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Posts tagged ‘blessing’

Happy New Year !

May you prosper and live a life happy filled with many blessings


a beautiful sky


Bom dia!!!!

I turned a corner and voila! The contrasts and the beauty of the sky above were too much.  I pulled over and dug out “old faithful” (Huawei)

A new day, a new month, how wonderful !  Sunday too, service at 10:00  see you all in prayer.

PL calendar day 1      Always live with world peace in your heart

Each and every one of your actions can inspire peace within your family, your community and the world around you.  This peace will eventually help lead to world peace.

Love and blessings in my heart for each and every one of you.  To you with cameras who share “captures”, a special thank you of appreciation to your talents and the cameras you use.  Appreciate all in life.



Bonjour, hello how are you today?


Good Morning, thought I’d show you the snow outside the house today, it isn’t so pretty today. After the huge storm of the other day, dropping over 50 plus centimeters on us, we still have a lot of it piled on the streets.  It is cloudy and overcast, and with the sidewalk plow having gone by, well this is what we can see. This is the pile along the street, and below is the snow on our front lawn.



The blue spruce is playing peek-a-boo, happy that we put a barrier between it and the sidewalk.  Not every day is sunny, and not all days bring out the crystal lights in the snow.  But it is still the same snow we love to see when the sun shines merrily on it, dazzling us with its glittering display.  I’m not a skier, but when I did do X-country, the wet snow of day such as this, was sloppy.  Temperatures are going up and the snow out there is being rained on.


Even the house has lost its country cottage charm this morning. A positive here, I see the bird feeder needs more seed.  Actually, I loved the vintage, look when we bought ther house, and even today, as I see her braving yet another winter…I admire how she has stood the test of time.   They the weather forecasters, tell us it will be a cloudy wet day, all day.  As the temperature rises, the streets will really get mushy.  Hmmm choices, stay in, go out, its darn warm and cosy inside, and I certainly have a lot of projects and things to do… isn’t it wonderful to have all these choices.  =^_^=  we can sit and share a cuppa tea/coffee..

card 2x


Luckily I share my world with other bloggers who travel the globe and live scattered all over the world.  I know they’ll be dropping in during the day with stories of their own.  Many will bring a ton of sunshine they’ve captured here and there.  No matter where we are in the world, we are always sharing life/the Universe with others.  In today’s world of the internet and social media, we can cultivate and explore all parts of the world, make new friends, and best of all, we thrive, we grow when we allow friendships to blossom and bloom.  In exploring the various dimensions of ourSELVES through the friendships we make, our world as we know it, expands, we know that what is outside our door today, is only a moment in time.. in this very same moment and time, a friend is basking in sunshine on a mountain top or sandy beach.

PL Precept #17   Grasp what is most essential

PL Precept 18    Each moment is a turning point.



Does anyone, can anyone remember or recognize these little give aways?

2013-02-23 brown eyed Susans 001

I once had these Black eyed Susans in our garden,  over time, they simply disappeared.

C’est la vie, such is life.

Namaste          –          Oyashikiri

Have a good day everyone!

Till soon!



like bamboo

I will go my way

yesterday was yesterday

and today, will be today

such is the way

when all we do and say

is lived in one day

me you


namaste     –     oyashikiri


bamboo t emple,Hokoku-ji,kamakura,kanagawa

photo by koki konkdo Fivehundredpx

photo Damien Douxchamps



In life when we begin a new project, or decide to make a major change in our lives, usually the first step, is a germ of a seed is planted, it takes root and then begins to grow. With some people the idea may lie dormant for some time before they actually decide to move forward.  Then again, some may begin the process but get side tracked and the idea is left to grow on its own, without any further input from the originator.


When we don’t take a firm stand or move forward with a determination to see the project through, results are often not what we expected or anticipated.



Some roots show such determination they will grow with each passing moment, slowing inching their way to the light of day and will use any way/method available to them to do so.

When we try to suppress a desire or passion that needs expression, especially one that is a lesson in life we have to learn or face… …. …. the force of nature will prevail.

There are times when we see a perfection …. however the perception, might not necessarily be consonant with reality, in moments of grace (enriching time in  inner development and self-expression)…  those involved in creative and artistic endeavors will find their “work” very satisfying.  For it will appear to be divinely inspired and when such moments happen, relish them, enjoy the moment, then flow with the changes…. let go, let it change to what it will be…



Namaste     –     Oyashikiri


May your day be blessed with peace and happiness!

Forever, Always


Being happy!

11200621_477844679036168_6913589309851515555_nI’m so happy. Happiness is such a good state of mind to be in.  What is it about being happy that makes a day seem brighter, chores less of a burden, its a feel good feeling.

When we are cheerful, it affects those around us, it tends to make for a more pleasant day, AND everyone wants to be part of the “smile”


Yellow is a happy colour

Yellow makes me smile

Sunflowers, always seem to bring out the best in the day

Aside from running down the street

singing out, I’m so happy……

What is it we do to show the world we are happy?

When I think back on the day,

I don’t recall wanting to jump  up at anytime

and shout, I’m happy.

Yet we grumble at the drop of a  hat

or complain if something doesn’t go right

mutter our discontent,

How do you express your Happy!

herb, Stl John's Wort

St.John’s work (Hypericum) 5 yellow petals, is a perennial herb.  It is believed to help with relief for overwhelming stress and negative feelings.  It makes me happy just looking at it.  Erect stems and trailing rhizomes. hmmmm share my happy?

