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Posts tagged ‘changes’


Like the seasons, we (humans) seem to go through our own version of change. In a blog I just did for another of my “interests” https://wordpress.com/view/dymoonadventures.wordpress.com I talked about how changes to our outward appearance.. how we represent our”selves” in the worlds we live and play in.

Then in my morning mail, I got this little clip https://youtube.com/shorts/yrL46htpljc?si=fjqmm7q82htW9p3S  Thanks Eartha… 

And this picture from Debs of her and two fellow actors backstage during Murder on the Orient Express.. Lise Lesage Boily, Tim Gernstein and Deborah Lobban (right)

It is a brand new year, and there is a lot of changes in the wind. How often do you see/hear me say “the only constant in life is change”

We are all actors in the biggest play of all.. Life on Earth. I feel that this will be a year of significant changes for almost all of us. The weather has been showing us that we cannot escape the reality of life in 2024 In my blog I posted earlier, link above.. I ask the question, (many actually) about how you cope or deal with change. If any one feels like commenting I would enjoy reading what you think about where we are headed, and how personally you are making or going to make changes in the coming days/weeks/months.

No effort is ever wasted. Even if no one witnesses your actions (to your knowledge) The Universe is aware. No matter how small your efforts, your Makoto (sincerity) will be rewarded.

PL 2011.22

Don’t rush or allow yourself to get flustered. When you rush, it limits your ability to pay attention to detail, and often leads to careless mistakes. With a prayerful mind, take a deep breath and act calmly.


Lots to reflect on.. have a great day everyone!


I think there is a song out there, about “a change is going to come” ??

Friday finds

Ever find yourself in a situation that every place you head for, is out of reach, I got across the river to the Quebec side of the Ottawa River, only to find a detour on the road I wanted to take. OK, I know the city so I took a side street that ran along the parkway.. thus the wonderful colours, and the picture that is a burst.. is where there is a foot path that takes you to the Gatineau Parkway (which was closed to traffic).

I changed my plans and decided I would head up the 148 (highway) only to discover that most of the road from where I was starting out, was blocked and closed due to construction. This then took me by the Hull Armories.

the only signs of life when I pulled in… you can see they were not interested in me.
one did stop, but after a quick once over, snubbed me.

Giving up on my decision to take pictures on the Quebec side, I decided to come back to Ontario side … Plus, there was word that the border might be closed, due to the rise in Covid numbers. Gatineau I was told was code Orange.

Suffice to say, my adventures continued on this side of the river, but I will save that for another day.

The everyday things you do will show when it really counts. If you have a tendency to be careless about everyday matters, you cannot expect to perform well at crucial times.

Perfect Liberty 2020.3.

Always think that “everything will work out” when you allow yourself to be pessimistic, your thoughts and actions become sluggish. Approach everything optimistically without hesitating.

Perfect Liberty 2020.2

I am taking a positive attitude tonight… I am going to rest, RELAX, chill, and just let life happen. Tomorrow will be another day. Tonight I will find comfort and joy in a freshly made bed and pleasant dreams. =^_^=


gouda, smoked please



These are the locks next to the once called Chateau Laurier in downtown Ottawa. Since forever, I remember these locks, I would see them every day coming into Ottawa when riding public transportation, back… when =^_^=

I don’t get to see them now, I seldom drive that way, however they are still there, and so is the hotel, only now it has another name. Change is a constant in life, it happens. Sometimes we are in the thick of it all, and other times, for some reason, even though we are aware it is happening, it isn’t in our day to day…. so it isn’t till you happen to drive that way that you rediscover the “place” At that moment you often feel the past and present come together in a “wow” moment.

My husband proposed to me at the Chateau, in that second courtyard, as we overlooked the river and the historic landscape around us. It was enchanting. I was a princess, courted by her prince. It is a cherished moment, one I relived today, when I found the sealed envelope they gave me with his wedding ring, and I Ching piece he always wore. (after a funeral, this is what they do) I had completely forgotten…I had a past, and present moment that flashed through me when I found it in a drawer while looking for papers that I needed. =^_^=

First, Accept everything.... Life is filled with moments, sometimes happy and at times inconvenient. It is important to first accept every situation as it occurs and try to accept and understand it for what it is.

Perfect Liberty 8,2019

Unconditional love is forever…


** the first railing near the wall of the hotel.

** note I still don’t have e-mail. Bell is still working on it, it has only been since August..my account must look like a novel by now. Yes I have recorded every phone call, date, time and agent spoken to.

the living is easy

Good afternoon everyone…

Bright and early I too myself off to the cemetery to cut back the evergreens that I planted there some 30 years ago.  I had intended to take a before picture, but by the time I arrived at the cemetery the heat of the day was already beginning to show itself.  Shy flower that I am… I went over, pulled the weeds, and gathered up the dead leaves for the mulch bag with a determined dedication of purpose.

How is your day so far?  The hot weather is to continue on here for the rest of the week.  Good time to stay indoors and work on projects in my studio.

I have had many ideas these past weeks, but not had the chance to get started.  Today is the day.

How to live an Artistic life...

The PL Principles(21)are the practical guidelines for our daily lives.  As PL members they assist us in practicing the PL Precepts (21)  The 21 Principles are specific guidelines on how to live the PL Way (an artistic life) and teach us how to reach a positive state of mind, so that we can express ourselves more harmoniously and joyfully

Principle #14  I will not have a mind to be lazy.  I will not have complaints while working, nor be overly concerned and complain about others.

