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Posts tagged ‘winter’


Everything that happens to you is material for growth Approach everything with firm belief that, “it will turn out for the best.” Anything can be used as material for progress and development.

Perfect Liberty 2015.4

Mother Nature hit her funny bone, Our new minister and his wife arrived from Japan the last week in March. Canada can have “interesting” winters, this last one for us was on the mild side, with less snow than we have had in years.. So guess what was dropped on us yesterday and into today. Some areas have received more snow than others. And add to the mix, the temperature has been dropping, today will be colder than yesterday. This is all ok for seasoned Canadians.. imagine the joy of experiencing this cold blustery weather hiccup .. if you are new…and didn’t come with a winter wardrobe.

Pl Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning Point.

A fresh snow fall is refreshing and beautiful. When we are going through one of our very hot humid summer days, we can recall the invigorating freshness of a blast of winter. Love living in a country with 4 distinct seasons!!

Happy Thursday -Oyashikiri

snow anyone?

Please note .. this is NEW snow, that snow from the other day, was all gone .. yesterday my driveway was clean of snow. What you see here is new from last night and ongoing at the moment. I did try to shovel a path to the street so I could see if the street itself was plowed. It isn’t. In shoveling my way to the street, just a path to walk .. I created a mound in the middle of the lane, that was waist high. Needless to say, even if I wanted to.. I can’t get out of the garage, when I cleared in front of the garage door, I was left with a pile of snow to back out over that was higher than my waist, I stand 5’3″…..

Keeper when I opened the back door for her, just turned her head and looked back at me, the expression so clearly said… “you are kidding me right?” Sadly I had not cleared a foot path for her, and she needed to go, so she had to solider on. (I’ve seen taken the shovel and made a small path for her to at least get off the deck … We’ve had over a foot of snow and it is still falling. Temperatures are going to get milder, with the snow changing to rain…

Guess who is staying home. Will have to call and cancel my 9 a.m.

Face challenging situations with positive determination. When you encounter difficulties, Boldy take measures to overcome them. By creatively finding solutions, you will feel the joy in tackling any situation.

Perfect Liberty 2019.13

On the positive, it was only snow, no freezing rain to coat the trees and hydro wires.. causing potential black outs. etc. I did not hear of power outages in the area.. but I haven’t listened to the news either .. I was focused on seeing if I could get out..

Where-ever you are, be safe, and enjoy the day. Smile, it is contagious.



This is grosbeak telling me to “get with it” I was late getting to the feeders and this bird had something to say about it. We had a lot of grosbeaks that year, (this was a couple of years back 2021) I miss the little beggars.. they were so vocal. However .. I would love to have them land in my patch again,… they were always so interesting to watch and listen to,

These days, the airwaves are filled with grumbling.. my goodness… I remember when the media brought joy and warm wonderful stories and put on entertaining shows for our viewing pleasure. All that is gone.. oh there are a lot of choices out there, but its all so “canned” and sorry “phony

I know “… there are movies out there that come around each season, same story line, different actors, backdrops are different but the same theme… boy meets girl, or girl meets boy whatever.. and you always know the ending.

Oh dear oh dear… I think I need to go find a cup of coffee. how are you dear reader, are you enjoying this “merry” month of December. Here the big worry is that it won’t be cold enough this winter for our canal to freeze for skating. Of course if it was cold and we had tons of snow, the complaint would be we can’t get around and it is soooo cold, how can we ski and skate comfortably.

I know I’m going to make myself a toasted ham sandwich on WHITE soft fresh bread with wilting lettuce . I’ll use hot mustard to make it all come together. Yum.

Even if you have done it many times before put your full heart into it, When we are doing something, especially if it is a small or easy task, we tend to get sloppy. Let’s put our whole heart into everything we do, even if its something as simple as pushing a button,

Perfect Liberty 2014.14

My toast just popped. Cheers everyone. Till soon.


Taking left over chicken livers and giblets, all diced up for the crows to mix in their corn and black sunflower seeds,

and I skipped using butter on the toast. =^_^=

Cardinal, female

Perception is important Take immediate action once you suddenly perceive. You might discover something important in what you perceive.

Perfect Liberty 2023.9

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point.

Beautiful female cardinal – taken by local nature/wildlife photographer Daniel Cadieux. To enjoy and experience this talented photographer’s work, please visit https://www.instagram.com/dancadphotography/


no doubt

No doubt, that winter had blown in. This picture was taken last year, so no chair left on the deck this year, but the snow is here, we got freezing rain, snow, ice pellets, more nasty freezing rain and snow ALL night and it is still doing its best to make sure everyone knows.. this is it… After encountering PC glitches with a new version of software program I use all the time.. I looked back at the wise woman in the mirror and said “good idea” went to bed, pulled up the covers and tuned out.

