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Posts tagged ‘differences’

not all trees are adorned

This is a season where emotions run from high to low.

We are blessed with the gift of life. This month is ripe for emotions to be fragile, we have endured a year with a lot of uncertainty. Some of us have a lot of family we haven’t seen or been able to visit with, and now the season that usually brings us together, is here, and we are being asked to – refrain, or cut back on any celebration we may have been counting on.

Music is a wonderful way to share and enjoy time with friends.

look for and find your “happy” and share it. Sharing a happy moment with a friend is very worthwhile. A smile, and/or a kind word, go a long way in making someone else’s day. We may never know the pain, longing and/or suffering another person goes through.

In one of the groups I share time with listening to music, there is one person who is not into “country” and will voice her thoughts if anyone plays a song that could be considered “country”.. … In my world music is music, no matter the genre, it is the message and the feeling that it inspires. We are never all going to be on the same page at the same time. When we refuse to listen or allow others to express themselves .. we miss out on a lot.

It is is in appreciating the unique differences in one another that we learn more about ourselves. Love is universal, a smile works magic. A friendly greeting, from a total stranger, can turn a gray day into one of sunshine.

It is only natural that you are different from others. Each of us has our own way of thinking and our own individual lifestyle. that’s what makes life interesting.

Perfect Liberty 2020.20

Thank you for allowing me to share a little of this and a little of that.. =^_^= I call this a chop suey post!


Appreciate our differences


PL Calendar #23   Appreciate Our Differences

Appreciate the colourful personalities of the people around you and enjoy their uniqueness to the fullest

Life’s journey is never a super highway, it is full of unexpected stops, and detours along the way.  Remember it is not the destination, but the journey itself that is rewarding.  When we are faced with the unexpected, stop and appreciate the diversion, it is  happening for a reason.  The details might not be clear to you at the time, but if we believe, and have faith, God/Universe will see us through. Love is unconditional.  Love sometimes is having to be different.  Let Go… Let God.



photo- Hillwalker (Darren Su)




mountain 1.15.

I knew I shouldn’t just stop along the highway, but when I saw the trees coated in white snow, I found a way to stop so I could take a few pictures.

mountain c 1.15

Too often, I squeal with delight at something I pass along the way.  I know moments can’t repeat themselves, but still I try.  I wanted to capture the white frosting on the sculpted branches.  I drove for miles and saw only open fields, with winter shades of blanched stalks, and soft golden grasses standing out from the fresh fallen snow.  Farm houses, and barns in the distance would have made great captures, but there was no place to stop.

We need to seize opportunities when they show themselves.  As I turned off the busy #43, towards Mountain, I saw the  stand of trees, with their blanket of snow, and the textured ground cover and I knew… it was time to pull over.  Such moments, are not necessarily the best photos, but they sure are rewarding moments that leave a person feeling good. Sometimes we need just LIVE the moment, and then move on.

If we hold back, wait and want only that perfect picture.  We miss the moment.  Technical composition, for me does not  >for me<  a memory make… Just saying…

That is why we are all so different, and why appreciation of another is so valuable in the enrichment of daily life.




July 2017

Tranquility is where we find it.  We recognize the moment that the world around us is blanketed with the right harmony of visual, audio and sensual input.

This view of the world through the lens of Dr.Enz (PA) a musician who has taken up photography as another way of expressing his passions.  I have permission to share some of his works with you.  Hope you enjoy.  The soft greens and the reflection in the water came together beautifully.  For me, it was/is visual music.

Not everyone will share my pleasure, and that is what makes life interesting.

Appreciate the differences in others, you don’t have to agree, but you can perhaps learn to understand.

PL Precept #10  Love yourself and Others.


naughty or nice


Have you been naughty, have you been nice, hear that a lot around this time of year.  It is all about perspective isn’t it. When someone is being naughty in someone’s view, he/she could be being very nice and totally appreciated by someone else. Perspective.


We are all so different, so unique in our own ways.  That is a gift from above.  The ability to be different, so that each and every one of us is blessed in an ability to enjoy and appreciate the creative expressions of others.


