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Posts tagged ‘daily meditation’



Those were not my words back when I was actively working … because  back  then we didnt’ text, there wasn’t a cell phone attached to almost every household, in fact likely none.   But to those who came wanting to learn to meditate, it was almost always about their  need to find a quiet place for themselves, within the confines of their busy lives.  Young professionals needing and wanting grounding.

6c47982c55dc9ff0276b38741f33e1aaJust  Be………  so easy to say, so hard to do.

Common when I asked, “Did you get to meditate since we last met?” Answer, “Only, a few times, but each time I was interrupted, or the neighbour, (or children etc.) were making so much noise, I couldn’t concentrate”

And there lies the problem. meditation isn’t about concentration, it isn’t about having candles in the room, or soothing music with a nice incense happening.  Meditation is the art of staying in touch with your own personal connection to the “Divine”.  God lives in us all…  the Energy of Life is the force that makes us all  ONE.


If ever you have been blessed with someone in your life where just being together, or knowing that the other is close by, is comforting, and an extension of YOU, that is a special bond, and one that – simply is –  We can’t manufacture this sense of extension, sense of Oneness, it simply is.  You just are….   and if someone hasn’t had that experience it is hard to explain it to them.  They have to find it in themselves.  Because  a state of peaceful existence begins within.


So many quotes, so many words…” meditation is inaction.”.. do you believe that?  There is active meditation for example when one is practicing or  engrossed in working out,, dancing, focused on the moment,  you are so intent on the moment, although you hear the world around you, it is lost to you in that moment.  In that moment, all that is …. is where you are… and what you are doing…   that is a form of meditation.  That is meditation.. it is you “BEING”

This video doesn’t exist

Namaste     –      Oyashikiri

bonjour, good morning! buen dia


Do you pray, is a very personal question. As individuals we are all unique and our way of expression, and faith is something that is ours and ours alone.  Or is it?  What is it that we are told growing up, try not to talk about politics, or religion, stay on safe ground.

When we become friends with someone, it is a process that happens over time, some people you may feel an immediate kinship towards, and others, well, let’s say, we have to warm to.  Some we never connect with at all.

With the passing of time, the friends that stay in our lives are the friends that accept the changes that  happen in life and with our personal evolvement.  And of course vice versa. No one stays the same from day-to-day, the changes may be subtle at first, but change we do.


Happiness  happens when we establish goals and work towards achieving them on a daily basis. Living in Perfect Liberty means we pray not only daily but all the time, it is a way of life. We connect with a higher power and do our best to stay connected in all we say and do.  When we can do this every day with true appreciation, we will be filled with a genuine feeling of joy .. this will radiate and envelope those around us.


I believe our faith and good intentions will resonate with the friends we make along the way, some will stay a long time and others will be move on towards their own destiny and purpose.  What is important is that you remain true to yourself.


pic boat,Blue Lagoon, Jamaica


Can we learn from dishonesty?

When someone is dishonest, and it involves you, are you affected by their dishonesty?

It happens, we forget to listen carefully to what is being said, we allow feelings to get in the way. Or the perceived friendship that we think we are having is really not what we think it is at all.  Really I believe that there is a part of us that recognizes the lie we are living, but for the most part, it seems to take a long time to really register.

e940582557c689147356445c9fe16e69Is the lie ours for not listening to our inner voice, or to the person who deceived us with their untruths.  A conundrum for sure.  It takes two people for a relationship to work, and when one is left to try to manage on one’s own, then it is no longer a relationship.  I’m not talking of a social friendship, where one supports a friend, and is there for them through thick and thin.  I’m talking about a special relationship where two people have agreed to share a common interest/goal or objective. the parameters are spelled out and they progress into the adventure.  When one person changes the rules and brings lies into the equation, it isn’t long before the gulf begins to widen.

Canopy walkway-boomslang(newsferret). Some pathways are well-defined, and we know if we step off we are in for a big fall.  We take our time and enjoy the view, but the world around us is not really part of the path, rather our path is traveling through the world around us..

The railings keep us from seeing what is down below, we see only what is within sight of where we are being directed.

