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Posts tagged ‘love’


Always work to heighten your “inner sensitivity” your life will take on greater dimensions when you are able to perceive your surroundings with more sensitivity. Let’s continue to learn and add to our knowledge and experience, and cultivate a fresh sense of beauty.,

Perfect Liberty 2015.29
  • *how much are we wiling to give up so that everyone wins*


You’re happy, I’m happy. Have the mindset of “good for you, good for me” Express yourself in a way that makes others happy.

Perfect Liberty 2021.7

Everything is a mirror of one’s mind,



Strive to express yourself beautifully through your words and actions. Always try to express yourself with appropriately chosen words and act according to each situation. Expressing yourself beautifully is a basic step towards making yourself and others happy.

Perfect Liberty 2016.14

PL Principle # 3 I will live with a mind of appreciation toward others and things.



Listen to others’ opinions with an open mind and learn from their wisdom. If you are entrenched in your own thoughts, you will not be ab le to catch hints or inspirations from others, Let’s always be open to others’ opinions

Perfect Liberty 2012.7

Enjoy the fresh fallen snow. Have a wonderful day!



Experience the joy of being kind to others. The joy of expressing kindness to others is much greater than when someone does something kind for you. Always strive to be a person who can be kind to others.

Perfect Liberty 2012.5

Pl precept # 10 Love yourself and others.


Japan, Sanzen, Rev. Goto


Even if you have done your best, there are times when you wonder if it is enough. that is when your prayers become most important. DO EVERYTHING WITH A PRAYERFUL MIND.

Perfect Liberty 2015.26

Smile are the world’s treasures, if you smile more, there will be more smiles in the world. Be one of those who makes more smiles. PL. 2023. 26

My heartfelt thank you to everyone who wrote over the past few days, it has been a bit of a blur, I appreciate each and everyone of you… I have over the years said many goodbyes…this month has been painful… your kindness and thoughtfulness has filled my heart with gratitude.

Happy HO HO

I wanted to put a little santa hat on him, but he wasn’t having anything to do with that idea. Still .. he is my emissary today.. I’m off to feed he and his fellow woodland friends their holiday breakfast. Much joy and happiness in all you do today. Make lots of memories!

Smiles are the world’s Treasure. Do everything with a Prayerful Mind.

Precept #1 Life is Art


Do everything with a prayerful mind. Even if you have done your best, there are times when you wonder if it is enough. that is when your prayers become most important.

Perfect Liberty 2015.26

Joyous memorable moments to all.

Photo- Hounds of Freckashpeng, Winchester


With a prayerful mind, put your heart into everything you do, Even when you’ve put your best effort, you may have overlooked something. With a humble mind, take a second look to check for mistakes or oversights.

Perfect Liberty 2014

My sincere thank you for all your wonderful hugs and thoughtfulness yesterday… it was/is greatly appreciated.


Saying goodbye is never easy. 18+ years of companionship and joy.

Whether you are happy or not depends on your perspective. The things that happen in your life are neither good nor bad, It is your perspective that determines whether the outcome is good or unfortunate.

Perfect Liberty 2015.17

The vet and his team, made a house call. Velcro got to be in his favourite place to be, watching over his domain and waiting patiently for his family to come home. Just as the procedure was taking place, a red cardinal came and sat outside the window in the living room where I saw.. looking in and where Velcro was with the vet, He stayed there till the vet walked away back to me to say, Velcro had passed. I knew, because just before he came to tell me, the cardinal flew away, It was 11 a.m. on the 21st. the day of appreciation and gratitude.

He was my husbands “buddy” they were constant companions., I like to think that they are back to hanging out now,.. It is a sad time for me even if intellectually I knew/know it was/is time,,.

Don’t be sad with me… Velcro is no longer in pain, his spirit lives on in my heart. Keeper (my ten year old) and I will soldier on. She best of all knew how much he suffered.


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