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Posts tagged ‘virtual art’


Do you ever feel like you are all alone waiting… Do you look around and “see” what was, and not what IS?

Some days, we walk around and go about our daily activities, but the world around us is not what it used to be… and we are not wanting to let go.. Maybe it is time to step back, and reconsider what we really want in life and where we “Need” to be… so that we can move on.

Give your best effort with a prayerful mind. Even if you’ve given your best effort, you may still have missed something important, Continue to have a prayerful mind even after you have completed the task at hand.

Perfect Liberty 2012.8

Today is a brand new day, What will you do with it?


Zaw visited HillVale Beach Arizona in SL http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Thorny%20Nook/100/127/22


Our imagination can take us many places. I have always loved wandering through various artistic expressions, places with new shapes, colours .. places that have been imagined or created by other artists. Where fantasy and reality meet in a way that gives the viewer their own “moment in time” thanks to someone else’s talent at creating visuals that would not be experienced otherwise.( Second life, a interactive “game” created and run by Linden Labs in California.)

Today so much of our input from regular media, is about wars, disagreements, disputes, strikes, neighbour against neighbour.. it is really a pleasure being able to spend time in an adult world that is full of creativity, music and yes social interactions that are .. sometimes nonsense, word games, good old fashioned card games, (I love a game that is played with dice, much like Yahtzee) Best of all .. there are people I’ve met from all over the world that share the joy of visiting a virtual world and the delights we find there.

I am not saying for a moment, that there are not people who love to create war games, and replay themes that are on the violent side.. but life is life and each and everyone of us, has our own way of thinking and doing things. Like in the real world, you can pick and chose your friends and places you go.

In all of this.. imagination is the key… in expressing our creativity ,.. imagination is the driving force .. in all we do.. ie how did you dream up that wonderful recipe, or come up with the idea to write a song, book, poem….. let your imagination flow free, express yourself with the ingenuity and creativity in you… let it out, let it grow.

Develop new ideas through your imagination – softly and flexibly. If you could find a way to add a twist, you will have more joy.

Perfect Liberty 2023.28

Monday everyone! have a great start to your week!

PL Precept # 2 To live is to express One’s Self

PL Precept # 4 Being annoyed limits your expression.


quiet reflection

You can be with God by having a prayerful mind. Let’s pray for World Peace. We are all one big family. Let’s start by praying for the happiness of those around us.

Perfect Liberty 2022.11

Find compassion with others by thinking of things you have in common: ” Just like me, this person wishes to be well and happy” Then take a moment to send them some kind wishes.

a quide to mindfulness 3..22.

the night is dark, my thoughts simple

In the quiet as I sit in the evening shadow

I know the light in the room is You

I need only close my eyes to feel your presence

with gratitude and appreciation I allow the night to draw me in

There is a calm that wrapes like a balm around my restless heart

When I allow my mind to clear of all that is shallow/unnecessary

and simply listen


virtual photography (Second Life) Q


Change your mind, thinking “it will be alright” Do the best you can without being overly attached.

Perfect Liberty 2021.20

So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storms of life and lived – or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?

Hunter S Thompson

To be great – you must be mindful of nine things: To SEE beyond where you look. To LISTEN beyond what you hear. To be GENTLE in judgement. To be RESPECTFUL in manners. To be TRUE to your word. To take PRIDE in your work. To ASK when in doubt. To think of the CONSEQUENES when angry. To think of JUSTICE and fairness when accepting an advantage.

Till soon

Saturday Haunting

Look who is coming for dinner…

Anyone coming to my house can expect soft food. I finally had my appointment with the oral surgeon who did his “thing” on me back in April. Today he opened up the healed wound to insert screws… At long last I’m a step closer to the final steps. No candy or hard food for the next while, he’s put me back on a “soft” diet.. Pumpkin pie is soft, right!!! ice cream and whipped cream…

Do things joyfully instead of taking it easy. Enthusiastically engage with what’s in front of you. You’ll enjoy it more.

Perfect Liberty 2021.30

oh NO

What happens, is I don’t get to walk, and the birds and the wee animals …they all take time to visit other places in the woods.

Strive to overcome obstacles by changing your mind-frame. things don’t always go as planned. When that happens, try changing how you look at the situation or how you are doing things. The outcome is in your hands.

Perfect Liberty 2020.17

Its Okay to think “This is where it starts” There is always a turning point. It’s important what you do from now.

Perfect Liberty 2021.27

It actually worked out.. with the filming crew at the site, it gave me time to come back early and do work that needed doing here at the house. I did catch up with a friend, and we did get to work on a project that needed doing. We hadn’t planned it, but life just presented us with the right ingredients. And had my day not been rescheduled for me, I wouldn’t have had time to have a “coffee break” with another friend. There you go! life is good! Not at all what I had planned and expected, but worked out even better, because I got to share it with friends.