When we smile and have a pleasant attitude, we encourage those around us to feel the joy and share in the positives in life.

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri

Vida es Arte – Life is Art


The air,  fresh and clear holds promise

the moment is as  soft as the morning dew

one moment spent truly with you

one single moment of feeling you in my heart

a connection so pure, so strong

nothing, nothing at all feels wrong

when you, dear God are with me

Out of nowhere, when I least expect it

I will see a flower and know the wonder

of all that you are

I pray today,that I will never miss your call

for I know that it is easy to fall

When I get lost and too involved

yet always, you are here,

winter,spring, summer and fall.

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

Viva en verdadera libertad      – Live in Perfect Liberty


dedication and faith

Panoramic view of the Greek-Orthodox monasteries of Meteora

greek-orthodox monasteries of Meteora

There was a time when our desire to pray and be closer to God/Universe was seen in the physical world around us.  Many dedicated their lives to the practice of living only for that  purpose.

St  Stephen's Holy Monastery

A closer look at St. Stephen’s Holy Monastery, it was not built as high as the others, (during 16th century) it was badly damaged during world war 2 by the Nazis and abandoned.  However dedicated nuns, came back and reconstructed it and are living and praying there today.

We no longer feel that we need to remove ourselves from the world around us, we know that God is everywhere and lives within us.  The majority  of us, need to live and provide for ourselves and family. It is sometimes hard to remember to make time for ourselves  Precious time where we reconnect to the Spirit within.


I understand wanting to live where i can be with others who share my dedication to serving and being of service, to attain this, one must climb a steep and rocky path.  In one of the monasteries I read about, the only access was by rope ladders and nets.  Replacement happened only when “God  let one break”


wherever you are, today is the present

 you will only live it once

live it so that you will not have any regrets

 life is…..you are

no more ….. no less.

namaste …..- ….. oyashikiri

monasteries of Meteora are listed by UNESCO as world heritage sites (Babamail).
journeytohimalayas.com Phugtal Gompa, Buddhist monastery

being thankful

easter IslandI remember being totally fascinated and captivated by the story of Easter Island.  I was lost in the mystery of it all.  I dreamed of travelling there to see the giants for myself.  I never did, instead as i made my way in life, I found that my life itself was full of mysteries , my own wonders at the complexities in life, How I could love so much and enjoy so much yet seem to always be “odd person out”

Even when I hurt, or feeling sad and down, they were feelings that I seemed to revel in, I basked in the emotions that engulfed me and  examined how they made me feel and  how I got there. They were lessons,  I went through the heartbreak of wanting so much for someone to care, and not recognizing that a relationship is based on BOTH parties being of the same mind.

It takes living the experience to learn the value of the lesson taught.  I have been blessed with many lessons in life. Each lesson has made me a much stronger and independent woman.  It is in paying attention to each and every moment of our lives that we grow, that we blossom, unfold and mature into the person we become.  In a lifetime, we continue to experience the many changes and lessons until it is time for us to quietly transition to another state of BEING.

Great pyramid of Giza, Egypt

When we truly appreciate all that we have lived, and what IS, Then and only then will we find true happiness.  Give thanks every day for the wonders in life that have blessed you during your lifetime.  To every negative there is a positive. Kindness and love for another are gifts to be treasured.  I give thanks for each and everyone of you, you are so very appreciated.

Namaste     –       Oyashikiri


What happened

52174f96e59f1c156bda5189e3e0275eHappiness is not about luck, it is about how you perceive the world around you.  I grew up thinking I was Chinese, then one day discovered that I was part Irish.  Go figure on my Mother’s side, Did that change who I was, no, for some reason, I have always just said, when asked, I’m Chinese.  Interestingly, come March 17, I want to wear green, and I feel a kinship for all that is Ireland. (Irish)


The PL teaching for the 17th . is “The things that happen in our lives are neither good or bad.  It is our perspective that determine whether the outcome is good or unfortunate.”

When I wrote my virtual blog earlier, http://virtualluna.blogspot.ca/ I wrote about weddings, love, partnerships, it took me on a trip down memory lane.

Later in the day I spoke with a  special lady who told me of a beautiful relationship she had, and how it had ended when her partner passed away.

Love is such a beautiful emotion, when there is true love, I am a believer that life is and will always hold that love in a very special part of who we are.  A good friendship never really dies, it fades away, but the joy of that friendship will live in our hearts for a long time.

I agree, some people are just not meant to be lovers, or married, but at one time they shared a very special bond, and that memory, that experience, will always be part of their chemistry, (makeup).it will form who they are in the present.  We all know the expression, “it is better to have loved and lost, then to never have loved at all”.


What happens when we fall in love, and what goes wrong, who really knows.  But when the happiness and joy of being together is no longer there,  When you no longer can share your heart willingly, then it is time to let go and move on.  Love is a blessing, it is a gift, not a chain that binds.

So today, while the leprechaun play, and the fiddler has us dancing, hold out your hand and clasp the friends you care about …  recognize and appreciate that this is a day to be happy that they are in you life.


“May the road rise up to meet you

May the wind be always at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face

And the rains fall soft upon your fields”


“and until we meet again may God hold you in the 

palm of his hand.”

I truly love each and every one of you…

Namaste      –     Oyashikiri


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