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Posts tagged ‘dolls’

past, present NOW

Quiet picturesque little lane that takes one down to the Seaway.  Old and new stand along the shoreline.  What was, will no longer be.We face this every day.  For the last many days I have not had a computer, I have learned from trial and error, that a laptop is not the way I like to fly.  Handy they may be, but for what I want and need (feel I need) is to be back on a desktop.  I would only come to this having made previous decisions that at the time, seemed necessary change.

One learns in life, that choices made at one time, may not always be what we most prefer, some we can easily change, others not so easily.  Some are impossible to change and go back to.  For example.  every time one changes our hardware (for working on the internet) the newer improved technology is one we have to readjust to.

Recently a display I had made in my garden, was vandalized. A grandparent thought it was ok to give his granddaughter a display doll that I had put out of reach of little arms. I am a doll collector and doll artist, the display was put well out of reach, it was high on a wall, and behind a big rain barrel.  Getting at it, meant one had to reach over and be tall enough to get at the doll.

It has been interesting to hear the comments when I retell this little story to friends, one even scoffed and told me it was only a thing.  I wondered how he would have felt had I gone into his well tended and beautiful garden and began trying to move his plants around because I felt that the roses should be next to a bee balm plant.  OR decided his lowers were so beautiful, I should just pick them and bring them to a friend who loves flowers.

Is consideration of other’s property a thing of the past, is the ability to recognize that rearranging a display in another space other than your own, is OK.  ???

All things, deserve respect, your car that gets you to where you need to be, the doors that open for us to enter, the shoreline that contains are precious rivers, lakes and oceans.  As an artist I don’t expect everyone to like my style of expression,  but I do expect RESPECT for my property if you are on it. I now understand why people put up DO NOT ENTER or PRIVATE PROPERTY up on their lands

(sorry took off  on a little rant there)  however it is all the same message.  Changes happen in life, some we can make choices on, and they affect us directly, others it is not as easy.

PL calendar day 29   Use what you need to use without hesitation. 

YOUR things, your money, your knowledge, and your strengths are all a part of you.  Utilize them to their fullest potential without any hesitation.



Thursday doors


Wednesday again

fright group pic 9 26

bom dia, este e um costume?  no no, the dolls are coming home for the October festivities. Are they ready, they have been jabbering all night about their experiences and the stories they want to tell.  The acts of kindness they have been able to participate in, now, with October just days away, they have made their way home to celebrate the month of the year, reserved for them.

They are aware that they are not like the rest, and stand out in a crowd.  But each one is unique and has his/her own story … Here they are not judged by their “look” LOL or lack of, they simply can enjoy letting down their hair, not replacing an eye, wearing what they want, and and and, the list goes on.  Who knows maybe one will have a story to tell that I can share with you. rubs hands with glee and gives a crackling chuckle.. “time will tell dearies”

Day 26  PL Calendar     Maintain a positive attitude and wisdom will come to you

Worrying will prevent you from having good ideas.  Stay positive and you will find a solution.






found VV July 10.18We begin our journeys with such innocence

so many dreams, hopes, genuine happiness

we find ourselves discovering something new every day.

Why do some of us stop discovering, and allow routine to take over..

found VV july 10These dolls I found the other day

Have been around, the top one probably more so than the other one

Where have they been, what stories could they tell.

These little treasures will come with me to the next Doll meeting

hopefully I will learn more there.

For the moment they have a new place to stay and experiences to  acquire.

IMG_3654Every day is a new opportunity to live another story line, every day is a new beginning.

Look down, look up, look around, pleasures abound, waiting to be found.

PL Calendar day 15

Being Attentive Makes Life More Enjoyable

Live life paying careful attention to every detail, be it big or small.  By doing so, you will be able to experience the subtle joy in things.


Meet Sailer-Moon

SailerMoon March 11.18

To find out more about Sai, please visit Dymoon’s story telling blog

I still have to figure out how to set up the story telling blog so that it attaches to the various sites, this one does.  Thank you for your patience.

dolls – thrift finds

img_0245.jpgI found a YouTube video the other day that showed how to shrink a doll’s head.  It is amazing what one finds on YouTube.  Although I had heard about custom dolls, and I saw finished products on eBay and the like, this was my first “how to” video on how to shrink the dolls head.  How doll artist were taking thrift store finds and recreating them into super models, fashion models, fantasy characters.