PL Precept # 19 – Begin once you perceive. Faca ao perceber, Actue inmediatamente al percibir.

Till soon

Wednesday !!!


You can get all dressed up, do your hair, pretend its going to be a glamour day, but no matter how you cut the cake, if there is work to be done, or matters to be attended to that aren’t fun… You have to set your mind to the task and get it done.

giving a presentation can be fun, interesting and certainly if it is appreciated .. rewarding

Usually there is always a lot of hard work and effort that goes into putting/pulling something off in a seamless fashion, or presenting a “brilliant” feature documentary. For a brief time we can look very professional and maintain a certain air of efficiency and know how. BUT, we all need down time, and we all, each and everyone of us, needs time to regroup, to be still, to reconnect with our inner Selves.

Catching up and sharing time with friends.. that is IMPORTANT too. Here Alo was visiting with Sister Qu who is the resident hokyoshi (assistant minister) at the PL Center in Second Life. http://www.secondlife.com

The teachings of PL, the 21 Precepts and 21 Principles, are what help us navigate through the world we live in today… Stay in touch with what grounds you… what keeps you mentally and physically alert and positive. Life is too important to squander.

PL Precept # 15 All is a mirror Todo es espejo

PL Precept #11 Always be with God. Confie todo a Dios.

Obrigado PL por me ensinar amar assim Por ver Deus dentro de mim e em qulquer lugar

Thank you PL for teaching me to love, to see God within me, and everywhere around.

From my home to yours – Love now and always

With one thought, “the world” will change. Changing your way of thinking will make a difference on how you perceive the world.

Perfect Liberty 2021.24

when white is the colour of the day

choice – spend time outside or inside
snow is pristine and beautiful against the contrasting bark on the trees

I wrote this back in the late 70’s… found it today while looking for something else.

Freedom is – a state of mind

Through each moment of the day

We experience, joy, happiness, sadness, anticipation and frustrations.

Emotions, are part of our core

With each breath comes an emotion

How we cope and accept, encounters and interactions with others…

is how much freedom we allow ourselves …

in our journey through life.

To see fragments of life shatter before you

in a glittering array – transcending joy

a new dawning.

thoughts taken from a page of a book I’d stored visual artwork and thoughts such as the above.

It is interesting to see how I captured my thoughts then, & to reflect on them, I think I still see life much the same way… will have to give it more thought though,

I like the contrast of the snow and the quiet moment of reflection in my beach house .. in the virtual world, the weather is always comfortable no matter where we visit, or the terrain we travel. In this world of constant change, we are gifted with new adventures and back drops for our “stories” and “travels”… the newness, the constant discoveries of what IS… makes for a world of wonder. Ours to discover !!!


with a storm brewing, the lightening angrily xriss xrossing the sky, thunder rolling shaking the window sills.. Moon has lept into her arms for comfort
sisters meet for the first time in months, maybe even years.. their cautious and wary
China attends a get together at the new camp grounds at Pacifique, the music is fun, the tents are up, there is a roaring fire, but not being an outdoors person, China is not at ease with the unfamiliar surroundings
Silver and China attend an early Halloween party, everyone is in costume, the setting is magical, energy is high

We are all experiencing a variety of different moods, opportunities, challenges, whether alone or with friends. How are we coping. Are we actually getting out, meeting up with friends, even family and close friends, have undergone a change these past weeks, and months.

social distancing when visiting, fun, but not the same.. I posted this quote earlier, but I feel it needs repeating.

Treasure each moment in time. Life is a continuation of NOW. Treasure each and every moment as it comes, so that you can live your life as fully as possible without regrets.

Perfect Liberty 2016.10


photos are from SL, virtual world Second Life. 2nd picture is a rare picture of China and Q, bottom picture it is my dear friend Rhi who is with me. Silver needs no introduction, he is my partner in SL.

behind every avatar in SL is a human being, a creative caring and talented individual who brings the virtual world to life.

IN LIFE… each person you meet, pass on the street, speak to, is the human version of an avatar. =^_^= We live in an amazing world so full of possibilities.

Saturday 18th

right oh. where am I then?
I could be doing my housework
or baking up a cake
The cat can’t be bothered with me, she is waiting outside a mouse hole
the dog wants me out of her bed
Are Saturdays always like this?
I’ll stir the pot see if I can get anyone to come play with me

When something comes to mind, do it right away. The moment you notice something is the best time to take care of it. If you react quickly your life will be more efficient.

Perfect Liberty 2020.18


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