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Posts tagged ‘greeting card’

new card, new day

cat card 1.22Sassy cat

came by to chat

look your cherries are dripping, I say

go away, she purrs

they are ripe and oozing bling

ah, never knew cherries to bling

that is because she purrs

you are a bee

and you sting

what could I say

I am made this way =^_^=


PL calendar # 23  Appreciate our differences

Appreciate the colourful personalities of the people around you

and enjoy their uniqueness to the fullest.




Are you Ready

santa card 2017

Yes, the time has come, I’ve put if off, but now need to focus on getting a few more cards done. We had such a gorgeous fall, that I simply couldn’t get into the ho ho ho mood.  Now, whether I want to or not, I know that I must meet my deadlines.

After all, people want to prepare, and if cards are being sent abroad, even out of country i.e. the  States, there are deadlines for the items you send to get there on time.

I was taken aback the other day, I sent my sister a  handmade card, she is in California, Canadian postage to the States is $1.20 for a single card of standard size.  I thought that was what I was sending, however, there is a rule, that the card must pass though a certain size of slot to go at that price, and if it doesn’t the price more than doubles.  What a whopping surprise that was.

Now I understood why customers look for cards that are not built out, or designed in a way that they impeded machine sorting at the postal service.  Explains why card companies have resorted to thinner card stock… not always producing a quality (in my opinion) product.

For the creative person who makes their own cards, we are faced with a poorer quality of card stock being offered.  Didn’t understand at first why the better card stocks were being reduced in price in some merchandise outlets.  Now the light bulb goes on, because the consumer is wanting to build a lighter card, so that their clients will want the cards, because they will cost less in postage.

Wow is the postal system the “scrooge” machines don’t have warm fuzzy feelings, they just mechanically move the product along.  It rips, it tears so what, unless a human catches it……..end result you receive a really battered product.

Hmmmmm….fright nite b

It is Friday, you bet! Holler and Shout, jump and Pounce, Saturday is on it’s way.



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