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Thursday Doors – practical


here I am, no-nonsense

practical me

yet here I am for all to see

my fifteen minutes of fame

I serve a purpose

you see

so, from me to you

how do you do


Thursday Doors,

April 28th.

PL Precept # 12  Everything has a way according to its name


castle in the sky? cottage by the sea?

Spain, Asturias,Covadonga  High above the clouds

a castle sat, built of stone and made to last

when perched on a chair by a window

we could look out and see forever….

Looking down we saw the town around

and people going about their daily lives

me, sometimes you, and even we two

could sit for hours and enjoy the view

But what  was there for us to do

when not with you, I sat alone

sitting, staring, but not sharing

Are the people below any different

as the go about, do they look up and wonder

what we are doing up here high in the sky

Scotland,Highlands In my cottage by the sea

the coming home is always such s joy

we seem our home. nestled  there,

with the water, hills and valleys

as for as the eye can see

We get to hear the water grumble when it storms

and see the clouds roll in to turn the sky
from blue to gray

Our time is measured by the natural

flow of morning light to end of day.

We know we are not alone,

we see the cars drive by

even the odd hiker will stop to say “hi..”

Yet, we often wonder,

would life be different if we were not by the sea…


Guess what… we all need food to nourish our bodies, and each and every one of us, has our own food preferences.  The same applies to our spiritual needs, we are all wanting to find, love, peace, and tranquility in our days/nights. We each need to travel our own paths to towards this goal.  But what is the common in thread in all of us, big, small, tall, short, whatever, is the love we give ourselves.


Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

* Spain, Covadonga,Asturias

**Scottish Highlands

*** ginger-peanut Somen Noodles

What happened

52174f96e59f1c156bda5189e3e0275eHappiness is not about luck, it is about how you perceive the world around you.  I grew up thinking I was Chinese, then one day discovered that I was part Irish.  Go figure on my Mother’s side, Did that change who I was, no, for some reason, I have always just said, when asked, I’m Chinese.  Interestingly, come March 17, I want to wear green, and I feel a kinship for all that is Ireland. (Irish)


The PL teaching for the 17th . is “The things that happen in our lives are neither good or bad.  It is our perspective that determine whether the outcome is good or unfortunate.”

When I wrote my virtual blog earlier, http://virtualluna.blogspot.ca/ I wrote about weddings, love, partnerships, it took me on a trip down memory lane.

Later in the day I spoke with a  special lady who told me of a beautiful relationship she had, and how it had ended when her partner passed away.

Love is such a beautiful emotion, when there is true love, I am a believer that life is and will always hold that love in a very special part of who we are.  A good friendship never really dies, it fades away, but the joy of that friendship will live in our hearts for a long time.

I agree, some people are just not meant to be lovers, or married, but at one time they shared a very special bond, and that memory, that experience, will always be part of their chemistry, (makeup).it will form who they are in the present.  We all know the expression, “it is better to have loved and lost, then to never have loved at all”.


What happens when we fall in love, and what goes wrong, who really knows.  But when the happiness and joy of being together is no longer there,  When you no longer can share your heart willingly, then it is time to let go and move on.  Love is a blessing, it is a gift, not a chain that binds.

So today, while the leprechaun play, and the fiddler has us dancing, hold out your hand and clasp the friends you care about …  recognize and appreciate that this is a day to be happy that they are in you life.


“May the road rise up to meet you

May the wind be always at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face

And the rains fall soft upon your fields”


“and until we meet again may God hold you in the 

palm of his hand.”

I truly love each and every one of you…

Namaste      –     Oyashikiri


Time – space

Outer space


sin aferrarse al pasado, comience de ahora en adelante



The past is the past, whether it be failures or successes.  It is what you do from today, the present, that counts.

Start each day with a fresh out look

Yesterday a friend and I took a long drive, we left the house shortly after nine and didn’t return till about 12 hours later.  We did nothing that could be called exciting, we simply did what we felt like doing, ate when we were hungry and enjoyed time together.  We took back country roads, letting the  countryside roll past us like beautiful wall paper scenery.  We were not in front of our computers, we were actually seeing the landscapes for ourselves.   The day was sunny, the skies were blue, a tad on the chilly side if we were in the shade too long, and walking around a corner, or into the wind was =^_^=  let’s say, refreshing.

Even towards the end of the day, we were both tired, but it was a good tired.  We were able to end the day each in our own homes, with a contentment that took us into the evening, with a positive glow to our energy.

Del sentimiento de gratitud nace la felicidad

When we truly appreciate,  we will find Happiness

My prayer today is that  each and every one of you, has a happy and rewarding day.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

Pics from darkmatterspace.wordpress.com

without crying – nem chorar


“Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike, each has their suffering.  Some suffer too much, others too little.”

Gautama Buddha



live with hope

in your heart

Your soul will be enlightened

when you learn 

not to complain

without suffering

without fear 

without crying.

do not be attached

but do not walk away

life is for living

each joy

each emotion

is a sign 

that you are alive

trust in the moment

a new memory

is being born.


Namaste     –     Oyashikiri


slow down

Today I saw a transformation that until I witnessed it, I had only heard about.  In the PL church, not so much in North America but in Japan, and Brazil, during service, members of the congregation will stand and testify of the changes, positive and affirmative that Pl has made in their lives.  I myself have felt and been blessed with knowing the wonder, contentment, joy and rewards of having a profound experience.  Today I saw it.

A friend was in a very anxious state, and asked if she could come to our church and pray.  She is not a member, nor had ever expressed any interest, I was surprised but pleased that she felt that coming to the church would help her to cope with her current “problems”  I called ahead to know if a minister would be available, and yes there would be.

