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Posts tagged ‘abandoned’


When yesterday lingers into today.

Sometimes the remains are a reminder of what was, other times, a building has been lovingly restored. But.. often all we see is a building that has been left on its own to fade into a lonely abandoned state of disrepair, with nothing to do but wait till the environment erases all of what it was. Could the lumber be reused, I often wonder why buildings are simply left abandoned,,, of course I’ve never had an answer to this question, yes possibilities .. owner died, people move away, etc. just seems a waste.

I’m drawn to the aura of mystery that usually shrouds a vacant abandoned building, Today being Thursday, I like to participate in the Thursday Door Challenge that is featured on Dan’s site, No Facilities… https://nofacilities.com/2023/11/02/ellington-turn-around/ to this end, one of my favourite pastimes is to travel backroads and explore. Yesterday my fellow explorer (Bonnie) and I headed out towards Ompah, a little community off the beaten track (away from the main roads)…. I was driving and we passed many many interesting “picture moments” … … what I’ve learned from this journey was that when I’m driving … no pictures get taken.. I’m looking ahead and only catch glimpses of “oh” and “oh wow” moments.. so I will have to go again… with the focus being on pictures and not the destination.

And before I forget… there will be no PL English calendar this year, Japan has decided that it is too difficult to get a translation of their “thought of the day” into English for the coming 2024 year. I will still be doing the post and providing you with a quote for the day, but it will not be from the PL 2024 calendar. Nor will I be sending out 2024 calendars. Sorry … For members in Brazil, South American, and Japan .. there will be calendars in Portuguese, Spanish and Japanese, These calendars will be available to members/churches in North American and Europe.

Today’s calendar

Be big hearted, In fact, what you are concerned about might be something you don’t need to be concerned about. Interact with people without worrying too much,

Perfect Liberty 2023.2

What was will always be a part of today, whether we “see” it or not… live each moment wisely.




PL calendar day 2

Live each day filled with hope

Even in those situations when you feel trapped with no way out, face every challenge with purpose and enthusiasm and you will find a way.

Nick, Mel and Craig rang the partially hidden little bell

Nick and Mel, sat down to wait a spell

While Craig wandered off to find the well

“oh look”, said Mel

both doors are open, front and back

“for sure” said Nick, “let us explore

Craig will find us when he gets back”

Inside they went to look around

Meanwhile Craig having found a  fast running stream

decided to explore a little more .. will the 3 friends,

end up back where they began? Although they started in one location,  each had his/her own story to tell when ….



doorways from the past………………… what stories they can tell.



Happy Monday

west end Munster 4

I confess to being a back road junky.  I will take wrong turns or continue along a road, just because.  I love to see the different landscapes, colours, building and whatever else cannot be seen while we are driving on a main road. Admittedly, I sometimes find myself on a country road that I had no intention of being on..  Usually that is when I find something that cries out to me.. Stop… come back,  and I do.  I pull over, there is little to no traffic,  put on my emergency lights and get out.

west end Munster 1In the summer or in other seasons where foliage and filled in landscapes, catch the eye, the buildings can go unnoticed.  Not the other day,  I stood on the empty road, and just took in the quiet, the different shades of blue/gray in the skies, and the personality of the building that once was.

west end Munster 6

west end Munster 5

Somehow the snow and the wisps of dried vegetation that poked out here and there, gave the building a charm, I don’t know would be there when the trees were in full bloom.  Maybe in the fall with the autumn colours.  Come September/October, if I remember, and IF I can find it again.  I should check it out.

west end Munster 3

Time to find a main road, so that I can get back on track, do what needs doing and head home …

Today is a hospital day.  Please keep us in your prayers, send positive, healing energy, we will hear today, what the doctors have put together for us.

Know that we appreciate all the kinds words, your thoughtful caring “presence” in our lives is truly a blessing.

Blessings be….


*#29  Be Cheerful and Easygoing

Everything has a way of turning out alright in the end.  Relax and always try to think positively *

PL Calendar *

Wordless Wednesday – time was


Once alive with tourists, visitors enjoying a bit of history while touring the carefully tended gardens, and game park nearby.  This “car” now sits, empty. A relic days gone by.



Plattsburg, New York. USA,   May 14.2017                    taken by myself Q – Dymoon

Thursday Doors – NH

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knock …knock…

you can knock all you want

but you can’t come in…

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so you found me

you can look but you can’t see

Someone was here before you

you need only look to find the clue


shuttered and closed, I may be

but still I leave you with history

you can see it, just by looking at me

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I can be found anywhere

you need only dare

to look beyond the main streets

please believe that I still live and breathe

behind the door, you will see my core

the memory of another time

still lives within the walls behind the door

my floors still wear the marks of what was,

in the many years before, I am waiting

please, don’t stare, come in… and close the door.


