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Posts tagged ‘happiness’


Your smile is what’s needed. A smile invites happiness and cheer and is essential to energize others as well as yourself.

Perfect Liberty 2022.3

If you are cheerful, it will make everyone around you cheerful.


update. Keeper started a new medication yesterday… thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts.


You’re happy, I’m happy. Have the mindset of “good for you, good for me” Express yourself in a way that makes others happy.

Perfect Liberty 2021.7

Everything is a mirror of one’s mind,


3rd. day 2020


Have you ever felt that you live in a world, where no one really knows your name. OK they may know your name, but you are just another face in the crowd. This is a time of year, when family and friends gather to share memories of the past, and the possibilities that lie ahead.

I was reminded yesterday how fragile life can be. One moment you are working, living busy in a fast moving society. Then suddenly you “wake” to find that you are now on the other side of the street, and “life” seems to be passing you by. Sometimes by choice, and other times, ‘boom” for whatever reason, you just can’t get on or off the bus.

This is a “condition” that can happen to any of us. Rich or poor, it affects everyone, money is not what buys or determines how happy we are. The answers, solutions, they are all varied and different for every human being is unique. We all love, cry, laugh, and “feel”. Emotions are real.

The philosophy of the Church of Perfect Liberty is to help us recognize the ups and downs of everyday life, and help us understand our SELVES so that “we” can recognize what in US, needs fixing, repairing, strengthening. Truth is, we can only change ourselves.

Happiness begins from within, I’m a glutton for “happy”. Smiles and beams just thinking of how nice it is to be happy. And YOU dear reader, my heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you, who share time with me during the day, night, weeks, and months. I love reading your thoughts, seeing your “visual expressions” you are “Beauty” within my world. thank you for all the happiness we’ve shared. I am looking forward to the sunshine of 2020 with you.

Share the beauty in you today, SMILE it is so becoming.


top artwork is mine.

Dec 29

a page from one of my art journals

Use what you need to use without hesitation. Your things, your money, your knowledge, and your strengths are all a part of you. Utilize them to their fullest potential without hesitation.

Perfect Liberty 2019.29

Do things in Moderation. Whenever you overdo something, you will lose balance in your life. Express yourself appropriately without being overly attached or detached.

Perfect Liberty 2016.29

FYI the Chinese New Year this coming lunar year will fall on January 25th. For many the close proximity of the two new year celebrations will mean a lot of activity and energy. The Chinese new year is focused very much on “family”. Leading up to this important time of year, we “clean” our “homes”, physically and mentally.

For those familiar with the I Ching. Hexagon 58 Tui the top three lines mirror the bottom ones. broken line, followed by two unbroken lines.

Joy and Harmony! No doubt. Confidence. No regrets. Advancement. Happiness! Faith in the temporary causes disillusionment. Attraction!

I ching = a philosophical prophecy this book published 1972 Reiss

Smile it is contagious!



Good morning everyone, I was challenged to post a picture of dog(s) Pffft. easy task, since I don’t get to FB much except through my blog, I have given you pictures of dogs here, to achieve the goal, of dogs for smiles!!!

I didn’t do a typo the quote today is from the 29th, year 2011.

Lack of Explanation is a sign of your lazy mind. Sometimes you incorrectly assume they should know this already. Always strive to explain things thoroughly with a ind heart.

Perfect liberty 2011.29

To all our friends in the USA I hope you had a fantastic day yesterday with family/friends, sharing in the joys of sharing and appreciation.


a beetle bouquet

IMG_2112 beetle sent may 26

PL calendar day 29   Use what you need to use without hesitation

Your things, your money, your knowledge, and your strength are all part of you.  Utilize them to their fullest potential without hesitation.

Service this evening at 7pm.  This is a special day, and evening .. let us pray with great appreciation today, life is good.



photo -family traveller


happiness is

For me, mixed media 4.18.17

PL calendar day 4.

Follow your heart while also thinking about the happiness of others

Always be true to yourself in your words and actions.  Strive to make others happy with a sincere heart.

