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Posts tagged ‘prayer’


Whether you are happy or not depends on your perspective, The things that happen in your life are neither good nor bad, It is your perspective that determines whether the outcome is good or unfortunate, PL 2015.17

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point.



Always work to heighten your “inner sensitivity” your life will take on greater dimensions when you are able to perceive your surroundings with more sensitivity. Let’s continue to learn and add to our knowledge and experience, and cultivate a fresh sense of beauty.,

Perfect Liberty 2015.29
  • *how much are we wiling to give up so that everyone wins*


Things that happen to US all have a meaning, Everything that happens to us happens for a reason. Each and every occurrence is a chance for you to improve yourself

Perfect Liberty 2019.24

The call for prayers this past week or so have been many, our friends, people in our community are “in need” please add special prayers in your daily meditations for each and everyone who is in need of healing and positive energy.

True faith and courage are like a kite – an opposing wind raises it higher




Praying before taking action changes outcome. Have clear wishes and do your best. Then something new will open up for you.

Perfect Liberty 2022.27

Put Makoto even into small things. Don’t let things go with “oh well”. You will have a different outcome if you put Makoto (sincerity) into your actions

Perfect Liberty 2023 27

In Perfect Liberty we believe in prayer (positive thinking/meditation) whatever the definition is to you, it is when we take time to be present in our world, and focus with full intent on what it is we are thinking of at that moment in time.

On the 21st we hold special service with a ceremony that expresses our gratitude and appreciation. It is a time where we focus on the physical and mental sufferings of not only PL members but of society/friends family/and everyone who needs that extra layer of love/healing in their lives.

The 21st is set aside for a service of appreciation, however, prayer for others and healing and loving energy is something that is needed 24 hours a day ..every day.. When I am asked for prayer I gladly add time in my daily meditations to include those who need a helping hand. I know many of you share my “way” and believe in the power of prayer.

Please today, add a universal prayer for the sick and lonely, this is a season of change, many won’t ask for help, but they are struggling. When I was younger, I would see people on the bus as we travelled towards our destinations, make a small cross on their forehead (with thumb)when we passed a cemetery or church. I took that in, liked it, I like the respect that it showed and adopted it in “my thinking/beliefs” A small gesture but it meant a lot to me.

When we believe we express our appreciation for blessings we have received.. Let’s pass it on.

The parking lot was empty, I was alone there, but in reality I was not.. the woods were teeming with life, and behind me eating in the feeding area, were over a dozen wild turkeys, half a dozen blue jays, mourning doves, chickadees, nuthatch, chipmunks and squirrels, and my ever present raven was carrying on with his daily bulletin on life as he sees it. Cuz you don’t see something… doesn’t mean that. that is what IS!


ps. there was a cute little bunny hopping around just out immediate sight of the camera

Saying good-bye

Once more I have come face to face with the unexpected “goodbye” of a fellow traveler .. someone who brought smiles into your day when he would walk by, share a moment, or simply wave. always a lopsided smile, a big wide eyed grin.. There are such people in the world, they radiate happy… during a winter storm, you are trying to dig through the big dump of snow at the end of the laneway, and along would come Johnny, “not to worry” he’d day, I’ll get that. And he would. He’d stop what he was doing and come over to help you clear the way so you could get out.

He was young, only in his early 50’s. He walked into the bedroom to change (he and his girlfriend were going to paint the bedroom) keeled over and died. Presto! gone! He’d been looking so good, he was walking every day, his colour was wonderful, I saw him just the other day, he was beaming, when he came to the door, I tell you, he was so genuine in his outlook. Now that light is gone, and we, family, friends, neighbours, will miss his delightful energy.

A shared passion .. love of nature, being outdoors, simply taking in life. As I walked along the edges of the forest yesterday, I took in the changes that were taking place… the season is changing, the weather is cooler. Where the big thrasher had gone along and cleared all in its path, new growth was taking over, the remnants of bigger stumps of wood were scattered … I spent time wandering, head down, intent on the wood left behind, looking for clues, messages from beyond.

It is that time of year, for some it is Yom Kippur, for me this time of year, is one where the clock turns over for me and I enter another phase/chapter – so the life long tradition of meditation on what was.. what is.. and how I am doing is all happening .. it has been a lot to take in. So much has been happening around me. As we age, we say goodbye ..far too many times. Unlike in the Jewish tradition there is fasting along with the reflections.. I spend time reflecting, and meditating on how and why I am in the “frame of mind” I’m in.