Thursday doors 2 – continued

The house can be seen as you drive into Cornwall off the 401 going west.  From the off ramp it looked so lonely, so forlorn.  The inside is completely a mess. Without proper footwear and a hard hat, I wouldn’t venture too far inside.

The area around the house  looks like at one time it  had been a tended  lawn and garden.   I’d say a farm-house, the building (that also stands empty) that you drive past to get to this one seems to attest to my thinking, but then?   It is a brick building, perhaps when the land was expropriated for the highway, they built further back.. Of course with expansions.. this is no a place for a  “home”..  – for sale (land) it would be commercial property now.

I love the old wood, even with age, it has a quiet dignity to it.  The homes being built today, I don’t see the same character or get the same feeling of seeing a structure that was built to last, a home for generations.

The basket in the upper right corner, I remember when we would find them at markets filled with fresh farm vegetables.  How long ago since the last resident put it outside, perhaps filled with fall produce or an autumn display of bright foliage.

The house has been vacant for some time.. the wild trees, shrubs and grasses have been reclaiming what was once a tended lawn.

Thanks for visiting with me.  It was important to me.. to give the house  some  love attention, maybe one last time..  the new gravel down on the road leading to the area, suggests that something is “in the wind”

Progress so necessary, but at what cost……


yes it is still Wednesday -but a Thursday door is in this post!


We can only wonder at the creative mind that pulled this all together.  what a hoot it must have been to drive up and meet the people here, possibly someone somewhere will know more about this location, and contact me.  Meanwhile…. I enjoy the little surprises as i revisit the pictures.


Both my husband and our friend Syb, were reminded of Stephen King’s writing when they saw the pictures. I personally have not read a lot of Stephen King, what do you think?


I know Norm, I know, tomorrow is Thursday, but as you can see, this door from the building is very standard issue. the one that was super cool was the one at the front, where they drove cars in and out from.


Dorinda, Elusive, does this place inspire a storyline?  Anyone from Maine that knows anything about this place.. I’d love to hear from you.

Always be open to new discoveries, and when you find a piece of history that speaks to you…. enjoy it!

PL Precept #1      Life is Art



Chop suey 9.27.16 -abandoned


There are times when I feel simply overwhelmed by the creativity of others.  Thus was the case here, my husband is used to my hollering “stop the car, stop the car” and having to pull over turn around and bring me back to the “whatever” that brought on this outburst.  I was totally taken by this building, it was once an antique car lot.  The detail, the whimsical  character of the architecture.  I would have loved to have met the previous owner.


See the tie man!!  I loved, loved, loved it.  I toured around the building, as much as I could without being an intruder.


The second floor balconies made me itch with curiosity.  Wanting a ladder or access to the inside to I could get closer..  I’ll post a shot from the road, so you can see what I first saw.


Like HELLO.. how could I just drive by and not get a closer look.  It was on getting closer that I saw all the details, and the charming way the owner had put character into the building.

This is what life is.  Think about it.  How often do you meet someone, or see someone and think, how interesting, I wonder??  But, we never follow through, we never take that chance .. we are polite, and go about our business. I was blessed that in growing up, I was encouraged to meet and greet the world in a positive light.

Not only in old abandoned buildings and lost,left behind vehicles do I see beauty and wonder.  I see it in my fellow-man.

PL Precept #10  Love Yourself and Others

PL Principle # 3   I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

There will be more pictures of this house, (Norm’s “Thursday Doors”  but before I sign off, please let me show you the car that was left behind. It was being textured by Mother Nature, she was looking “some” good…=^_^=


Beauty if in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it ….

For those of you who love “rust detailing” and the different patina that Mother Nature can bestow on metal

this car is showing a lot of promise

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Wordless Wednesday -location location


Have a sun filled day everyone!

minions 3

bears repeating, just saying


Wordless Wednesday -forgotten, faded glory




lawrence NY



A cul du sac, all on its own could be seen from the highway, had to go back.  I felt such a strong draw … such a sense of abandonment from a place that had once had such a wonderful exciting and vibrant life.  The architecture of the houses with the faux fronts.. loved them.

A blessing and silent prayer for all of you today

P: Precept # 11 Always be with God

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