Reminder, Ancestors day, July 11th.   service will be at 10 a.m.




1st day 12.14.18_036

Waiting for 2018 to end.  What a year it has been,  Major changes, a much loved story book romance, came to an end.  Lost in thought last night, I wandered through the open doors of the memory vault. Each new day, brings me further away, from the day last May when I was left behind at the runway, my time not yet come to fly.

What will the new year bring, one will never know till the time comes.  Meanwhile, the clock ticks a steady beat..counting down to what…

Chinese New Year is at the start of February this year.  We will enter the year of the Pig.  Tonight in my part of the world, we will slide into 2019, a little over twelve hours from now.  If I didn’t know the time would it make a difference.  Not really, my life would still be in change mode, and after a good sleep, I will wake to begin yet another day of adventure and exploration.

1st day 12.14.18_028

Leonard Cohen, dance me to the end of love

PL Calendar day 31

Your world will change when you look at things in a positive light

Everything you encounter is an opportunity for you to express yourself.  What you choose to make of the situation is entirely up to you.




virtual art Q



With the blistering heat and the high humidity, I scanned through back files to find a picture that was more welcoming to my wilting enthusiasm for another summer day.

Good morning everyone, how are you all doing this July 2.  In the States I guess you are winding down or up for the big celebrations coming your way in a few days.  Here In Canada we are recovering from the sweltering heat wave that lasted for all of the Canada Day celebrations.  Last night I was outside when I felt the change in the air, the build up of clouds, and the whipping of branches as the non descriptive breeze turned into a very expressive energy that was very interesting to see.

I stood stock still, wanting to take in this explosion of dynamic vitality that surrounded me.  I could smell the moisture that was building, I knew that it would only be seconds and it would start to pour.  Lightening flashed, thunder rolled, and then, only after seeing the light flash across the sky, did I move.  Just as I closed the door, I heard the drumming on the windows.. the rain had arrived.

rocky crab card

Thinking it is coming.. makes me feel a whole lot better. =^_^=

A start to a new work week, continuing your summer vacation, whatever your plans, stay cool, don’t overdo, and most importantly, be happy.

PL day 2 2018 Calendar 

Be Forever Young and Seek New Challenges

The world is constantly in motion and never rests.  Keep your senses sharp and be ready to adapt to the ever changing world.



a winter’s day

winchester fog

Driving through the take out lane, I saw the fog was lifting. earlier, not even an hour or so, I could see only two car lengths  in front of me

I was heading back towards the city now,  with each passing mile, the sky got brighter

building across from po

bright enough, that I thought to stop to take a picture.  Usually I am driving by this site during the work day, and the road is just too busy.  I may have mentioned that I have been wanting to get a picture before the whole building disappears.  It has happened before, I am driving  along a road I travel many times a week when suddenly I realize that a building has disappeared.

The world around me is in constant flux.  For some reason, the demolition, began at a time that for whatever reason, I missed it.  I happened to go to the post office one day (it is across from this location) and when I drove out, it was a “WOW when did that happen???”  That was in the fall, and here it is February of the following year, and there it still stands.

building across from post office

I did see an opening in the fence.  However, my common sense, held me in check.  No hard hat, and not wearing my steel toed footwear.  Maybe I’ll get a chance another day. LOL if I were to find rust I would be in 7th heaven.

This adventure took place last week, today, I am looking forward to what’s ahead.

PL Calendar 18    Look Forward to What’s Ahead.

There is no use brooding over the past.  Always try to begin each day anew with a fresh outlook.

What a good teaching to start a new week.  Hope everyone is enjoying a long week-end, and is revving up for a stunning brand new week.



tag, your turn


Life is happily moving along, life is very good, there appears to be chaos around you, but in your little world, each day is a brand new, happy day.

And then, and then, surprise, the magic wand comes around and a little tap, tap tap, and darn, something changes.

computer-imagejayeshprofitfromprices.com (PC search – computer cartoons)

You get a new computer, because your old, true blue friend, simply refuses to budge, you shut down one night, and it simply refused to wake up. Yes, the new one is top of the line able to do all that you want it to do.  However, it is not warm and fuzzy, it doesn’t remember your last dinner for two, it has not shared any real “moments” with you.  It is a cold black, metal box.


Nothing is where it used to be, and every time you turn it on. you just know you will discover another learning curve.  Sigh.  I know, these opportunities are sent to keep our gray matter from getting sluggish.  To keep us eager for more knowledge, encourage our creativity.

Great way to start the day, how is your day going?  Change is good, mantra for the day, change is good, change is good..

Smiles and waves, good morning, it is the start of a Friday, I’m told there are black Friday sales going on everywhere.  Even here in Canada.  time to take a break and go out to play.

I know my new friend here on my desk will be waiting for me when I return.

broken crayons





double darn


It is said that one can’t teach an old dog new tricks.  I have resisted changing to this new format on WordPress for ages.  My PC died right.  I had to get a new tower, hard drive etc. For some reason, all my bookmarks are gone, Boo hoo.  Big girls do cry.


Phew… I found a new way to get my pictures from my camera into this new set up. See good things come out of change.  One has to believe everything will be alright. Thank goodness I didn’t have to hold my breath for too long.

Everything is OK now.  I can safely put myself to bed, and know I’ll sleep =^_^=

PL Precept # 5 One’s self is lost by being emotional

PL Precept # 18  Each moment is a turning point.

Start tomorrow with a big smile, and the eagerness of a child for all the discoveries that will come your way.


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