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Saturday 18th

right oh. where am I then?
I could be doing my housework
or baking up a cake
The cat can’t be bothered with me, she is waiting outside a mouse hole
the dog wants me out of her bed
Are Saturdays always like this?
I’ll stir the pot see if I can get anyone to come play with me

When something comes to mind, do it right away. The moment you notice something is the best time to take care of it. If you react quickly your life will be more efficient.

Perfect Liberty 2020.18


Comments on: "Saturday 18th" (10)

  1. An excellent shut-in’s photo shoot!

  2. Very cute you two

  3. You’re images and captions are too funny. Thanks for the chuckle.

  4. Your toilet image is a hoot! And your gentleman friend looks like a great one to hang out with.

    • LOL thanks, he suffered during the making of this blog.. Men aren’t keen on posing in/on toilets… hahahaha Good morning dear friend… hope you are going to enjoy this now sunny Sunday, it thundered during the night here.. what a light show.

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