This got me thinking. I knew I had or could have some interesting dolls to play with should I want to try this technique.  However, to shrink a head, I would need a doll with a wider face.

The other information I got was on how to take off all the make up that was  factory applied.  That meant I could redo their faces into any other kind of face that appealed to me when I started to reconstruct the doll.  These artist not only redo the face, they change the whole makeup from head to toe.

The doll on the far left will be a good candidate because her leg is broken at the knee.  She needs a new leg, someone had tried unsuccessfully to perhaps undress her and snapped her knee at the ball joint, it is ruined, unless I can dig out the broken stem.  If I replace the leg and totally repaint her, the different skin tones won’t matter.


The Monster High Dolls, I love their faces,  so doubt I would play around with them, I have a collection of these little ladies that are just waiting for me to get to them to clean them up.

The two dolls on the end of the middle picture, I don’t know them, when you move their bent arm, they talk.  Actually the three of them, are not of too much interest to me, only the one I want to “change”.  Sometimes it is not till you get them home and have a good look them, that attraction either holds or it doesn’t.

Isn’t that what life is like too.  We think we want something, and we go in search of, and find what we think we want, only to discover when we have had time to be with the “object” or in the situation we thought we would enjoy… that we go.. “What!!!”

Time is a factor in all of this.. In 24 hours your mind can go through many warren holes and different doors.  Seen and taken in, sights and sounds, it hadn’t known when your first impulse came .. or an idea formed.

On the other hand, when you act on the spur of the moment, you can find that ..  “wow, that was a wasted effort”  That is what makes life so interesting, it can be so unpredictable, and if you say.. ” life is the same, day in and day out”  then my friend, you need a new viewer.

The only constant in life is change.  Think carefully, you are not the same person, from one day to the other.  The change might be miniscule, but change there is.



From me to you… have a great day.. be kind to one another, share a smile, say hello!

Rub a dub Friday

fright high

remember the puzzle, where something is out of place…. hmmmm

fright high 1

There is one in every crowd.  What can I say.  the girls say.. Have a great day, it is soon the start of a week-end.  enjoy your day, where ever you are..

PL Precept #1    Life is Art

Chop Suey Saturday

background 7.29.17e

off in the distance,

under the afternoon skies

they saw the same grouping

that they were looking at

just down the path

half covered by vines

background 7.29.17

Neither spoke

they stood rooted on the spot

another mystery

to be uncovered

journey doll 7.29.17c

Yvette arrived earlier

Clementine was due next week

excitement was building

Rosie promised she would

let them explore her

chest of drawers

they still had no idea

where the music came from

it happened when she was

working in her room,

and now, double statues

3 maidens high above

and 3 maidens on the ground

somewhere there was a clue

quietly no words spoken

they turned

walking deeper into the gardens.

chest or coffin 7.22.17

neither saw the chest hidden further in

from where they had been standing.


PL Precept # 18  Each moment is a Turning Point


NB * ongoing

Girl Again White Plains .NY.

I had been searching for two dolls that have been retired from the American Girl current offerings.  I saw them on e-Bay and other website online stores, but they were pricey and I didn’t know the vendors.  Nor was I that familiar with purchasing online.

Josefina had  a serious interest in Josefina Montoya 1824, almost from the start of my “interest” in the American Girl dolls, Josefina caught my attention.  Josefina lived on a rancho in the period of 1824.  She dreamed of being a healer, and knew she had to be open to new ideas.

Those were my thoughts and dreams when I was younger.  When she was released, she wore the outfit you see her in now, but of course, there were accessories.  Which I discovered if the doll was next to impossible to find, so were her accessories.

When American Girl launches a doll, they provide her history, her biggest dreams, and tell you about her family, she had a pet goat Sombrita, which I have not found, but this little guy is loving having Josefina here with us.

