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Posts tagged ‘illustrations’

Good morning

Good morning, sharing a moment with you.  Long week-end here, clouds, sunshine and rain, must not forget rain.  With just a splash here and there of thunder and lighteninghound persuasionGarden Centres are open and have a steady stream of landscapers and gardeners wanting to get going ton their outdoor activities.  (this includes yours truly)

dog on beach

Yup, life is good.  thanks to the brilliant minds that composed or found and shared the graphics used today.  We all need SMILES.

PL calendar day 20    Find a good balance between your present and past experiences

Without forgetting your original intent, continue to develop your path by also relying on your knowledge and experience.




take 2 and rest


take two Friday’s and rest

Friday, for me is like the rest

every day is a holiday

when you like what you do

and enjoy the challenges of the day

your days and weeks

are enjoyable and great


one ring e dingie

two ring e dingies

hi, can you come out and play


distance doesn’t keep friendships away

it in fact can bring them closer


true friendship

enables is lasting

and so rewarding

spiritually, emotionally you thrive

PL Precept # 11  Always be with God

when we live expressing ourselves

with love in our hearts

PL Precept #1   Life is Art

becomes our way of life

my wood burning

I once sat down with a wood burning tool and enjoyed the moment

now, I can’t even tell you where this piece is

live the moment, enjoy the experience

then, let it go

material things, will come and go

true love

is with us forever


minion fun and retro illustration -Pinterest

wood burning, my own

Life is Art

chinese lion dance

Start of a new year for those of us who follow the lunar calendar. Lots of celebrating, dancing, fireworks, colour and excitement. Do we carry the colour and enthusiasm into our new year?

I’d like to think that I do. Every day I try to bring colour of some kind into my days.  Whether it is creatively crafting, writing, problem solving, I enjoy the challenge of working something through from beginning to finish.  That said, what I want to do, and what actually happens,  hmmm let’s say, the stars don’t always align.

bee cartoon

Do I get angry, annoyed, no…   Why?   Because getting angry, stewing and simmering about something that has happened, will not remedy the situation.  PL Precept #4 – Being Annoyed Limits your Expression.   PL Precept # 5, One’s  Self is lost by being Emotional.  Let’s be clear, that doesn’t mean I never snap, or get annoyed with something or someone, I do, but I also have learned to let it go.  Once I vent, spew off the negativity, express my reaction, puff, it is like a breath of fresh air washes over me, and it’s gone.  What, may take all of a few seconds, or a minute or two at most, and its gone.


PL Precept # 17    Grasp what is Most Essential.  Believe me, I am much happier, when I am at peace with myself.  Reread that last bit if you need to, I work at being at peace with myself.  It is only when I can be at peace with myself, that I can reach out and be useful and loving to someone else.  If we live our lives being angry, then we are not going to achieve love and peace for others, because it hasn’t begun within ourselves.

PL Precept #15   All is a Mirror.

whippet,hound face

Be content, be happy, share that love and happiness with others.

We are all blessed with the gift of life, love and the tools to maintain and express this love.

Life (Living) is an art form

May sunshine bless each and every day of the year

for each and every one of you.

Dear readers, you are all so appreciated in my life,

Thank YOU

Winnie quote 2

pictures,illustrations found on social media

The bees knees

Here you go to all my friends and readers who have had me ask them, what is the meaning of the expression “you’re the bees knees”  Finally, dear loved ones, lazy me,  looked it up

Bees knees

For those of you who remember it from the distant past, but couldn’t recall the meaning .. except that it seemed to a favoured expression. This is one possibility…


Whatever, you can breathe a sigh of relief, I have found enough information, I will let it go now =^_^=  it just stuck in my craw, I didn’t have a clue.  I learned about bees though and have been impressed with what I learned. The bee is very valuable to our survival, AND, it is a positive energy, it lives to give life to others.  It is tireless in its quest, and lives a life of service.

bees polinating

It goes happily about its business, buzzing and collecting, visiting  1000’s of flowers in a day.

