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Posts tagged ‘creativity’


Do you ever feel like you are all alone waiting… Do you look around and “see” what was, and not what IS?

Some days, we walk around and go about our daily activities, but the world around us is not what it used to be… and we are not wanting to let go.. Maybe it is time to step back, and reconsider what we really want in life and where we “Need” to be… so that we can move on.

Give your best effort with a prayerful mind. Even if you’ve given your best effort, you may still have missed something important, Continue to have a prayerful mind even after you have completed the task at hand.

Perfect Liberty 2012.8

Today is a brand new day, What will you do with it?


Zaw visited HillVale Beach Arizona in SL http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Thorny%20Nook/100/127/22


Girls wanna have fun. Remember when we played dress up.. what movies do you watch, what captures your imagination.. Today everyone has license to dress up and have fun, its Halloween. People add colour and fun to their appearance to go to work, wear costumes representing a popular game character, or super hero, there have been parties going on all weekend. You got a costume in mind?

Mother Nature had her own bit of fun, she gave us a sprinkling of snow.

Be Flexible to Change. A flexible way of thinking and responding is one of the keys to getting along with others,.

Perfect Liberty 2023. 31

Whatever you do today.. celebrate the joy of living… be in the moment… allow your creativity to shine.. wear a smile, it goes a long way… I put on my halo and wings for the day…. wink…


Oct fun

Sometimes we have to go into the night and dance .. ” no one is watching” and if they are, who cares!… Let the moment happen, enjoy the freedom of movement and space.

Yesterday I finally got to have my BD lunch with my niece and nephew. It was the last day of the Moon Festival offerings at our favourite buffet. 3/4 of this plate is filled with shrimps cooked in different ways, the green beans you can see, I got a couple of slices of ginger beef, and same with the salt and pepper pork. The only noodle is the decoration you see on top, Notice I did take a piece of corn on the cob that sits in a lovely butter sauce in the heating trays.

I know. Last bd meal for this year!!!

Being asked for a favor is a chance. When someone asks for a favor from you,, this is a chance for you to help others. Face the chance proactively,

Perfect Liberty 2023.

I love the colour, the costumes, the sharing of creativity that happens in October, https://pin.it/2Ac7aiV click on it if you dare….. Have a great start to the week everyone,

a yummy treat!



October is such a fun month. The creativity that I see, the decorations, the parties, the costumes, there is one store in our area, that has racks and racks of costumes and accessories … I notice there are even pop up shops that sell exclusively props and costumes for the occasion.

Even Mother Nature has her fun decorating the trees with her coppers, reds, orange and golds that shine and gleam under clear blue skies. If you are lucky and out at the right time of day, the reflections in the water mirror the beauty that abounds.

Sometimes, you happen to be at just the right place to see a familiar path in a different way.

Yesterday, I had what I thought was a productive day, I began very early in the morning putting together pictures of a new build that friends had put together to add mystery and fun to their Island. (In Second Life)… I had been told it was a haunted house.. how many haunted houses have I visited over the years.. (many)… to my delight when I got there it was different it had an air of mystery, there was a realism to it, the building was almost art deco.,(a period of architecture that I really like)… Inside I felt like I had actually stepped back in time… (You can see more pictures of the “hotel” if you read back to a previous blog*)…

The visit inspired me to actually do one of my virtual blogs. which I happily followed my desire and creative need to express ..more… we all know how that feels.. we are on a roll. Done I sat back and thought, yes… this would be just fine. But when I came to do the categories and tags (fellow bloggers you will understand) I was horrified to see that somehow I had done the blog not on my virtual blog, but on my daily inspirational blog… try as I might I could not find out how to switch all my content to my virtual blog, copy paste, what! In the end, I simply published and then re-blogged to the Virtual blog. ..That didn’t work the way I wanted either, suffice to say, I did get it out to readers, but it was a real “mess” for me.

Today is another day!

Don’t let circumstances sway your decision. It does not help to overthink things, Sometimes we just need to make up our minds and move forward.

Perfect Liberty 2022.6

Free yourself from being overly attached, Overthinking hinders ideas and actions,

Perfect Liberty 2021.22

um pouco mais?

Leaves have started to change, there is a new nip to the air that hints that it won’t be long, already the days are shorter. When I wake up now, 5 ish, it is still dark outside. There are still pesky mosquitos lingering, but soon I am hoping to see the last of them.. man they are annoying.

PL Principle #2 I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather. I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions. (always a work in progress for me)

How is your start to a week-end? Hopefully you will enjoy not only good weather but some of the fall fairs and concerts that are happening around the city.

Your willingness to learn will make you shine even brighter. As long as you are motivated to learn more, you will continue to progress in life.

Perfect Liberty 2020.16

Be creative in your efforts. If something is not going well, take a step back and look at how you are tackling the problem. There is sure to be something you can improve on

Perfect Liberty 2014.16

um pouco mais? a bit more?



Our imagination can take us many places. I have always loved wandering through various artistic expressions, places with new shapes, colours .. places that have been imagined or created by other artists. Where fantasy and reality meet in a way that gives the viewer their own “moment in time” thanks to someone else’s talent at creating visuals that would not be experienced otherwise.( Second life, a interactive “game” created and run by Linden Labs in California.)