This friend is a strong woman of faith, she attends her church on a regular basis, and makes every effort to do a pilgrimage   yearly to the bigger cities and the shrines there.  I had not seen her in a number of weeks and was taken a back when I saw her, she had aged, and seemed totally defeated and sad.  Life had been throwing her “a lot of curve balls.”

We get busy in life, and I immediately felt a pang of guilt that I had not kept in touch, but life is what it is, and there simply had not been the “right” moment.  Our church as I have mentioned is non-denominational, I knew my friend to be a very staunch catholic and I wondered what had brought her to this moment, where she wanted to pray in “my” church. If you are aware of the inside of a catholic church and the inside of a Japanese, zen type room, this would have been a totally “new” experience for her.

She walked in with what appeared to be the burdens of the world on her shoulders.. When she came out of her consultation with Rev. Tiago, she literally glided out into the area where I was sitting.  Her face was radiant, and as she threw her arms wide, she said,”I feel a hundred pounds lighter”.  She glowed.  Her face, her posture, her voice, it was amazing.

The 21st is Thanksgiving in PL (Perfect Liberty),  I will give thanks for having been a part of this wonderful day, I myself had to slow down, I had to go into waiting mode… while she was with Rev. T.  and I really really enjoyed it. I was present in the now, and simply B E I N G.

“A Thankful Heart leads to Happiness”

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri

slow down 1

Do you remember who Eddie Cantor was?

lazy >< motivation

quote Jeff Foster -fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akkamaihd,net

What if I feel like having the best darn lazy afternoon i can have.  Objective, doing only what makes me feel sinfully lazy, resting in a chair, feet up, with nothing but a good book, or better still, closing my eyes and enjoying the sound of nothing in particular.

Why, must I feel that I should be motivated to do something, like wash the bathroom floor, or dust the cobwebs from the ceiling.  Or, motivated to answer a phone because it is ringing.  We are often compelled to respond to the “need of others” rather than to listen to our inner voice, to chill/relax and to let our own thoughts and feelings take their time to materialize.


I have no problem doing this…. do you?

*“grant me the wisdom to know that a human’s true path is to cast aside one’s ego”

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

phone pic. chrisstott.com

* PL Prayer

konnichi wa, ni hao!


Namaste    –  Oyashikiri



“What do you want that for” my bemused son asked me, after I realized I didn’t have my iPhone with me and needed him to take the picture.  The old truck was sitting forlorn and cold under a blanket of snow. Other trucks in the auto wreckers had been picked clean, or partially dismantled, this one sat old, ignored and alone.

We had arrived at the pickers unprepared, we had no tools with us nor were we really dressed to wander through the back forty on this cold blustery day.  However, my son, knowing I wanted to see an auto wrecker’s yard, took me there after we had our lunch. “Just to look!”  Of course after signing in and we began to wander, my mind went into 2nd, then 3rd gear.

Metal beauties, some mangled more than others, doors gone, engines removed, seats, steering wheels, nothing of value was left if a picker was after the part.  Then I saw it an old Chevy grill with a blue logo on it.”oh honey” look? do you think we can get it off” by now, after years of his Mother, my son takes things in stride.  “we have no tools”..  “I know, but look” and I dashed back to an old truck we had seen along the way that had a bolt remover in its reject pile.  “what do you think” (doesn’t take much to get me excited and as pleased as a young gal in a dress shop)

I truly believe that if you really want something, there is always a way.  It took us several tries, but we got the grill off, and without damaging it.  Please note, my son’s ingenuity and desire to “get it done” helped. =^_^=  I was so chuffed.. my first trip to an auto wreckers, and I had a souvenir  !!!

4c011dc3a26425803c4558ab78a5176bSometimes in life, we see something that other’s don’t.  If it is something you want, really want, then go for it.  We are the masters of our destiny.

What do you see when you first look at the above picture?

Today I took a trip to anywhere, and had a good time. My friend said “where we going?”, my reply was “somewhere and anywhere”.  She accepted that, and was delighted in the results.



Bom dia, Good morning !

inner peace 1  found sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net


Where are your thoughts today. When the days past have been busy and full, have you made time for you.  Have you made time to say THANK YOU for all you’ve received so far, yes whether for the challenges or the joys.  Does your heart rejoice at the end of the day?

inner peace2  via kristi dingwell morrison

When I first began a life of teaching and service I was a student of life, many decades later, I am constantly learning and relearning lessons that I thought I had learned already.  However, when I reflect on my most inner feelings, or when my emotions are being rendered senseless with constant chatter from my tattle telling mind, I realize that I’ve been forgetting that I am the captain of my ship.  Whatever the circumstance, it was through my choices over time that I am currently in the puddle I’m in.  Sigh, the quotes and sayings that are posted all over social media, and used in my blog and others,  are great, but reading them and acknowledging the truth of them isn’t enough.


We have to live the words we believe in, we have to acknowledge and give thanks to  the Universe for the learning we are acquiring. Live and learn brothers and sisters,this is life, this is living.  Express and live with full Makoto (sincerity)  Reach out and say thank you today when you can, even for minor matters, smile from the heart and have a blessed day.

lotus flower - flickr.com  Bahman Farzad

White Lotus -Sanskrit Pundarika – in Buddhism, the lotus flower resembles the purifying of the spirit which is born into murkiness. =^_^=

Namaste   – Oyashikiri

*** social media

Lotus -Bahman Farzad on flickr

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