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Posts tagged ‘understanding’


I have been reminded lately of how with the passing of the seasons, there is also a change in our daily lives. Some are slow and gradual, while others come up suddenly and take us by surprise. Either way, they are happenings that we cannot divert from our lives. Challenges, opportunities, they come in all shapes and sizes.

This month there have been many beautiful, loved souls who have passed on from this world we live in to an eternal existence that leaves us with cherished memories of what was. I would ask today that we take a moment in quiet prayer. Let’s give thanks that we were so blessed in having been able to know/learn/grow from our connection to these beautiful souls.

In your prayer please include all the members in our community (near and far) and around us who are dealing with issues beyond their control, help ease someone’s pain. take time today to listen with an open heart, make time to reach out and call someone who lives alone or could be in “need” of a “friend”,

Begin each day with a renewed sense of appreciation. Always remember that you are here today thanks to God, and thanks to the many people around you. Let’s make each day meaningful by starting out with a feeling of gratitude.

Perfect Liberty 2014.6

complaining minds

Doll 1. I am so uncomfortable, the human couldn’t get me to sit up, so she lay me in this box.

Doll 2. well! have you not noticed she dressed me and left me without a head.

Doll 1. Oh! I see now.. I don’t think mine was put back on right.

Doll 2. My feet are cold, where are my shoes. My outfit is incomplete. You have shoes!

There is always a cause behind every result. Good things and bad things can all be traced back to the cause. Once you discover why things turned out a certain way, your outlook will change.

Perfect Liberty 2017.24

Neither doll has taken into consideration that they just arrived, and their owner is trying her best to figure out how, for doll #2 to put her head on. and for doll #1, when her head was assembled, for some reason, her balance was compromised Research is being done, and soon they will be as right as rain. Meanwhile neither is left naked and in bubble wrap. Shhesh! Got to love them tho’ yes?

Have a great Tuesday everyone. Sending positive happy vibes your way. Enjoy whatever you are up to.


lessons – PEACE

lakeshore nick

Growing up, I remember my Mother collecting the tools she would need when she retired.  She was determined she would weave.  She also sewed, growing up in the early years before Father passed away, Mother made our clothes, pretty dresses, frocks with smocking, we were little charmers.

Upstairs she stowed her treasures, materials for sewing, wool for knitting, and the materials she would weave with.  We had boxes and boxes stored for that time when she would retire and spend her time lazily doing the things she loved.  Did I tell you she painted too.   Was a creative lady my Mother was.

When she finally did retire from her years in a Government office, away from her officer, desk and responsibilities there, guess what, she dove into her volunteering with a non profit group managing their business affairs.  She was part of a group of ladies who felt more needed to be done for seniors on low income,  They did what needed doing to have an apartment built to meet their goals.

Mother managed the building, did all that needed doing to keep it afloat. Went to meetings, volunteered with other groups, for other needs she felt were not being fully addressed.  Drove seniors for appointments, opened a tuck shop in the building she and the others in her group had now enlarged on ….She was part of Meals on Wheels.

All this to say, she never did her weaving, her sewing interested faded away, She did knit and crochet at night while she rested in front of the telly, but that was for babies in the home for unwed Mothers, blankets for the hospitals, you name it.. Mother had her hand in it.  If it was to help others, she was there with a helping hand.

She outlived most of her friends, (close ones) and others who she had know  over the years, were now, like her, too frail, age had slowed them all down.

We all do our best to live each day as best we can. If my Mother had any regrets, she never spoke of them.  My Mother and her friends were of a generation that grow up with World wars 1 and 2, they knew about scrimping, saving, and making do.  They also knew how fragile a life can be.

PL calendar day 31    Someone who is mentally prepared is strong.

Even when things look grim, if you take on the situation with determination, you will be able to make a fresh start with a positive outlook.

World peace is essential if we are to give hope to the next generation.  Love, caring, and understanding, begin within ourSelves.



cheating, really?

avocado toast b 5.31.18Good morning everyone…

Remember my discovery of Avocado on toast, it was wonderful.  Now I cheat, I buy the prepared avocado at Costco and use it on my toast.  Why!  well, because… I found that I would purchase fresh avocados from the grocery store, and then either they would not be ripe enough, I left them too long and yuck.  I decided on the lazy way.  I saw the packaged avocado dip/spread, looked at the ingredients.. and just like that it was in my basket.   Sigh…When there is a will there is a way!