PL Principle #21      I will live with the spirit of Misasage (Devotion) working for the happiness of others.

bee happy

Bees are a work of art

PL Precept #1      Life is Art

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri



fantasy & dreams

enchanted art

Sometimes we need to drift into another dimension.  We need to allow our thoughts to wander and meander in ways that will expand and re-energize.  this is Forest Elf Music – Elf Village posted on YouTube by Brandon Fiechter  July 2013


Music, the visuals, they were just what I needed after several days out in a row with all the  Season’s hype.  I’ve also covered several holiday Xmas events.. I was the there as the photographer and of course to gather information for one of my blog reviews..  There is only so much HO HO HO one can take.   LOL I’m sure after a good night’s sleep I’ll be fine.  Meanwhile, you get to enjoy this wonderful trip into the world of fantasy and fun.

Blessings be.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

keep it simple, keep it true


once upon  a time

sentiments were cute

even whimsical

once upon a time, we even took pride

in making our own cards

or personally making something

and hand delivering our  little token of friendship

to our friend(s) in person.6a310f4f0a325340d43baac0918962ff

there was a time

when the anticipation of simply having time alone

with someone dear that we cared for

was enough to set our hearts to smiling

 we whiled away the time thinking of

when we could sit side by side

and simply look into each other’s eyes.


hello today, this was yesterday

I wish it wasn’t that  way

we have let a lot of decay, work its way, into our  day-to-day


what was, simply is no more

many of us, want to work on our own,

somehow, people seem to have lost that connection

or part of community, that has us working as a group

a team, that works together for the common good

do any of you, know what the last picture is all about?


Playing outside was always fun

there was no need for  extra spending

people used what was on hand, and it worked just fine

OK yes, time moves on, this is a different time

but, people are people,

we still need to connect on a simpler plane

friendships, are formed when we get to know

our neighbours, and the people we meet along the way

not just to nod and say hello

but to say ..hey, how are you…. and genuinely care

about what they answer .

We need not wait till February to say, “you are very special”


with December just around the corner

I hope the coming season will be one without borders

where thoughts won’t be on gifts

but rather reaching out and staying in touch

with the people who have passed through

our lives… and in their own way

left a memory that doesn’t fade away7ddd16a197400477a609f5cedcbac32c

keep it simple

kindness, thoughtfulness

are gifts from the heart

and treasures that last a lifetime

Namaste        –       Oyashikiri


excessive concern

There is a saying or teaching in Pl that encourages us to let go of excessive attachment or concern about someone or something. “EN wo Tsukeru”
Chinese art

In one of our books “Live with Passion”  by Rev. Yumiko Tsuyama she gives an example of a your couple whose child was seriously ill with pneumonia.  They were constantly at the hospital, fussing, fretting and agonizing over the state the child was in.. The fever was not going down.

They went to church and prayed with the minister. He asked them to put their faith and trust in God. After their prayers as they were leaving to go back to the hospital, Sensei surprised them by suggesting that they go to a movie.  It took everyone by surprise, but they did go see a movie.

Later the friend reported to the minister, “I was so worried and couldn’t stop thinking about my baby, but gradually, as I watched the movie, I became interested and laughed and laughed.  I forgot everything else. After the movie, my wife and I returned to the hospital.  It was a miracle.  Our baby’s fever was gone”

The worry and “negative” stress of the parents, (EN) unknown to them could be felt by the baby, it unsettled the baby’s own “energy” and impeded the work of the “Universe”  True faith is not easy.  It is a life long practice.

PL (Perfect Liberty)  Principle #15 – I will no do anything overly

Each and every one of us, has concerns that cannot be resolved easily.Problems that could seem trivia to others may be serious problems for you, because you have to deal with them everyday.  How you proceed, how you live with your “challenges” in life, makes a big difference.  A positive state of mind is something that we cultivate and encourage in others and ourselves.


Live a prayerful life

namaste       –       Oyashikiri


Love Life

moon Bridge,Zhangjiaije, Hunan,Chian (gettinglost,beautiful-portals.tumblr.com

Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) found on lasm.org

Deep in the forest


Somewhere deep in the forest, the sound of suppressed weeping drifted with heartbreaking moans that left the little elf restless and frustrated.  He wanted to help, he wanted to fly across the glen and offer his help.  Sadly he knew, that the little maiden in such utter  distress, had to let her sadness flow, let the grief that had over taken her, run its course.

