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abstract moments

Mer Bleue fence post

Always remember to thank those around you. We are able to accomplish things when each of us fulfills our duties. So always remember to express gratitude to each other.

Perfect Liberty 2016.26

With the sun shining even brighter these past few days, I did get myself a camp chair, and I did sit in the sun today, basking in the warmth of the sunlight on my face. It was cozy, it was comfortable, I thought I might not enjoy it because the camp chair is one that folds like an umbrella, and isn’t high on my back. Never-the-less.. it was great. I truly enjoyed just sitting there, my coat open, the sun on me… no cares, no worries, just allowing the moment to happen. I parked at the end away from where people were parking to go walk/snowshoe, or X-country .. and away from the feeders. My car is compact, I could park and allow space behind the car for me to sit unnoticed.. facing the field of snow…. and just BE. AWESOME!

this was my personal private scene.

Life is good!

Comments on: "abstract moments" (12)

  1. Such beautiful warm sunshine!

  2. Brilliant! So glad you did that – good for body and soul. 🙂

  3. Lovely pictures and advocacy for gratitude

    • I’m hoping that sunshine will start to dry up some of the layers of snow.. however, this is Canada, and it is still February, soon… Waves across the miles… virtual hugs.

  4. Sybille Lengauer said:

    Beautiful pictures

    • thank you! the sky is so blue and the sun is getting stronger with each passing day! another few weeks and we will be officially into spring! Yay!

  5. Your boot treads look solid. The sunshine can be deceiving, eventually it will deliver on the promise, slowly

  6. and I await it with great anticipation… waves a sunny greeting your way…

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