Same applies in relationships, no matter how we try, when we are walking through life on a constructed and laid out surface, we don’t go beyond the limits placed on us.

“Tena sentimiento de aprender de todas las personas.  Los conocimientos y las experiencias de uno mismo son limitados.  Eschuche con docilidad las opiniones ajenas. (Spanish) (English) You can Learn from Anyone.  There is a limitation to our own knowledge and experiences.  Listen carefully and sincerely to other’s opinions.” PL lesson for the day.


Dishonesty, deceiving, lying, cheating, these are all activities that will come back to haunt you.  When we lie or create false truths, we are deviating from nature, from what really is.  We not only deceive the other person, we deceive ourselves. Happiness can not last when it is based on lies.  In life, we take more winding paths than we do straight roads.  We are also responsible for the choices we make.

747b2758989756743cbf0ca7cf6b48c4We may stand physically alone, but we are never alone.Nature, surrounds us and permeates are very being, with all that is real, the Universe is real,  God is real.  You and I with God, we are ONE.

To lie is a waste of time and energy, to lie and accept living a lie, is not being in Harmony with Nature. My choice, will always be to Love.and live in harmony with life/UNIVERSE

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

Creative start to a new day

sunrise   -going up by Adrian Moysey on Fivehundredpx

Dispelling the darkness of night

a new day begins with the shining,warming sunlight

Take a step forward today, reach for that special prize

Throughout the ages, with every new sunrise

prayers are said, meditations are practiced

the body exercised, a new page turned

The spirit grows stronger with each passing day

live with full makato*, take in all that there is to learn

Today is a brand new day!


Namaste – Oyashikiri

sun 203ca6ec4d25d1e583be16062d4b9381

* makato – sincerity

**picture – going up by Adrian Moysey on Fivehundredpx

*** pinterest

Wat een prachtige dag! Good Sunday Morning =^_^=

a0c89d466de7ba0a00e2d4b17a3a770cWouldn’t it be nice if our lives could be all planned out in neat little rows,   That we could organize, sow and cultivate, knowing that our wants and desires would line up just the way we want them to. The above picture is lovely,  it took hours of work, and many people  working together to produce this “garden” of colour.  Realize that all of their hard work, planning and efforts came to fruition, because they had a clear vision of what their goal was,  & what they wanted to achieve   The unspoken here, but the obvious, and this dear reader is  what we need to remember in life.. without the input and unseen help and support of Mother Nature the outcome could have been much different.  We take for granted the air we breathe, the rain that washes over and cleans our planet. Nature is a force that is a constant in our lives – sometimes we rejoice in the sunshine, – we love it and want it all the time, but without the rain our crops would fail, rivers and lakes would run dry,  When you  cry, you wash away the dust in your eyes, the sadness in your heart  grows lighter.  Appreciate all of life.

nederlands,Den BoschThis tranquil setting is in Den Bosch,Nederlands.  I invite you to spend a few minutes with me in silent meditation  Take a nice easy breath in, ahhh … hold it for just a few seconds, feel it open your lungs, and now… slowly let it out… let your gaze relax, follow the ripples as they slowly meander through our view and into the beyond.  See how the stillness in the water captures the images that are beyond our immediate sight….. just because we don’t see them, doesn’t mean they are not there……………………. enjoy this brand new day……………………make it count ……………..I so appreciate  and love sharing these moments with you…………………..peace and prosperity be with you…..………….Oyashikiri


True Happiness


Good Morning Everyone… It is Wednesday another day to explore…


Years back while touring on the back of a Honda Goldwing we came across a setting much like this while exploring cliffs along the Atlantic Ocean.  The past owners had obviously enjoyed sitting and watching the tides coming and going.  The little cabin had once heard the sounds of laughter, maybe even tears.. Today the scene is one of long forgotten memories and charm.  6b962e031064bcc784b36e788932e7e1

We don’t just happen to be who and what we are today, we developed over time.  The moss in this setting didn’t just happen, it came to be over many years, inch by inch, section by section. The scene would have been ever changing.  Plant life died, and new growth developed, it is the natural cycle of life.  “one door closes, another door opens”  In PL (Perfect Liberty) we learn the cause of unhappiness,  we learn that things and people come into our lives (this includes circumstances)  regardless of what we would prefer or what would be convenient for us.  True happiness is not determined by something going well or not.