Sometimes in life, we can hear the pain in a friend’s voice, or see the sadness in their eyes.  We want to shout out or  do something to make that pain go away.  It is so hard to watch a friend suffer through their silent agony. A void, a memory, a shattering grief for what was, or could have been.


Some willingly give their hearts, only to find that the person that they trusted and believed in, was merely a “mistress” of their own making.  It is so easy to build a life (storyline) around what we seek, and want in another person, that in doing so, we are blind to the person they really are.

No one is at fault.  People live being who they are,  If others build a fantasy around us, that is their journey, not ours.


In TAO/ life nothing is as simple or linear that what we see is what IS.  A tree started out as a seed, the seed had to die to give birth to the shoot that will grow into a tree.  We might look out over the vast expanse of ocean, with wonder and awe .. do we at the same time,  see the total depth and breadth of the ocean from our vantage point…. no…we do not.


We do not live in a bubble.  But it is easy for some to try to build walls, the deny others access to who we  really are.

Just keep in mind, if are only presenting a portion of YOU, then you can’t expect the other person to respond in a manner that will speak to ALL of YOU

If we don’t know what we want, it is difficult to expect someone else to.


The crying had stopped, the world was silent, the population in the glen had resumed their comings and goings. the little elf, gathered up a small bouquet and headed out to visit his friend.  Time for a  hug.  =^_^=  there is a time and place for everything.

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

  • found on tumblr.
  • whatanart.com
  • the artof animation.tumblr.com
  • cuded.com (art by sylphielmetallium)
  • imoyat.deviantart.com (forgotten by ellixus)


3487149b6a71cf52bf62e66957bd4fa8Oh look, there is a cookie monster

looking out at me…

there are days when like this character

my days are filled with too many things that matter

into my office I run

doing my best to forget that beckoning sun

however, the sun shines through the window

and no matter what…. I know

I should make time for some fun in that bright happy sun

But. but…. if I don’t work on my  art now, or at least make a start

tomorrow, there will be that much more

and I will not think that today’s decision was very smart


The open skies beckoned

I wanted to travel to  someplace new

but….. today wasn’t going to be the day to wander

instead I applied myself to the artistic expression that I’ve wanted to share

I spent hours researching and preparing

took time to asses and ponder

did I succeed, I think I did

the cookie monster  held open the can lid

and let the sunshine in =^_^=


half way through the day, I got to visit with a friend

what a pleasure that was

I would have missed that opportunity had I gone out

so you see, there is always a reward and a positive

when we listen with a clear intent

to the little voice inside our head

now cookie monster can close the lid

and I can go to bed.


Here’s a hug to keep you snug


namaste      –      oyashikiri



new Monday

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It’s Monday…. oh dear…. the start of another week.  Wonder what is on the agenda for today… last week seems so far away, Had I made plans, are my days all booked.  Seems strange that last week, I thought this week was going to be clear … and I would have lots of time to explore.

7a6d3d5291ab2c670d55faf73fcd966b     fc153ee152b920ac02e683f0216329de

The weather really doesn’t matter, I’m still left to ponder all on my own, of just what or how and when, this day will come to and end.   The excitement of life comes from expressing our individuality. We are born with a one of a kind personality and individuality, or unique character, that is ours alone.  In order to express our ourselves fully, it is important for us to live each moment to its fullest.  With our out most makoto (sincerity)


There are times when we are faced with which or what path we want to be on.  It really doesn’t matter if you go left or right, what matters that whatever you do, is what you want to do, and that you travel the path taking in each moment as best you can.

Resting Stop on The Sshores of Lake Sils, Switzerland

The 1st of the month we celebrate, Day of Peace.  Today and everyday, let us, no matter where we are, work towards wold peace. What ever you decide to do today, do it well, if you have time, sit for a spell… and enjoy the day, give thanks for being part of a world that holds an abundance of love, joy and laughter, we need only cultivate it in our lives.  Peace be with you.

Oyashikiri     –     Namaste

picture of gorge in Switzerland (Jura Mtn, valley)

picture of lake Sils, Switzerland

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