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Posts tagged ‘photos’


The early morning light, was not going to get any brighter, yet I found the sight of the single tree still standing with its crisp mantle of dusty orange leaves, appealing.

falling snow invites the visitor to linger

I found today to be beautiful, it was moody, it was stirring, most of all it was full of expressions waiting to be discovered.

Appreciate the Makoto (sincerity) of the people who came before you. Everything we have today was built upon the hard work of our ancestors and the people who came before us. Always remember to be thankful and humble and continue to build on their past successes.

Perfect Liberty 2019,11

The 11th. Ancestors day ceremony, is one of my favourites, today’s service was powerful

Voices in unison we prayed, heads bent in reverence and respect for our loved ones, and those who came forward and went into battle to keep us all free from those who would do us harm.

Where-ever you are in the world, please continue to pray for world peace.

PL Precept #7 Everything exists in relativity


Please note that tomorrow, I am taking my “unreliable” “malfunctioning” PC back to the store for a check up. I will be back asap.


Sometimes we see the changes we are experiencing … and sometimes, we are so caught up in living the moment, we actually see only the frame we are in.

Note to self.. focus on present, but also, expand your awareness to include more than just your SELF.

The shortcut to progress is to listen with a humble mind. If you are stuck in your own ways, you will eventually become bogged down. Let’s remember to be humble, learning what we can from the knowledge, advice and suggestions of others.

Perfect Liberty 2016.4.


top photo -Nick

photos HT9

gouda, smoked please


standing tall


PL calendar day 20 – Sunday –   Find a good balance between your Present and Past Experiences

Without forgetting your original intent, continue to develop your own path by also relying on your knowledge and experience.




it is all about the lines,

the patience of placing each rock and boulder, just so..

sun and shade..

soft and hard..








Friday morning


Hearts and Flowers to you today..


PL Perfect Liberty Calendar day 2

Let’s set  higher goals and work to improve ourselves

Lets work towards our goals while keeping a clear vision of what we hope to achieve.  Your strong conviction and Makoto (sincere effort) will hep drive you towards accomplishing what you set out to do.




Wordless Wednesday

PL Calendar day 31        Don’t hesitate to show kindness to others

Do you ever find yourself hesitating to show kindness to someone?  It is when you put your thoughts into action that you can show others what is in your heart.



flowers at TD bells corners

Windows, so important in our daily lives.  Often neglected, still, they reflect and offer up a wonderful array of visual delights.  I hoped the light wouldn’t change before I captured the beautiful yellow flowers.  I was granted my wish.

window multi craft

I know I am not alone in my joy in the simplicity of simply enjoying the creativity in the world that surrounds me.

What have you seen out of your window recently that had a WOW factor.

Hope your week-end is full of discoveries, you are in my thoughts, always and forever.


PL Calendar day 14 – Being considerate of others is just as important as what works for you.




nick and mel 2017

Stillness in the moment – captured – never forgotten

nick may 11d

Always live with world peace in your heart

each and everyone of your actions can inspire peace within your family, your community and the world around you.  this peace will eventually help lead to world peace

Today service is at 10 a.m.

Sunday regular service 10 a.m.

the 11th. Ancestors day 10.am.



photos M&N


a silent moment



taken by Atsuko Tsuji in Japan Jan.26.16

PL day 9 2015  Don’t be swayed by the past; it is what you do from now on that counts  Your failures as well as your successes are now in the past.  Always look towards the future and start with a fresh outlook.



snow Friday

IMG_5965There is one thing to say about snow that I really enjoy.  As soon as I wake, I can hear the difference,  The world (on the street around me) is quiet.

The leaves, and colour that remained on the ground is now.  A blanket of white.



Bom dia a todos.Utilize all of your potential!

Utilize todo seu potencial.  Don’t hold anything back, Give today and every day your all.

PL calendar day 16… Always approach things with full enthusiasm and energy.  Then things will develop in a new direction.

“The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship”  Francis Bacon 1561-1626



photos  hT9


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