do you tend to speak in just a matter of fact tone? It is important to put your heart into your words. PL 2022.19


photo. Holy Land, Japan


Doorways, entrances, there is always a certain intrigue ..sometimes more obvious than others. Even at night, we are drawn to buildings because of an entrance/doorway. Some can be very deceiving, impressive and exciting on the outside, but uninviting once inside. Other doors or functional, strong and commanding, while inside there is calm and serenity.

Today I have combined the Thursday Door challenge that I participate in, and pictures of two of the Perfect Liberty churches. the streamline one on the left, is the PL Church in Hawaii, the bottom right is the Ottawa church, standing in front of the main entrance are, Rev Hiroki Matsuki and his wife, Yoshiko.

Reminder today is Ancestors Day, there will be a 10 a.m ceremony, if unable to attend, please take a moment for a short prayer mid morning if you can.

Today’s quote

Give thanks to your ancestors and to your parents. You exist today thanks to your ancestors and parents. Express your appreciation by devoting yourself for the sake of others and society. (PL 2015.11)

Note* In today’s prayers, make time to remember “All” who have touched your life in some way, been there for you, travelled some of your journey. Some may have been strangers, you met and never saw again, but the meeting left a lasting impression. Could be a voice at the other end of line, who when you needed kindness, was there for you. Gratitude and Appreciation are gifts we not only extend to others, but benefit our own lives.


Today being Thursday, as always if you want more doors, please visit Dan’s No Facilities site and enjoy the trip around the world enjoying the doors shared by other door bloggers. https://nofacilities.com/2024/04/11/alumni-doors/

Photos.Rev. Goto, except last one taken in Ottawa by yours truly when new ministers arrived.

Cheers everyone!

Enjoy, shared from the heart

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