Today so much of our input from regular media, is about wars, disagreements, disputes, strikes, neighbour against neighbour.. it is really a pleasure being able to spend time in an adult world that is full of creativity, music and yes social interactions that are .. sometimes nonsense, word games, good old fashioned card games, (I love a game that is played with dice, much like Yahtzee) Best of all .. there are people I’ve met from all over the world that share the joy of visiting a virtual world and the delights we find there.

I am not saying for a moment, that there are not people who love to create war games, and replay themes that are on the violent side.. but life is life and each and everyone of us, has our own way of thinking and doing things. Like in the real world, you can pick and chose your friends and places you go.

In all of this.. imagination is the key… in expressing our creativity ,.. imagination is the driving force .. in all we do.. ie how did you dream up that wonderful recipe, or come up with the idea to write a song, book, poem….. let your imagination flow free, express yourself with the ingenuity and creativity in you… let it out, let it grow.

Develop new ideas through your imagination – softly and flexibly. If you could find a way to add a twist, you will have more joy.

Perfect Liberty 2023.28

Monday everyone! have a great start to your week!

PL Precept # 2 To live is to express One’s Self

PL Precept # 4 Being annoyed limits your expression.

Thanksgiving long week-end

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all, I know it is not a holiday in the States, but you are still getting the good wishes. =^_^= We all need some positive vibes these days.

Where I am, we are back to a being on serious lock down, people are being asked to allow at least 28 days of remaining close to home, no social gathering, or extended forays into the city if it is not required.

Please stay safe, stay positive, and enjoy family visits via virtual means if at all possible.

Today is also the 10th day of the 10th month. auspicious time.. =^_^=… we could get an early start to perhaps doing something we haven’t done in years. Let’s send Christmas greetings by snail mail. !! Now is the time to try making your own greeting cards.. or drafting a Season’s greetings news letter. 2021 is less than 3 months away!

Enjoy the moment while you wait. Things come about when they are meant to happen. Think of what you can do for the time being, and don’t rush the outcome.

Perfect Liberty 2020.20


time – it is all in the perspective we apply =^_^=

Doll club day

Everyone who is a doll collector goes through many phases, and eventually find what “works” for them, what they enjoy the most, me, I like to play in making, or creating a figure, and seeing what expression I want to play with on that given day, what my inspiration nudges into happening.

My means of “playing” is being creative, developing a character or a scene. I’ve been updating (adding to) my Flickr page of late. Top picture is the latest one to be added. https://www.flickr.com/photos/qyhat_la_canaille/

Always be cheerful, happy and good humored. When you make an effort to be cheerful and happy you will naturally begin to feel that way.

Perfect Liberty 2020.12


journey continues

detour through terrain scarred with memories of the past
I was uncomfortable with what I saw and heard
the train was there, but simply wasn’t moving
the buildings, the vehicles, everything was there, except for people
then in the distance, I saw and heard the music. It was a bikini skating party! There I was with my friends Nick, Mel, Rhi, Eclair, Chloe, Chey, Sandi . oh someone has her skates on, wonder if mine are with me ..(red one piece) Then the music faded, and I was alone again.
friends were enjoying the night, but for me, I was still in my dream
I turned and headed towards daylight. Another day begins.

Don’t give up! Stick with it, as many times as it takes. Sometimes you want to just throw in the towel and say, “I give up”, but that is the time for you to dig deep and push through. Your sincere effort will invite a good outcome.

Perfect Liberty 2020.1.6.


Landscapes by Eclair (Pacifique, virtual world SL)

Photographs and storyline Q aka me

Portrait picture is of Cheyenne


Meet Blythe doll #1, I say #1 because I have another one on order. I took Blythe to the doll club meeting yesterday, but didn’t get a chance to introduce her. I suspect she will come with me again to the meeting in November. We meet once a month.

Things never turn out like we think they might. My experience through life has been to roll with the dice. I had started to explain about items I had brought in to share, however, there was so much to cover in a two hour period, that I simply didn’t have the time to talk about the fall, October, November, when we in North American celebrate Thanksgiving as a yearly holiday. October for us in Canada, and I believe it is in November for residents of the United States.

Sitting with Blythe 1 is a pin cushion my sister knitted for me while she watched TV with me and chatted. Something I have not mastered. I do one or the other, but not at the same time. =^_^= For those of you who will ask, that is an upside down Chinese skull cap, and that is the pigtail hiding off to the side/back.

The Blythe doll, is an artists “toy” she wears a wig, that we can change, her skin comes in different colours, and you can buy different coloured eyes for her. The artists who play with her actually do her makeup, redo hair, dress her (her body is smaller than her head) There are two screws at the back of her head, so that you can get at her eyes.. the lids come down and you paint on those too.

So why the second doll. Because … I want to take this one apart, and play. That is what creative inquisitive individuals do. =^_^=

There is a saying or song.. Life is but a dream…. in mine nothing is impossible. Some discoveries are more fun than others, but all are interesting and worthwhile.

Make each and everyday count.


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