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Posts tagged ‘cat’

morning smile

Some pictures just make you smile, when I saw this little pet sunning himself, I couldn’t help but smile. Enjoy!

Today’s quote

Free yourself from being overly attached. Overthinking hinders ideas and actions. PL 2021.22


picture. Ron.


A memory from the past. Funny I see the clock that reads 1:20 something in the background. Could have been a week day, but likely not, a week-end then. My Mother would have been sitting in her lazyboy just to the left of the tissue box. Timmy (the cat) seems to be tending a purse, so someone had to be visiting. I didn’t expect to see this picture when I opened the file. but… there he was, my Mother’s loving companion, he had a loving personality … time… it has a way of disappearing , moments are fleeting…

Make Today a Memorable day! Let’s try to put our whole heart into whatever we say or do, as our unique signature. PL.26.22


Love that is unconditional is forever …


Bom dia, good morning..

The 21st is drawing near. There is a long week-end coming up.  For those of you celebrating Easter, enjoy your time with family and friends.  It is a special week-end.  In PL we celebrate Thanksgiving on the 21st.

The Thanksgiving service is the 21st of each month.  It is the most important service of the month.  This Sunday will be a very positive and prayer filled day.  Our church here in Ottawa will hold service at 10 a.m. and again at 7 pm.  All are welcome.

Today – PL Calendar day 18

Things have a way of getting more complicated when you procrastinate.  Work on taking immediate action and you will discover many ways to tackle the situation.

Shauna's cat Tiger

Start every day with a smile and get it over with  – W.C. field

The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief  – William Shakespeare



feline guest tiger

new card, new day

cat card 1.22Sassy cat

came by to chat

look your cherries are dripping, I say

go away, she purrs

they are ripe and oozing bling

ah, never knew cherries to bling

that is because she purrs

you are a bee

and you sting

what could I say

I am made this way =^_^=


PL calendar # 23  Appreciate our differences

Appreciate the colourful personalities of the people around you

and enjoy their uniqueness to the fullest.




happy day

lunch Baton Rouge 7.25.17

Every once in a while, you get to have a special lunch with good friends, there is shared laughter and playful fun.  Let’s not forget, great food.  Steak rare… tender, moist lobster tail, and a baked potato that was simply delicious.  The waitress said try it, I did, and .. let me tell you.. it was wickedly sinful.  No dessert needed.

Enjoy every moment of your day!

Today it was easy peasy.  Genuine laughter, conversations, light, interesting and comfortable.  Yup, a hedge hog, possum and fox, make for good company and a great lunch. Me? a cross between a fennec and a cat =^_^=  That is all I’ll say.

Happy mid-week everyone!



Restaurant – Baton Rouge, Kanata, Ontario


Wordless Wednesday

Cat love 3.28.17

An abstract using acrylics, stencils, and Dylusions cat stamp, on canvas.  An original by Q . multi media painting.  Pl Precept  # 19  Begin Once you Perceive.

Spring yay!

To walk where no one has walked before


I wish, =^_^= but I was the one to make a new trail

down an unused road, that led me to another time


a family home, once filled with laughter

now stands silent, waiting

this was not the structure tho’ that had caught my attention

rather I was drawn to a building that called out

to my searching ” eyes”


“look, look, see my charm”, I got a picture in full sunlight

but this one with the little building half in the shade

I found had more to say

I sensed this is where the children played

on rainy days, on sunny days

this little structure captured and ignited

their imagination in every way


this pretty face

was also part of yesterday =^_^=

It was an amazing day !!!

In PL (Perfect Liberty) we do our best to live each day doing our best to be creative in every way.  Make every day count, rain, snow, sunshine, it doesn’t matter. Do your best every day.


Wordless Wednesday= agh can I do it


dance like you own it


create your own rhythms

PL Precept # 1      Life is Art

sometimes 8.29.16


Be unique

be yourself

if you feel like hiding

in a tree’


if you can climb the tree

do it

remember though


we think

we are hidden

but we are in plain view



someone could be watching you

but then,

who cares,

you are where you want to be

safely up the tree

have a purr-fect week



PL Precept #2   To live is to express one’s self

Chop Suey Tuesday 12th.

animal pic

Although I would like to say that life is rolling along, at its usual pace, it hasn’t.  Since my decision to follow through and go to Japan for Kyososai * it has been a merry ride of excitement and new discoveries.  Who knew, that one seemingly every day decision to return to Japan, could spur such initiative, and possibilities!  Not I.  But in PL, it isn’t unusual, and I should be used to it by now, but, I’m not, I ever cease to be amazed at how far-reaching goodwill, friendships, and kindness can reach.  What is coming home to me is that miles do not separate kindred spirits, true connections are universal and heartfelt.

PL Precepts # 11   Always be with God

The teachings of Perfect Liberty unite us where-ever we are.

PL Precept # 10 Love yourself and Others

In PL, we learn to appreciate and be thankful for all that happens in our lives.  There are no failures, there are opportunities to grow and learn.  If one path is not open to us, it is because, we have to redirect our energy and find another way to reach our objective.  In TAO, we say, …… the only constant in life is change …….

When a company,church, group or individual, refuses to look at and accept that changes are sometimes necessary to progress and unite, there is disharmony,  Life can become stagnant.  When we open our hearts and embrace and appreciate the world arround us, we recognize that the unique differences  or really sometimes our own perceptions.

PL Principle # 3   I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

  • Kyososai: is a special celebration . It is celebrated annually on August 1 with a ceremony at all churches in the world.  Kyososai (PL Founders’ Day) in Japan, is HUGE, people come in the 1000s for the celebrations there, it is very famous for “the Art of Fireworks”
  • Musubi – Oneness, togetherness with Others.


the funny was sent to me by a friend, I found the picture adorable, and my oddball sense of humour, laughed at the caption. =^_^=



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