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follow your heart

mar 3

Wow.. a barely in focus picture of a wall with ice. Yet this is what struck me yesterday as thought-provoking.  I was going through a McDonald’s drive through.  When the bigger of the lot had me reaching for the camera.  Of course I had one eye on the line ahead of me .. while fumbling for the iPhone in my cluttered backpack.

march 3 mcDonalds InnisCan you see the little eye and the bird’s head peeking out at the bottom…  Yesterday the whole ice sculpture made me smile and gasp in pleasure.. (I know, I don’t get out much)

All this to say, “to each his/her own” we are all so different and unique from one another.  Truth be told, often even to ourselves.

I even had the ice on the left, wanting to be with the others that hung in a group further along the wall.  imagination is wonderful.

You have all heard me say time and time again, I like being “happy”

A lesson I am learning especially since my husband passed away, is that happiness is where you find it, and is at times redefining itself.  That joy of turning to your partner and without a word, you both know, one of you just had a burst of “happy” or an inspiration, is gone, only the memory remains.  Time, love and faith, will heal these moments, but for now….   What is, is.

PL Calendar day 4

Follow your heart while also thinking about the happiness of others

Always be true to yourself in your words and actions.  Strive to make others happy with a sincere heart


“life is like an onion you peel it off one layer at a tie and sometimes you weep” Carl Sandburg

Comments on: "follow your heart" (8)

  1. Beautiful thoughts. Yes, we should delight in others and that brings a certain amount of happiness to us as well. Great imagination. That does look like a bird head. This reminds me of an ice falls too. 🙂

  2. Sound philosophy and an excellent portrait of a snowbird

  3. Moz Loordes said:

    Ah, yes, I see the birdie!

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