The Red Blacks (Canadian Football League) brought the cup home to Ottawa yesterday, they won the Grey Cup.. It is a very big deal to football fans, a huge BIG deal.   Congratulations to all you die-hard fans out there.. what an exhilarating over time period it had to have been.

there-be-dragons_004  For anyone wanting to view these dragons a their installation, this is the LM (landmark) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Amra/17/238/22  the show is called, Alpha Auer: from here on there be dragons.  when you arrive there is a note card explaining this wonderful exhibit.    Yes it is in the virtual world, http://www.secondlife.com  

I won’t spoil it for you, by sharing with you, the creator’s intro ..    the curator and owner of the Split Screen Installation Space, is long time SL member  Dividni Shostakovich


Thought I’d add a bit of warm and fuzzy.  Have a super fantastic start to your week-end.  Bring “happy” where ever you go.

   PL Precept #11 always be with God

PL Precept # 14 World Peace is everything.



hot dogs

WOW and wow again.. Good morning everyone, here it is a few days before the big day.. everyone is having a family get together soon, has had one or is planning one.  Last night at church we had our monthly Thanksgiving service.  After service on the 21st, tradition has it that we have Japanese Curry on rice..  We get two different choices, mild and spicy along with a green salad.. and yes there is always a dessert, members bring in goodies too.    Last night it was a big honking apple pie from Costco that was front and centre for those with a sweet tooth.

On our way home I turned to my friend Eartha and said ” I could go for a hot dog right now”.  I really really meant it, I’d had hot dogs on my mind since the other dat,  Not any hot dog, but the big ones we get from Costco, steamed.  It is the closest to the Montreal dog that I drool over.   I’ve learned to eat it  bare.  No condiments.  Why, cuz they don’t always have them out, and because it is messy if you are going to be eating it in your car..BEFORE you drive out of the lot.

Obviously we did not stop for hot dogs.. it was late and time to get home.  But the thought has not gone away, because in doing my research for the blog… look at what I found… No there is no point in my going out and buying hot dogs and buns.. that is not how it works with a craving…  The best part of eating an “all dressed” hot dog, is to go and get one from a vendor who knows how to dish them out.  Do you agree?

Everyone has their own specialty.  Something they do well.  I accept that making a good hot dog is not one of mine.

In PL we have a Precept … Precept #13 – There is a Way for Men and a Way for Women.  I’ve always had a bit of a problem with the wording, and I’ve had many a discussion about this with various ministers and officials of the church..  I am of course limited due to the fact that this ministry is out of Japan, and few of the  ministers, I myself can dialogue with, speak with a good command of the English language.  I do not speak Japanese.

So to me, and this is MY take on it after years of study and being with PL.  we men and women are like the hot dog,  we come in one shape (human) the  shapes and sizes differ, but we  all hot dogs.  And then depending on where we live and the customs and beliefs we are adorned with as we journey along.  We appear to be other than what we actually are. (in this missive, hot dogs =^_^=) human beings.

We, each and every one of us, may take a different path, or use different condiments to enjoy our hot dog, in the end, we are satisfying a craving, an urge, a desire….. What is different is how we want our hot dogs, our choices are what we decide to do with the hot dog…. and in the end, the choice we made, was it a good one?

Oh my, won’t you be happy when I find myself hot dog and move on……  cravings !!!!

hot dog with cheese


Have a super happy day everyone!

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri


new 50's club_005    new 50's club_002

Seems we missed a great time in history., I meet many interesting people in my day to day, many seniors, white hair, gray some stooped, some very active who have kept the same colour for years..so are still brunettes, blondeds, etc… there eyes light up and sparkle when they speak of “the days when”  Some of you, may or may not venture into the many virtual worlds that are now popping up all over, you can access them through FaceBook, either read about them or see pictures friends have posted.

Casablanca 9.9.15_007    Casablanca 9.9.15_009

Last night I had the opportunity of visiting a virtual club where a very good friend entertains on Wednesday evening with recorded music.  She grew up with the big band sounds, and she was playing them last night, what a turn out the club had. DJ Yume as she is called in the virtual world,  in the physical world is a modern-day diva, she works, lives and is active in her community, but volunteers some nights to entertain the virtual community.  For two hours she plays non stop tunes of the various eras she has programmed for the evening’s    entertainment. The guests all come dressed in costume to enjoy the party.