The time spent in nature helps me a lot. Yesterday I gathered wood, and spent time rearranging pieces (like a puzzle) to build a picture.

Life IS, we ARE no more no less


Stand still and consider the wonderous works of God. Job 37:14

Power of Prayer

Faith can move mountains

I recently did special prayers for someone in my life. I knew how important it was for him to connect with a family member. Due to circumstances, this was an impossibility. The thought had been in my heart, and on my mind for some time, but I had not action-ed my thought.

Sunday after service, I asked to do special prayers with the Sr. Minister. I prayed with faith in my heart, and let it go.

Today in speaking with my friend, I heard the joy in his voice, the opportunity to speak with his loved one had taken place. I was moved to tears. The emotion of the experience was so great.

In my lifetime, I have seen and felt many beautiful happenings. This particular blessing has reaffirmed for me the power of prayer. I have so much gratitude in my heart this evening.

In PL, we can receive personal consultations, or prayers tailored to our individual characters and situation. In this instances I prayed for my friend and his happiness.. In his happiness, I found contentment.

I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things. #4

I will live with the spirit of Misasage (Devotion) working for the happiness of others. #4

PL Principles
photos by HT


I am often asked, if I believe in the power of prayer…. YES, I do.

ah.. bonjour!

Thinking of you all, near and far. this is “Hearts and Flowers month, it is a nice time of year. I recall in my younger day, making valentines for each and everyone I knew. I had so much fun dong it, and was taught to always enclose a little prayer of love. No one had to know. I just did it. My Dad used to say,” when we love, we share a prayer”

Work well with everyone regardless of their age or position. The opinions of those who are younger may lead to new solutions, and we can always learn from the accumulated experiences of our elders.

Perfect Liberty 2020.4
a brand new day ahead everyone! enjoy!


Thursday door

black barn board

It is important to say “Thank you” Everything that appears in front of you is all material for you to improve yourself whether it’s food, people or things. Learn to accept everything whether it is something you like or not.

Perfect Liberty 2020.1.9.
a day of discovery

Another day of sunshine, mild temperatures, and welcoming countryside. Savor each moment of the day. It is a gift. I searched the branches for birds, the ground for little paw prints. The day was still young. I stood and took it all in. How grateful I am that I am able to adventure the back roads and really see the beauty that can so easily go unnoticed.

I thank the UNIVERSE that I still have my sight and sense of smell. That I am strong and able to still explore the land as it is meant to be seen. I am grateful that I have a home, and a place to call my own. I will not forget to say thank you at the end of the day…. I pray for peace .. each and every day. Be kind to your fellow man… a smile goes a long way.


new arrival

This little lass arrived on my doorstep yesterday, all the way from China. She was tired and a little weary from the long voyage, and the environment she found herself in was vastly different from what she has known. After much thought, we decided her name would be Yumi. I have a young friend in Japan that she reminds me of… She graciously accepted her new name. It pleased her, since previous to arriving here, she was simply a stock number. I will let her adapt to her new environment before I try to involve myself in her life.

Today is the 31st, there will be celebrations , depending on the age group, I suspect it will be a busy evening, with a lot of fun and frolicking. Energy levels are very high all over the world where “witches and warlocks” play. How well do you know your neighbours. =^_^= I myself, will meditate and pray for all to be safe in their enjoyment of the night.

I loved this piece when I did it, October 2015, now I can’t even recall what had inspired me, or what I did with it. Life is in constant motion, what we feel is so thrilling and important today, in time, the intensity fades, and unless we learn to let go, we will be facing frustrations and hurt. Places, people, everything changes.

In PL (Perfect Liberty) we are given the tools and the encouragement to live our lives in a way that allows us flexibility, and teaches how to adapt to changes.

Don’t look for excuses to say “I can’t”. If you let your situation control you or you fear failure, you will not be able to feel enthusiastic about anything.Take on any project with a firm conviction that you will succeed.

Perfect Liberty 2011,13


Another Saturday =^_^=

How many Saturdays can one have in a week. Obviously I can. When you are retired anything is possible.

Look at the marvelous day we had. The colour palette was subtle and vibrant at the same time. Truly amazing to be out in the majesty of the day.

Today being the 21st of the month we will be celebrating Thanksgiving with our PL service at 7 PM. Today’s calendar message..

Let’s be thankful for everything we have right now “Now” is an accumulation of every moment leading up to it, and everything that continues to progress and develop to become”now”. Be Thankful for everything.


Please take a moment in silent prayer today for loved ones who have done their time on earth, and are now going “home”…. Thank you.

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