I learned to live   (Aprendi a viver)

To practice every day  (pra gente pracicar)

To solve many problems,     (resolver nossos problemas)

To progress and improve   (proredir e melhorar)

And so can you…. we need only to look at what we want, then  look at how to resolve what we want so that we can enjoy  =^_^=

It is not cheating, it is achieving… an end result that works for YOU.

We are all unique, and how we go about looking after ourselves, well… there is always a way !!!





Shinzen Japanese Garden, Yosemite_002

Marriage between two individuals, is a sacred bond.  It is a commitment of Oneness in a world of constant change. Like friendships that last, it is a growing of hearts, a learning in understanding, and a blessing of life, lived to its fullest potential.

Partners learn and grow together.  Without knowing it they help shape and form their loved one’s knowledge and wisdom of what “togetherness” is.  No two people are alike, and no two couples are the same.  What is constant in love that stays true, is unconditional faith, trust, caring, and acceptance.  Respect being a key ingredient.

Love is a four letter world, with endless definitions.

I have been overwhelmed with the thoughtful, caring, sharing you have all showered me with.  I know I am not alone, and never will be, you all fill my world with such support, kindness and affection.

For those who have asked, service will be on PL Ancestor’s day (the 11th) we will do the service at the church (10a.m.) for Ancestor’s day,  then Rev. Eugene will do a special prayer for Brian.  Brian took such solace in prayer,  when he was still able to read, he read the Precepts and Principles regularly.  Prayer brought comfort and consolation.

camp fire

Unconditional Love lives on forever

the earthly flame may flicker and die

but we, like the majesty,

of the Universe

will live on, in the mountains, lakes and streams

for all Eternity




2nd photo- social media




July 2017

Tranquility is where we find it.  We recognize the moment that the world around us is blanketed with the right harmony of visual, audio and sensual input.

This view of the world through the lens of Dr.Enz (PA) a musician who has taken up photography as another way of expressing his passions.  I have permission to share some of his works with you.  Hope you enjoy.  The soft greens and the reflection in the water came together beautifully.  For me, it was/is visual music.

Not everyone will share my pleasure, and that is what makes life interesting.

Appreciate the differences in others, you don’t have to agree, but you can perhaps learn to understand.

PL Precept #10  Love yourself and Others.


YaBaDab -A-Do


Awen this is not a wombat, it is Q wearing a Chaffro outfit, for the Chinese New Year, coming soon to place near you.

I learned lately that my sisters and I who are real siblings, do not speak the same language. message received, “Moana is too full. Decided to go to la la land”

What I understood, my sister for some reason had referred to herself as Moana, she ate too much of the dinner ( she had sent me pictures of the shrimp dish she had made) and now was taking herself off to bed.  I didn’t know why she was sharing this, she sends cryptic messages from time to time, so I really didn’t dwell on it too long.  However I was curious as to why she had decided to call herself Mona, so I sent back a text, asking her.

She replied to me so obviously my other sister, knew exactly what she was speaking of.. she wrote back 3 words,  Disney movie Moana (she isn’t long on texting or writing)

Ahhh older sister’s light bulb flashed, “so la la land didn’t mean you were going to bed” brilliant deduction Watson, La La Land has to be another movie.

These generation gaps, can be hard on the communication system.

So YaBaDab-a-do to you dear friends… we start another day!  Hur-Ray!  And what a day, freezing rain, on first back to work day for many of the Federal and Provincial government employees over the slippery roads we go.. hi ho hi ho hi ho


Q was a Meerkat…The avatar above is a Wynx Tiny found in virtual worlds of Second Life and InworldZ.  For those of you who go into Virtual, Q is no longer a Meerkat but a Dinky, and still a cat, but a Dinky Siamese Cat.  The Dinky line is a product of Etheria Parrott a very talented builder/designer and artist in the Tiny community of RaglanShire. Below is picture of Q in her work studio working on her clothing line .pffft. She has a shop in Raglan and at Tiny Outpost (run by Sylkye Taffetta, who is still a meerkat)


Life is to be lived…. Live it your way… just be happy doing it.  If you are not happy, you need to revisit your decisions, and make changes.

