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Spain, Asturias,Covadonga  High above the clouds

a castle sat, built of stone and made to last

when perched on a chair by a window

we could look out and see forever….

Looking down we saw the town around

and people going about their daily lives

me, sometimes you, and even we two

could sit for hours and enjoy the view

But what  was there for us to do

when not with you, I sat alone

sitting, staring, but not sharing

Are the people below any different

as the go about, do they look up and wonder

what we are doing up here high in the sky

Scotland,Highlands In my cottage by the sea

the coming home is always such s joy

we seem our home. nestled  there,

with the water, hills and valleys

as for as the eye can see

We get to hear the water grumble when it storms

and see the clouds roll in to turn the sky
from blue to gray

Our time is measured by the natural

flow of morning light to end of day.

We know we are not alone,

we see the cars drive by

even the odd hiker will stop to say “hi..”

Yet, we often wonder,

would life be different if we were not by the sea…


Guess what… we all need food to nourish our bodies, and each and every one of us, has our own food preferences.  The same applies to our spiritual needs, we are all wanting to find, love, peace, and tranquility in our days/nights. We each need to travel our own paths to towards this goal.  But what is the common in thread in all of us, big, small, tall, short, whatever, is the love we give ourselves.


Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

* Spain, Covadonga,Asturias

**Scottish Highlands

*** ginger-peanut Somen Noodles

Comments on: "castle in the sky? cottage by the sea?" (4)

  1. I absolutely love your pictures and the imagery. Wow. I dream of traveling to Scotland one day.
    Thank you for your like on my recent post. I hope you will visit again and maybe follow. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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