I came across the above photo this morning.  I enjoyed revisiting it, so I am sharing it with you. Some expressions of mine.. I enjoy at the time, they are calming and relaxing when I am working with them…  then… fickle as I am..  I move on.  Each step leads to another.  So maybe not fickle, maybe it is more, I let go and go forward.  I just finished several small requests for greeting cards, I enjoy doing them,  I sit myself down, focus on project cards.  When that is done, I put the card making supplies away and return to my art journals.

Sage sentiment.  Follow your heart while thinking of the happiness of others.

I know it is impossible to be happy and full of glee 24/7, but I  do so enjoy thinking of you all living in happy states of mind..  Productivity, creativity and accomplishments filling your days with rewarding moments of pure satisfaction.  Positive and loving energy to all.   Share a smile today!



follow your heart

mar 3

Wow.. a barely in focus picture of a wall with ice. Yet this is what struck me yesterday as thought-provoking.  I was going through a McDonald’s drive through.  When the bigger of the lot had me reaching for the camera.  Of course I had one eye on the line ahead of me .. while fumbling for the iPhone in my cluttered backpack.

march 3 mcDonalds InnisCan you see the little eye and the bird’s head peeking out at the bottom…  Yesterday the whole ice sculpture made me smile and gasp in pleasure.. (I know, I don’t get out much)

All this to say, “to each his/her own” we are all so different and unique from one another.  Truth be told, often even to ourselves.

I even had the ice on the left, wanting to be with the others that hung in a group further along the wall.  imagination is wonderful.

You have all heard me say time and time again, I like being “happy”

A lesson I am learning especially since my husband passed away, is that happiness is where you find it, and is at times redefining itself.  That joy of turning to your partner and without a word, you both know, one of you just had a burst of “happy” or an inspiration, is gone, only the memory remains.  Time, love and faith, will heal these moments, but for now….   What is, is.

PL Calendar day 4

Follow your heart while also thinking about the happiness of others

Always be true to yourself in your words and actions.  Strive to make others happy with a sincere heart


“life is like an onion you peel it off one layer at a tie and sometimes you weep” Carl Sandburg

Hula Hamster JOY

hula hamster xyThis precious handmade hamster, makes my heart sing.  She puts a smile in my heart just by sitting there smiling back at me.

hula hamster xThe last few days have been difficult for me.  I have found myself drifting into a state of “low drive and little interest ”   When I could I retreated to my bed,  the quiet of a darkened room and the desire to sleep.  My sleep mates were only too happy to crawl under cover and enjoy time out from the weather that was raging outside.

Today I had to go out, there were errands that needed doing, so after a lazy start to the day, I took myself off to do what needed doing.  When I arrived at the church I was surprised with JOY, the adorable Hula Hamster.  Oh what a gift.  I melted and was totally taken in by her charm.

Loving caring friendships are priceless.  JOY lifted me out of the shadows , back into the sunshine.  Olinda weaved a magic spell,   I am blown away. Thank you.  I am reminded that in life,  in a split second, the sun can break through the clouds, and all is right again.

hula hamster joyI am so blessed.  The Universe always comes through for me, when I allow myself to stumble, my friends are there reminding me, that LOVE, is always with me.  God is Love, Love is GOD and we are all ONE



Hula Hamster is handmade and I love her.

Feliz domingo


Good morning all, if you live with dogs, you know that getting out of bed in the middle of the night can lose you your place in bed very quickly.  Pulling up the covers didn’t help, they simply repositioned themselves so that your entry back under the warmth of the blankets can’t be managed without their help.  You will note that neither one of them has drifted back into a deep sleep.  The little mischief makers are patiently waiting.

Thank you, yes, I did manage to get back under the covers, all three of us had a very fitful sleep.  And now.  Another day begins.

PL Calendar day 13 (Perfect Liberty 2019)

Face Challenging Situations with Positive Determination

When you encounter difficulties, boldly take measures to overcome them.  By creatively finding solutions, you will feel the joy in tackling any situation.

PL Principle #5   I will not get angry at anyone or anything.

PL Principle # 7  I will not have a mind to be hasty, worry, nor be pessimistic.

Be happy everyone, it is in our power to be happy, the choice is ours.  Having problems attaining some of your goals, we are here for you.  Always.



dogs – whippet


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