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Posts tagged ‘Quiet’

how we perceive

When you look what do you see? When you listen what do you hear?

You can learn from anyone. There is a limitation to your own knowledge and experience, Listen carefully and sincerely to others’ opinions,

Perfect Liberty 2015.18

Have you been rushing around trying to get things done? Are you constantly on the go? Let’s take a moment to sit together, come on, you are at having a moment to look over incoming missives.. let’s just sit together for a moment. I’ll close my eyes, you close yours.. take a deep breath.. and just let this moment BE .. slowly exhale, and wait .. count to 10 may be even 15 till you open up your peepers again.

Big smile.. did you feel the quiet envelope you. It s a feel good moment, just for you.

Share a smile with someone today, no reason,, just because…

aren’t they cute, their lives are just beginning.

They won’t be encumbered by the constant chatter of “noise” that we humans contend with in our daily lives, but they will have their own share of “dangers” - Carry goodwill to all, in all you say and do.. always.

abstract moments

Mer Bleue fence post

Always remember to thank those around you. We are able to accomplish things when each of us fulfills our duties. So always remember to express gratitude to each other.

Perfect Liberty 2016.26

With the sun shining even brighter these past few days, I did get myself a camp chair, and I did sit in the sun today, basking in the warmth of the sunlight on my face. It was cozy, it was comfortable, I thought I might not enjoy it because the camp chair is one that folds like an umbrella, and isn’t high on my back. Never-the-less.. it was great. I truly enjoyed just sitting there, my coat open, the sun on me… no cares, no worries, just allowing the moment to happen. I parked at the end away from where people were parking to go walk/snowshoe, or X-country .. and away from the feeders. My car is compact, I could park and allow space behind the car for me to sit unnoticed.. facing the field of snow…. and just BE. AWESOME!

this was my personal private scene.

Life is good!


standing still

when activity happens all around you. yet…. all you see, is endless sky..

ever ask why….


PL Precept #18 Each moment is a turning point

a cow

2013-10-29 oct 29 021


A cow waited by the side of the road, my mind began a conversation with the cow. I imagined that I was able to sit down in a field of clover and visit …  just me, the open field and the cow.

How calm, how quiet my companion was.  The only sound the masticating of its cud, and the swishing of its tail.

Yes, I would like to explore the possibility of such a moment. No radio, no sounds of traffic, just the environmental sounds of being in a field with a cow. I imagine that the conversation would be different with a goat.  The two are very different.

PL calendar day 19

If you are going to do it, put your whole heart into it

Your degree of seriousness will affect the outcome.  Your daily  accumulation of effort towards your goals shows just how serious you are.




Zen moments

image2Looking out at animals calmly enjoying their time in the pasture.

Their only thought is to BE.

Not feeling 100% I took to my bed early, I thought I would listen to my body, and simply lie down.

Life has a way of getting in the way.

PL calendar day 27

Put all of your effort into the NOW.

You can only do your absolute best right this moment; not in the past, not in the future, but NOW


Bom dia dear friends, Greetings.. and blessings.



photos hT9



hwy to alfred7

Stay awhile, simply stand, sit, wait, till the sounds around you, are the only thoughts you hear.  Feel the breeze, take in the smells, you will feel you body start to relax.

hwy to alfred8Walk slowly, for now, in this moment,  you have no other place to be. SAy these words quietly to yourself, right now.  Then close your eyes, take a deep breath, feeling your lungs expand    smile    then slowly open your eyes.   Ahhhh how easy was that.

Go in peace my friend.  You are loved.



roof tops

hwy 43 9.16.17f near Mountain

I sit high when driving, we have a truck.  I as struck by the vegetation and rooftops as I travelled how 43, going east.

hwy 43 9.16.17c

It was a beautiful day as you can see.  The miles slipped silently by as I rode along taking in the views.  It was a “me” day.  A day to allow my thoughts to come and go, my only objective to watch the road, and take in the beauty around me.

hwy 43 9.16.17a

Farmland as far as the eye could see.  Small villages, and towns, expanse of fields waiting for harvest.  Rural Ontario. (250km)  Lots of time to entertain my thoughts.

PL Precept # 15  All is a Mirror    –  I sought tranquility and peaceful surrounding.  The Universe granted my wish.  I enjoyed conversation and friendship along the way, then back in the truck  as I continued on my way………….. the steady hum of the tires and visual delights as Nature provided the beginning colours of her  fall palette.

Just before the final stretch, I stopped for fresh produce and discovered a new fruit.  Ground cherries.  physalis longifolia

Enjoy each new day, give thanks for the opportunities that come your way.  Life is good.

ground cherries

A day spent with and in Nature, alone, in meditation and quiet

is a special day indeed!


Wordless Wednesday -tranquility

shadednear Sharon Springs NY.USA

sometimes in dreams


To achieve a quiet heart, so that we can live in greater harmony with the world around us, takes an effort.  In life, when we are balanced, grounded, we are capable of better decisions, and more effective results to our actions.

If we are active, when we should be at rest, then when it is time to act, we are often ill prepared.  We can miss opportunities that had we been rested and ready, would have been easy to deal with.

For the last many days I have been living with a sinus infection.  Ok it is not the end of the world, however, when the symptoms gang up on me, I really do find myself leaning towards,a complaining mind. (that is not the right way/direction to go)

Like a hamster in a cage, running, running on my wheel, running and getting nowhere.  After chasing around looking for a clinic that was open today, I finally gave up and came home.  I will take the time to reflect on just why this physical annoyance is giving me grief.

It is said, that the “superior” person, first achieves quiet heart, and then acts.   Hmmmmp I have some serious winding down to do, 1st step, when my body says rest, I need to listen.

PL Precept # 18  Each moment is a turning Point

PL Precept #17  Grasp what is most essential

a quiet walk


learning to walk with God

to be aware that every step you take

every movement you make

any direction you  decide to follow

will bring you closer to your goal

what goal? maybe you are not aware

that you even have one


but somewhere, buried deep

in the recesses of your inner Being

there is a solid reason

why, even in the crowded streets

or busy by ways

you feel a longing, even a need

at times, for a quiet moment,

a time where you say, please..

give me one moment to myself


we must sincerely apply our hearts to understanding

that God is the air we breathe, the life the flows within our veins

no matter you disbelieve, you are alive,

therefore you ARE..

Accepting and nurturing the person you ARE

that is a challenge we face

Till from this earth we part, with just a trace

of a memory by those who walked along

beside or with us on our journey


the day will come

when our days and nights become one

we will ride the mighty dragon

far into the Universe

our quiet walk

will have begun

Namaste     –      Oyashikiri


celebrate life

embrace love

Happiness is 



we are


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