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Posts tagged ‘Buddha’


When you face difficulties start with anything you can do. When you are able to grasp the situation, you will surely be able to notice something you can do,

Perfect Liberty 2022.12

Sometimes in life we have to step back, and let the world stand still .. allow new possibilities to present themselves.


photo.PL Japan


Time to contemplate, think about the twelve months we have just enjoyed. Seems it was only yesterday we were saying goodbye to 2022. How was your year, you content with how far you’ve progressed? It is a journey isn’t it. Each day a new adventure. New opportunities.

Before entering a place of meditation/prayer/worship… in Japan, there are places to ceremonially wash prior to entering t he dedicated space for showing appreciation/gratitude.

We all have our own way of preparing for and entering into a new year. Whatever your tradition(s) you are wishes all the best of everything in the coming year, Good Health, Prosperity and above all Much Happiness

PL Precept # 1  Life is ART

PL Precept # 20 Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter.

PL Precept # 21 Live in Perfect Liberty


To visit the Okinawa New Year Festival Sim, to see the shops, the temple/shrines and the landscape of Japan, the Okinawa New Year Festival is open, there will be celebrations later in January, If you want to visit a traditional tea shop, or see what the inside of a home is like.. this is the place to visit and explore. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ryukyu/43/7/28 every day it gets busier as word spreads. Enjoy!

stuck or paused



Finding a balance between past and the present. – Find a good balance between your present and past experiences.

Appreciate the strengths as well as the shortcoming in others.

and today’s thought.. PL. day 23rd.  Once you’ve set out to do something, it is your job.  If you accept a task, made the choice, took the option, whatever, own it.

In PL we believe that when things happen to us, always there is a meaning, or a reason, our actions, behaviours brought us to the/that moment.

buddha waits 2We are not cast in stone, we are not without feelings, nor are we unaffected by the world around us.  Change is the only constant in life, each day, each day, brings a new NOW.


Bom dia everyone, here we are mid-week, how joyful is that.  Happy Wednesday !  Share a smile it is your gift to the world

” Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing ”  Mother Teresa

Wordless Wednesday =sunshine yellows and….


So pretty, so bright, little dandelion

you are the Bee’s delight


no matter where you grow, 

your golden glow

will beckon


and of course, euphorbia polychroma

the dense tuft of surprisingly green leaves

and lovely bright yellow bracts


reaching for the skies 

the magnolia tree is preparing to shine

in a day or two

these delicate  fuchsia buds will open


the deep defined leaves of the ivy 

have started their climb


soon the buddha will be covered

not smothered,

but dressed in a living cloak or vest


next to the corkscrew hazel

this Amur maple has

started to protest the long winter

and is showing her strong desire

to break free and thrive again


all around

new growth abounds

the ground has come alive

and so my dears, have I

for like the seasons

each day is a new beginning

as the bees stir and begin their quests

the delicious dandelions

awaits their visit

Yay another day has begun

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

pictures and text -Q

Buen dia, Good morning, Bom dia

Tome todo con sentimiento de gratitud

Accept Everything With Appreciation


Did you know that a honey bee will visit over 2 thousand flowers in a day if it needs to!  That is perseverance to get a job done.

Could this be where we got the saying, “busy bees”

honey bee

Sea una persona capaz de agradecer todas las cosas que acontecen ante sus ojos.

Aquellos que agradecen mucho son felices.

Today is the 21st and in PL our evening service is about appreciation, and giving thanks.

Today’s lesson

Become a person who can be thankful for anything that happens to them.

A person who is always thankful is a happy person.

Namaste      Oyashikiri

bee and daisy


landscape 2Into the world you came

a fresh tender seedling

protected by the elements

you grew into a young man

strong,determined and resourceful

you married, had a family

and in turn, you sheltered

and gave your children the tools

they would require to grow

and succeed in/on their journey thru life

then one day, with your 100th year approaching

your work on earth was done

you were called away

your journey here was over

now…. your children

are left to mourn and say goodbye


saying goodbye is not the same for everyone

nor does each child really have the same memories of what was

for each child is unique, born at different times

their lessons, their knowledge base vary

often … the distance in their thinking

and the process to the solutions are and can be miles apart


The reality is that the Divine energy that connects us all

appears in different forms to each and every one of us

our past is ever-present in our moment

and our moments are always NOW

There is no real beginning or end

We either are, or we are not.

when love is pure,

when love is true

it is endless

closure, is a figment

of the mind.




Tiger's nest monastery, Paro,Bhutan (by druzi)A monastery in Paro Bhutan called the Tiger’s Nest.