Listen to others until the end. If you put your thoughts first, you will not be able to listen to others until the end and understand them well.

Perfect Liberty 2023.4

When you face difficulties start with anything you can do. When you are able to grasp the situation, you will surely be able to notice something that you can do,

Perfect Liberty 2022.12

The plows must be out somewhere. usually my lane has been done overnight, but it hasn’t, guess I get to “break a trail” Have a great start to your week everyone.. IF you are dealing with similar road conditions as we are here .. BE SAFE.

in a far away land

way, way far away, I found myself wandering, a tourist for the day,

how magical it was, how soft and fluffy the snow, of course we all know

dreams do come to an end, yet the memory is so clear, I want to keep it near

see the umbrella, perfect place to sit, we could visit and simply BE, in wonderland, forever and a day. If only you would come and play! =^_^=

To live is to express one’s Self!

Perfect Liberty Precept #2


Thursday doors 2.1.18

When you see a building off in the distance, you know you are going to get closer.  No matter the weather or the road conditions on that day,

A simple structure, not sure what it is for, I wondered if it is decoration or for children to play in while the parents enjoy a coffee break.


When I found the door I was excited.  Wow… it is all in the details.. rustic, charming, certainly a cheerful moment in an otherwise ho hum day .. (weather wise)  My husband and I enjoy this park, in the summer, it is not over crowded, and the breeze from the water is always refreshing.

We didn’t get there last fall, due to circumstances beyond our control, so this was a very pleasant surprise.  Put a door on something and all of a sudden, it becomes a much more interesting place.

PL calendar 1 – It is important to live in harmony with our surroundings.

This little house and door,  fit into the landscape just beautifully. =^_^=

Maintain harmony in your lives, daily, harmony is the basis of a peaceful society.



Thursday door – dreams

Alexander Lautsyus January post

Door –      usually we think of a physical barrier that opens, closes, revolves, but what about the doorway to our dream states, or entrance to another realm.  When Alexander posted this picture in earlier January of this year, I was immediately transported to another place, a state of mind/Being.  I had no words to describe how it made me feel, it just spoke volumes to me.

I immediately texted him asking for permission to use this photo, this is a copy, to see his original post, please visit ice art Jan 22.18

The picture for me puts a visual on the “feeling” of some of my dreams.  His 1st picture in that blog, reminds me of when I am searching looking out, and this one I’ve posted, reminds me, or gives me a feeling of happiness and joy.  He was on Lake Ontario, he looked, he saw, and he captured.

Not a physical door, but definitely for me, a doorway, an experience of walking through to another “world”.  For “real” tangible doors, you need to link to Norm 2.0 and from there follow the links to all the other bloggers who post to this feature.

Thanks for sharing today, it is a beautiful day, and you are all part of my sunshine!


a special thanks to Alexander Lautsyus for allowing me to share his “works” with you

and to you Norm for indulging “my” love of all doors/doorways

PL Precept #1 Life is Art




shades of gray


stark, cloudy, bleak, no, not bleak, just gray

what is there to say

the water looks dark, cold and uninviting

no need to test it with my toe

by the time I walk across the snow-covered grounds

my feet and toes will  no longer be cozy warm

I think I will pass, and not go near the water’s edge

that is something I can do on another day

meanwhile I will view from afar

the far away shoreline, before

I head back, following the path that I’ve taken

back to the truck.

Not really exciting, but refreshing, yes.

A winter’s day, shown in shades of gray


I found some colour to brighten the gray

I will come back another day

We are heading into a storm

for winter, this is the norm

after all this is Canada eh!


mountain 1.15.

I knew I shouldn’t just stop along the highway, but when I saw the trees coated in white snow, I found a way to stop so I could take a few pictures.

mountain c 1.15

Too often, I squeal with delight at something I pass along the way.  I know moments can’t repeat themselves, but still I try.  I wanted to capture the white frosting on the sculpted branches.  I drove for miles and saw only open fields, with winter shades of blanched stalks, and soft golden grasses standing out from the fresh fallen snow.  Farm houses, and barns in the distance would have made great captures, but there was no place to stop.

We need to seize opportunities when they show themselves.  As I turned off the busy #43, towards Mountain, I saw the  stand of trees, with their blanket of snow, and the textured ground cover and I knew… it was time to pull over.  Such moments, are not necessarily the best photos, but they sure are rewarding moments that leave a person feeling good. Sometimes we need just LIVE the moment, and then move on.

If we hold back, wait and want only that perfect picture.  We miss the moment.  Technical composition, for me does not  >for me<  a memory make… Just saying…

That is why we are all so different, and why appreciation of another is so valuable in the enrichment of daily life.



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