Who are these guests, having now spent many many years on virtual platforms, I know many are shut ins, or care givers, people who for one reason or another cannot get out to “kick up their heels”.. they are stay at home moms/dads, young men and woman who due to circumstances find themselves tied to the house, their contact and way of meeting others who share their need for social interaction.  People like DJ Yume, Tango and Peggy the owners of the club, they work very hard to provide the space, and the talent, so that others can enjoy.

Where in the physical world, they can feel invisible… on the virtual platform, they can be anyone they want to be.  Keep in mind that the number 1 rule in virtual worlds… is that kindness is key.. behind every avatar, there is a human being sitting at a computer.  We gather, we play, we chat and have fun… yes.. genuine heart-felt laughter.. there are no distractions, we talk across the miles… we are not invisible.

July 29 Jettis and China_004      blog 8.30_018

July 26_005

slow down

Lady in red, is Kyra Wyldfire and the builder of the new 50’s club you see in the first pictures.  She also owns and operates her own  blues club on the InworldZ platform (Rocking the Blues).  It sits on a beautiful sim, of bayou country   Kyra built the 50’s club on the Canadian grid, The Great Canadian Grid.    A very talented woman, a survivor, she manages her day-to-day life, her family and still makes time to come in to share with friends who love and care for her on the virtual platforms.

We are no invisible, we are real.

Spread your wings today… smile… show someone you care…

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri





Sometimes, something just is

This video doesn’t exist

Sometimes someone elses creativity has already expressed something I was going to say, the creators of this video, while giving us a chuckle.. also made a statement..

We are all unique and have our own way of expressing and living our lives.  This next clip was also a cutie I found on my FB page this morning.  My friends you are so wonderful with your ingenuity and posts. (the squirrel found a nut and wanted to hide it )

This video doesn’t exist


Share a smile today

make someone’s day brighter.

Namaste          –          Oyashikiri


after midnight

Turkey, Mardin

This is a picture of Mardin, Turkey.  What struck me was how different it was from anything I have seen in the part of the world I live in,  I just wasn’t sure when I saw it, if I was drawn in, or even if it was real. There is not a tree in sight, a park, a piece of land, nothing.  Someone had commented that it looked like a picture from a fairy tale book.


This is Austria,lots of green, yet it is still a world I have yet to discover. No matter where we are, whether or not we travel to these far away places or we stay at home, we are blessed with living in an era where we can meet people from all over the world, right on our doorstep.

We need only be open to the experience.

How often have I walked past a stranger, who looked interesting, and not said a word, even though, he/she looked interesting and we had exchanged a nod or smile. We all do it. We let the moment pass.

It is in opening the window, or door to new opportunities that we discover new vistas, new ways of seeing life, Sharing good conversation with a friend is a genuine moment worth remembering.


A good friend is not one that comes and goes with the blink of an eye.  Nor can we go out and search for a friend, they come into our lives like blessings, treasures, gifts from the Universe.  Like anything else, they will grow with time,  if the connection is real, you will have a friend for a lifetime.  It all begins with a hello.  Life is…. lived… one moment at a time. Once a seed is planted, how well it grows, depends on us.

no more… no less.

namaste     –     oyashikiri

…. buen dia…. a hug? abrazo?

71 bronco

hey.. wow … need  HUG

gosh, you look like you could use a HUG

Actually I have friends that would be in utterly fantastic bliss to be out there on a beautiful day, sharing their off road experience with friends, and no they aren’t in need of a hug, they are having fun.  Perspective.

7172510-r3l8t8d-650-cute-big-dogs-and-babies-5Awwww now this is a true hug

wrapped in a warm embrace by a friend

relaxing and just sharing bonding time

What, no?  Oh you have allergies, and you can’t be that close to an animal, dog, cat etc. So this wouldn’t be your idea of a nice happy moment…. ahhh…. Perspective


We are all unique in our own ways, and we each and everyone of us goes through life trying to understand our selves and the world around us.  It is when we share our dreams and differences, that we learn about someone else, their culture, their world, in doing so, we broaden our own.


Please come by for tea, the door is always open, careful on the way over, it can get rather steep, but I’m always happy to meet and greet a friend, we can chat and exchange views (smiles), visiting and getting to know you, will be a very special kind of “hug”…sincere sharing/caring… is a hug in itself.  Blessings.

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri

love this last picture, hermitage,Qianyuan mountain,Tianhua X, the capture is awesome, peaceful and surreal, did you find the hermitage? (artstation.com)

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