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Posts tagged ‘mother’

lessons – PEACE

lakeshore nick

Growing up, I remember my Mother collecting the tools she would need when she retired.  She was determined she would weave.  She also sewed, growing up in the early years before Father passed away, Mother made our clothes, pretty dresses, frocks with smocking, we were little charmers.

Upstairs she stowed her treasures, materials for sewing, wool for knitting, and the materials she would weave with.  We had boxes and boxes stored for that time when she would retire and spend her time lazily doing the things she loved.  Did I tell you she painted too.   Was a creative lady my Mother was.

When she finally did retire from her years in a Government office, away from her officer, desk and responsibilities there, guess what, she dove into her volunteering with a non profit group managing their business affairs.  She was part of a group of ladies who felt more needed to be done for seniors on low income,  They did what needed doing to have an apartment built to meet their goals.

Mother managed the building, did all that needed doing to keep it afloat. Went to meetings, volunteered with other groups, for other needs she felt were not being fully addressed.  Drove seniors for appointments, opened a tuck shop in the building she and the others in her group had now enlarged on ….She was part of Meals on Wheels.

All this to say, she never did her weaving, her sewing interested faded away, She did knit and crochet at night while she rested in front of the telly, but that was for babies in the home for unwed Mothers, blankets for the hospitals, you name it.. Mother had her hand in it.  If it was to help others, she was there with a helping hand.

She outlived most of her friends, (close ones) and others who she had know  over the years, were now, like her, too frail, age had slowed them all down.

We all do our best to live each day as best we can. If my Mother had any regrets, she never spoke of them.  My Mother and her friends were of a generation that grow up with World wars 1 and 2, they knew about scrimping, saving, and making do.  They also knew how fragile a life can be.

PL calendar day 31    Someone who is mentally prepared is strong.

Even when things look grim, if you take on the situation with determination, you will be able to make a fresh start with a positive outlook.

World peace is essential if we are to give hope to the next generation.  Love, caring, and understanding, begin within ourSelves.



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