In PL, (Perfect Liberty) we pray that each day, will enable us to find ways to enhance our time here, and that includes the happiness of others.  We strive for and want World Peace.


clearly, languages are not just words, but our understanding of them… and there-by a means of miscommunications…

static (27)



It is the start of a new month.  A new beginning.  In PL (Perfect LIberty) on the 1st of each month we have a ceremony, we pray for World Peace and rededicate ourselves to live as peaceful human beings in our own worlds.  That means anywhere we are “present”

PL Principle #21  I will live with the spirit of “Misasage” (devotion) working for the happiness of others.

PL precept #10  Love yourself and Others

When I feel one thing, and do another, then I am not being true to myself or to the person or situation I am interacting with.  It is not always easy to think before we speak, and, unfortunately, once the words leave our mouths, they can’t easily be taken back.

Let us begin this month, with a prayer in our hearts that extends out to all whose lives we touch.  Let us work towards acceptance and understanding when we are faced with something that is unfamiliar to us, or not in our comfort zone.  In the end, we may decide that we simply will have to agree to disagree, but at least, we listened to the option.  BEFORE making our decision, (choices)

PL Precept #20  Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter

Snapshot_ Tondabyashi, Skip (78, 68, 29) - Moderate

at the end of the day,

we have to make peace

with ourSelves




SL location – Immaculatwe Perception http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA22/128/128/21

2nd picture – SL Linden home

Chop Suey -Saturday


Listening intently, even tho’ the message could be one of great value, if you do  not understand the language, you can only watch and listen to the words being spoken and assimilate what you can.  This was my first time to experience such a moment,  My first time in a foreign country where the primary language was totally foreign to my ears.  One of the other participants when we talked of this, said, ” what we need to do is just drink in the essence, and the ambiance of being here”.


The greatest lessons from my last trip to Japan, were the ones where I learned about myself, how I cope, and that I managed through all the various challenges to come away with heartfelt connection to the country and the people there.


It is about covering the distance between me, myself and I and my surroundings.  It didn’t matter really what country I was in, or who was there. What mattered was that I was alive, I was taking in new visual and auditory information, and my taste buds were experiencing new and wonderful delicacies.

It all seems subtle at the time, because you are living it, 100% the world is vibrating with newness.  It is the same sky, but … no… it’s not…. you are drinking water, eating food, but …nothing is the same. Things you never thought you could do…ie. enjoy their bathing customs, by the time I left, it was all so natural and part of my day.  You assimilate, you simply live in a mindful state.  If  I had gone there thinking of doing that, I doubt it would have happened


Life is Art…………………. in nature, when one goes with the flow and allows life to happen,  the results are often extraordinary.  when we try to structure every second of our day, we go against the natural ebb and flow of the world around us.

PL Precept # 18    Each moment is a turning Point

PL Precept #7  Everything exists in Relativity.

chop suey Friday

mohawk, just beyond

When we journey beyond our day-to-day, we come across forgotten places, faded dreams of a yester-year.   There are such places, that I can acknowledge and let pass.  Two ships in the night.  Other places shout out to me, calling for my attention.  So we stop and I survey the land, the energy and “vibe” of the place.    What is it that makes one location stand out from another.


Same stop, different camera angle.  Maybe seconds have passed, maybe it was more like a few minutes.  But in the fraction of time my gaze and attention was diverted.  The light, the view was different.  So it is in life.  When first a challenge faces us, if we listen and take in what it is we are dealing with, our response and reaction will vary.   If you are two people, arriving at the same time, seeing the same thing, neither of you, will see it the same way, sometimes close, and other times..totally different.


That is why communication, conversation is so important, if there is dialogue between two people, even between two energies, there is compatibility or there isn’t.  To be a good communicator, listening has to be one of your most used tools.


The place may seem empty, but…………. the reality is ………………………..it is alive with memories.

PL Precept # 1     Life is Art

Namaste         –         Oyashikiri

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