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Posts tagged ‘nesting’



Life is 10% what happens to me and 90 percent of how I react to it. (Charles Swindoll)

With one thought, “the world” will change. changing your way of thinking will make a difference on how you perceive the world. (PL 2021.24)

She was not alone, her mate came closer and kept watch that I would not go closer. I slowly backed away, happy to have shared a domestic moment with the pair.

Have a good day everyone!


Friday smile

lemur from 1994 magazine

Whenever you need a smile, you can always count on someone to pop up and say – Hey!

Hi!  I’m thinking of you…  Makes me smile every time.

Everyone gets busy in their own day-to-day living.  When someone takes the time to drop in and say hello…  appreciate the moment…  this is one way the electronic world has changed over the years..  Where before we waited by the mailbox for word from a friend, now… with the internet, a few clicks and the smile is on its way.

This little guy I’ve been dragging around with me for years, I mean YEARS.  He was on some magazine cover that someone had thrown out.   I rescued him, every so often he pops up,  I find him amongst papers, or stacks of magazines.. we share the familiar (by now) hello… and…. puff…. he’s gone till next time.

We need to tidy up and clean house  in the fall, I prepare for nesting come the days when it is so cold outside.. we know we will be enjoying it from inside.  For all the crafters and collectors out there, check your stash.  Time to stock up.

image1 sending kisses

Blessings to you all.  Share a smile today.  Love with all your heart, what goes out, comes back… Always.




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