My day started with what I was finding to be a very vexing problem.  I was doing a project in Photoshop, (software program) and for some reason, something that I knew I could do, wasn’t happening.  No matter what I did or how I tried to make it work, it wasn’t working.  Stubborn to a fault, I was determined to get this project done, and off my “To Do list”

To reach the Tiger’s Nest one must travel a very winding and steep path up the mountain.  It is easily done when one takes the time to know the route, and to listen to the more experienced traveler.  When one is stubborn, we don’t always reach out, we instead waste time by repeating the process that we aren’t doing right in the first place.

A call to a wonderful talented friend in the UK. set me back on the path, this time with better coordinates. I had interpreted the numbers wrong at the very start, I assumed,…. based on that assumption, everything else I did was not working. My friend is a born leader/teacher, she didn’t do it for me, she redirected my thinking so that I was working with the right numbers, in so doing the calculations worked.

There are times when we need to reach out… we need to allow the input of another “voice”  Not to tell us what to do, but to guide us in making the right choices.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri


BRAVE THE CLIMB TO THE TIGER’S NEST Taktsang Palphug, commonly known as Tiger’s Nest, is a seventeenth-century structure clinging to a mountainside a dizzying 10,200 feet above Paro Valley. Why the name Tiger’s Nest? Because it’s said that in the eighth century, Guru Rinpoche flew to this exact spot on the back of a tiger


It was/is said

That in the sky, the heavens above, there is no east/west, north/south, it is the human need for words and direction, that these distinctions were made.  Then over time, the mind believed it to be true…  Because it was said, does not make it so.

Japan, boulder


Buddha  “You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by Your anger.

PL Principle # 5  I will not get angry at anyone or anything.

In PL (Perfect Liberty), PL Precept #4 Being Annoyed Limits your Expression,

PL Precept #5 is One’s Self Is Lost by Being Emotional.

The picture above is of a boulder  with indentations, found on the grounds of  Shikoku temple. Japan.  It is said that if one hits it with another rock in different places, it will give a sound of various musical notes.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

*artist in Japan, Ojisan Jake

without crying – nem chorar


“Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike, each has their suffering.  Some suffer too much, others too little.”

Gautama Buddha



live with hope

in your heart

Your soul will be enlightened

when you learn 

not to complain

without suffering

without fear 

without crying.

do not be attached

but do not walk away

life is for living

each joy

each emotion

is a sign 

that you are alive

trust in the moment

a new memory

is being born.


Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

living in the moment

977b9042fda61356a59f87c1600dae3bWhen we live the PL way, we live in the moment, and we experience all of what life has to offer.  We are students of life.

PL Principle #1      I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto (sincerity) into ALL I say and do.

Saturday I had planned to stay home, and work on my blog.  That was my plan for the day, the Universe had other ideas.. mid morning I found myself on the highway headed out of town, towards a thrift shop about a 20 minute drive from where I live, on a super highway.  Back roads would have taken twice the time or longer.  I zipped along with no idea of what lay ahead.  As the miles flew by my mood got lighter, my thoughts clearer.  The day was a charmer, clear, cool and brisk.


As my journey continued, I found myself driving along country roads, past farmers fields, stretches of open road with nothing but plowed fields with their light dusting of snow.  There were areas of woodlands, with creeks and the odd boulder or two.  As the scenes before me changed so did the thoughts in my mind.  Instead of jumbled and tossed around one on top of the other,they were spaced out, calmer, and more focused.



From my first destination, I had planned on another destination that was across country back roads to another non profit location, south west of my original starting point.  I was almost there, when to my surprise I decided to head north up a highway that would lead me home instead of further away.  OK I thought, I’ll just visit this other shop that is on the highway once I’m in the city.


When I was driving through a very small hamlet, where the grocery store once was, I saw large Chinese lettering, and a cars stationed in front of the building.  I have driven by this building often enough, when it was a grocery store, we had stopped once so I could get water.  It had been vacant now for some time. With no thought at all, I turned in and parked.  Walked up to the door to knock, only to have it open in welcome as I arrived.

18 rules of life

I had arrived in time for a special service and lecture by a visiting monk from China (Mongolia).  Who knew!  The member who spoke to me was very gracious, and when another member arrived who spoke English arrived, I was helped to “dress” for the service (they participants wore special robes to show their respect while in the temple) and how to hold my hands when chanting.  (no I had never chanted before, nor had I ever attended a Buddhist service)  Yes the service was in Chinese, and NO I do not speak Chinese.


In PL (Perfect Liberty)  -PL Precept 11 – Always be with GOD

Saturday, I was living PL Principle #1 – I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto into all I say and do.

and PL Principle #3   – I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.


Take the road to wherever it may lead,

where you are is where you need to be

Trust, believe and be set free  (Q)


Namaste   –  Oyashikiri

if you would like information on the Ottawa Amitabha Buddhist Society of Canada, their contact information is      amtb.ottawa@yahoo.ca    (613) 821-3181


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