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Posts tagged ‘P22’


Be very careful about doing things you really like. do everything in moderation. When you overdo, you’ll lose your balance. (PL 2021.26)

A reminder. the e-mail address for the church has changed, Please check the newsletter for the new one. If you are not getting the newsletter, let us know.

PL Precept #20 Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter

fyi., with the arrival of spring, I have been able to clear a small area, when if you can’t get around the trail anymore, but want to visit with the wee ones, there is a small clearing for you to open a small folding chair and enjoy a quiet time not far from the parking lot. (be aware that in a few weeks the mosquitos will be out!)

Hanging with the red wing blackbird the other day was a bird the same size, coloring EXCEPT instead of red on the wing it was a canary yellow? Anyone?


Everything that happens to you is material for growth Approach everything with firm belief that, “it will turn out for the best.” Anything can be used as material for progress and development.

Perfect Liberty 2015.4

Mother Nature hit her funny bone, Our new minister and his wife arrived from Japan the last week in March. Canada can have “interesting” winters, this last one for us was on the mild side, with less snow than we have had in years.. So guess what was dropped on us yesterday and into today. Some areas have received more snow than others. And add to the mix, the temperature has been dropping, today will be colder than yesterday. This is all ok for seasoned Canadians.. imagine the joy of experiencing this cold blustery weather hiccup .. if you are new…and didn’t come with a winter wardrobe.

Pl Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning Point.

A fresh snow fall is refreshing and beautiful. When we are going through one of our very hot humid summer days, we can recall the invigorating freshness of a blast of winter. Love living in a country with 4 distinct seasons!!

Happy Thursday -Oyashikiri


Good morning,, remember this little guy, he came by like clockwork during the feedings late summer and into the fall. He would gather up all the peanuts he could and would scurry across the parking lot, way across into the trees in the distance. Now of course, he and his mates are “in” for the winter. When I’m feeding the morning diners now,,,. it is the red squirrels that are gathering, chattering and nattering at each other.. what a noisy crew.

With the dip in the weather again, the other day I had to have had two dozen or more Blue Jays raining down on me when I finally arrived with breakfast. This sound of that many flapping feathers zooming past me and around me, is rather “addictive” once you used to it. They actually dive bomb, with precision. It is something…. they come from all sides and angles, never an accident … I wonder if they have a way of communicating .. or is it, the fasted one to the target is the winner.

The lay out of the other Feeding area is of course different, so the jays there have a different method. What is truly amazing to me at this location is that some watch from perches really high up in the taller trees … The jays at the second location are also .. I think a tad smaller. For me its like being in Grand Central Station watching the events unfold from all directions, and at various level. The red squirrels can lead a merry chase,,, while the Jays zoom in with a purpose, the little reds chase each other while carrying on a verbal barrage of scolding and warnings… that go unheeded by the bigger black and silver fox coloured squirrels.

Meanwhile if I get to serve up the meals properly the woodpeckers and the smaller birds blissfully go about enjoying their breakfast while the ground activity bustles on. Didn’t see the Merlin the last couple of days, maybe he’s found a quieter patch. I have a rogue Raven who has been patrolling the area… and he is very vocal…

Today’s message … PL 2022.2

Discover Each Person’s Unique Qualities. When we approach people with respect, we can understand them better and see their special qualities.

It’s cold, bundle up. Have a great day whatever you get up to.


Silent Wednesday

Experiences you have acquired so far are wonderful. Give it all you’ve got. Move forward with Confidence.

Perfect Liberty 2023.20

the Bog

I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of the beauty that Nature provides us with in any season. Today there were many pictures of cardinals and blue jays against the snowy background that is now our backdrop till sometime in early next year. Local birders and nature photographers have been enjoying the flash of colour against the fresh fallen snow …

Seasons come and go, but always, you will be in the NOW. Make each moment count, enjoy today .. it won’t happen again.

Give importance to listening, looking, thinking, doing and speaking. Look and listen carefully before making a judgement. Assumptions and hasty conclusions can lead to misunderstanding.

Perfect Liberty 2023.7

PL Precept # 1 Life is Art.

chickadee -Dan Rochon


Make happiness with willingness. People who like to make an effort can enjoy anything. those who spare no effort for anything and anyone know the joy of making art. Make an effort with willingness.

Perfect Liberty 2023. 6

Treasure each moment in time

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