b9f214fde9e841d32197ad8b59e184e8PL teaches us about Mishirase (Divine warnings from the Univers/God, in the form of an illness, accident, pain,suffering, misfortune. We do not see them as unlucky, rather a challenge to rethink, regroup, we are not “seeing” or “using” our skills/talents  with Makoto (sincerity) we have drifted off the path.  we may be overly attached to our own thoughts and are not expressing ourselves naturally.  we are born with the ability to experience pain, and to know “hurt” so that we can recognize when we need to “stop” and rethink or meditate on present circumstances.  An important  lesson in the I Ching/Tao >  the wise man knows when to retreat. If you are a follower of the I Ching – use hexagram 53 for today’s reading.  Chien (Developing) china,huangshan,anhui, umbrella tree
When a situation is faced, head on, with Makoto…. no matter how hard that situation is, with sincerity of purpose, with the Universe in and around you…..you will be able to find a way.  There is always something to learn when we are faced with a challenge.  when we deal with the challenges we are dealt in life with a positive  and open minded attitude.  We find happiness in positive self expression.    … Oyashikiri …

photography -photos – Pinterest

Happy Monday everyone!




Living in the moment, being mindful means that you are living each moment with awareness, being present, addressing the moment with a clear state of mind. In “biblical” times it is told that Jesus walked on water and that in/with faith, so could his followers.  The moment they let fear/doubt take over, they sank.  It is not easy to always be clear of negative feelings, but we can learn, we can practice the ART of trusting and truly believing that the “Universe” no matter what the challenge, has a reason for where you are and what you are living at any given time.



Begin by starting your day with a positive attitude.  PL Principle # 2  I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather. Rather I will always be creative and will for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.

If you wish to learn more about the PL 21 Principles, please ask for a consultation from your local PL minister. (Perfect Liberty)


Welcome another Friday

Good Morning Everyone!



Daily Devotion..   With a prayerful mind, once you  begin, you cannot stop, there is no room for laziness.    Put your heart into everything you do.    It doesn’t matter if you are “getting anything out of it”.   Whether there is a response is secondary.     It is sincere heartfelt devotion that is rewarding.     It brings transformation.    True worship is a daily act.  Meditate and Pray with a “humble” mind.    Blessings – Oyashikiri

2013-10-25 oct.28 021photography – light and shadows -Q


Begin each day with a renewed sense of appreciation

MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAAfter watching the news last night and seeing the snow storms that hit parts of the States and Canada leaving behind a mess to be cleaned up and dealt with for days to come, went searching for a picture that showed green vegetation and new growth.  Wow my prayers and positive energy is being sent out to all of you who need that extra boost.

The PL lesson for today was > Begin each Day with a Renewed Sense of Appreciation <   Are you living each day and getting into a rut? By making small changes in the things you do, your day to day life can become fresh and exciting.  We are here today , by the grace of God.  Let’s make each day meaningful, by starting out with a feeling of gratitude for a brand new day.  In being genuinely happy about life, we will be blessed with a deeper sense of happiness.

Smile, you are loved each and every day, sometimes we may not feel very loved, but you are.  Know and believe, you are loved.


I love this picture.. Warm HUGS everyone!   Blessings – Oyashikiri.



Good Monday Morning Everyone



There is a great sense of joy when we are able to express our true selves.   Our environment and the things that happen all around us, are all materials for self expression.  In PL we are taught that with God’s blessing, we will be able to freely express ourselves using these materials.  When  I found this little church tucked away between   a wooded area and the sea, the artist’s build brought a genuine smile and joy to me.  If you are virtual traveler this is the link to ! The Sanctuary ” Our Lady Lourdes of Lourdes”,   the url is  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Excellens/189/209/67

Valentine 2.3.14_010


Always  focus on your true feelings and express yourself honestly.  It was in following where my footsteps led that I found this little sanctuary

By leading  a cheerful, joyful and beautiful life, you will learn to work for the happiness of orders as well as yourself.    PL Precept #21   LIFE IS ART

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