Girl Again, is a resale boutique for American dolls.  It is in White Plains NY.  I found them through a YouTube video I had been watching.  They were founded by a non-profit groups, Yes She Can Inc.  That teaches job skill development for women with Autism.  I went to their site, and was interested and impressed with the work that they do there.

www,YesSheCanInc.org   Marjorie Madfis, President, can be reached at 914-428-1258 or by e-mail.     info@YesSheCanInc.org

When I first got in touch I was looking for a body for Nellie (I had her head, but no body) she is another doll that has been retired.  I was so impressed with the staff and the service that I got, that when I found out they had Josefina and Ivy Ling, I ordered them too.

The Girl Again, website is GirlAGain.com  Their phone number is 914-358-1460.

Sometimes what we want is just not available in our area, or part of the Country, State or Province.  They are a wonderful place to look if you are looking for an American Girl doll, they offer gently used dolls from the historic collections, Truly me, Girl of the year, as well as furniture and accessories.  Oh, and outfits and books.

You met Ivy already in my last blog.  Ivy Ling (1976) is proud of her Chinese heritage, her hometown is San Francisco, since my heritage is Chinese and I have family In the SF area, you just know, I had to include her in my “doll family”

I doubt when I was younger I would have spent much time with dolls, but, now as an “adult” collector, it is not only fun but a learning experience.

It beats.. evening news and politics.

There is a time and a place for everything.

PL Precept #19   Begin Once you Perceive


American Girl is a trademark name of dolls that were originally introduced by the Pleasant Co.(1986)  and now are owned by Mattel… it is hard not to immerse yourself in the creativity of the many talented people who brought the American Girl dolls and their stories to life.

Josefina 7.19.17f

Josefina takes her donkey  for a walk =^_^=




sleepingPeaceful sleep, a deep slumber, or simply resting, our bodies need the down time.  Time where physically we can just let our bodies relax in whatever way is comfortable. This way, not having to thinking of anything in particular, we can allow the mind to drift.

There are some who find that it is easier to have low lighting, and quiet, and others will tell us they like quiet music.  Their mind latches on to the melody and they float off into space.

Back when… we used to call wandering in space astral projection.  Are you familiar with that expression.  Dreams are a form of memory recall, but in a code known only to the Universe.  Eartha* and I touched briefly on this during our last outing, From very different backgrounds, and cultures, we still … as human… relate pretty much to LIFE in the same way.

As writers, a dream world is ever-present in our daily lives, as an artist, dreams explode into colour, pattern and textures  if we paint, if we are musical, our voice, or skills with musical instruments, take us beyond our own realities.

Imagine a world with out dreams.  Let go of day-to-day drudgery, allow your spirit to soar and take flight.  Explore in the night, your inner Universe will bring a kaleidoscope of worlds, past ,present and future  to you, open your mind to new possibilities =^_^=

PL PRECEPT #1   life is Art



Eartha* friend & kindred spirit


dragon soft

dragon soft

Acrylic abstract, created to soothe and calm.  Relaxing to do, and a pleasure to enjoy.

PL Precept #1   Life is Art

—————————————————————————————————————————————— the day started at an easy pace, we were all still worried about Sam’s delay, the estimated time of arrival was July 11th. mid day.  Finally when we still had not heard, we had no choice but to wait till today.

The surprise was that  Celine arrived a day early… so time was taken getting her settled into her rooms.  Her hair was a fright.  Nothing would do but she wanted time at the spa.

MGA Entertainment 2009

Sam bless her heart, finally arrived, by this time, we were nearing panic mode.  All is well, Dragon Soft, kept us calm.Sam getting used to being here 7.12.17Sam was really tired, we have all decided it is best to let her rest up before we  find out about her journey here.  (from United Kingdom) (A girl for all Time)

Both young ladies will add so much to our already dynamic “Family”

PL Precept # #7  Everything exists in Relativity

PL Precept #15  All is a mirror

PL Precept # 14  World Peace is Everything.


NB* Celine’s spa day, was a good cleaning and soaking in shampoo and conditioners.. her favourite part was the cleaning with Avon Skin So Soft

A day is made up of many segments, “chapters”  enjoy them all.  Q

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