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Posts tagged ‘greetings’

Dec 30

I dreamt I was sleeping……………….. I was

from same journal I used yesterday

Almost the end of another \calendar year. Except for the fact that we will flip open a new calendar, and sign 20 instead of 19. We will still all be here, waking up, and starting a new day .. One more sleep my dears, and a new year will begin.

October journal page

We can be pretty we can be merry – above all else, be safe and always remember, you are the most precious gift of all.


sabai sabai

thailand“Sabai sabai”

“A ubiquitous Thai phrase.  it is a greeting, ” like hey man, be cool,” or “take it easy” In Thailand where the people and their customs, are gentle, and a smile is always the way to greet someone, hands  in special position, like a prayer, with a slight low bow.  It seemed like a fitting way to start my greeting to you today.

We have the sunshine today, however, temperatures are in the zero range.  So imagining the sunshine  in Thailand where the weather is “warmer”.. feels good.

I am reading a nook by David Casarett,M.D.  = Murder at the house of Rooster Happiness = the main character is Ladarat Patalung, a nurse who is slowly adding detective to her “talents”   It is a debut book,  one gets to enjoy the sights and sounds of Thailand.  How it ended up in my reading, I don’t remember.  I actually didn’t think I would even be able to still my mind with all that is going on these days, but… wonder..of wonders, it is written in a way that I am drawn to know more about a country I know little about, and learning about customs, and traditions that are interesting.  What a way to travel and enjoy a mystery at the same time.

Seeing life from the perspective of a Thai person, regarding time spent in the USA ..let’s just say.. it made me smile, a lot!!!!

Isn’t that what life is all about, finding moments and ways to bring heart-felt smiles into our daily lives.  When we smile, we pass along our happiness.

africa elephant

The Elephant found in Thailand, is the one also found in India….   an elephant is an elephant to me,  this is a picture I have in my inventory of an elephant, forgive me if there is a distinct difference.

I am feeling an elephant size load of happy today, and want to share it with you.  Being happy is important.. even if it is a struggle to smile, curve those lips and take a nice deep breath.. say to yourself happy happy happy, sabai, sabai… and you will be blessed with a big inner smile.

Till next visit.   sabai, sabai…



Monday’s discovery

Early mornings find me quietly enjoying the creativity and thoughts of my fellow bloggers. anticipating my first cuppa ice-cold coffee, when Marga Demmers’ blog opens up..   The Photographer Smiled   It was a fun read, and got me thinking about where I put my singing lids.  You have all heard of singing bowls, yes?


Singing bowls (also known as Tibetan Singing Bowls, rin gongs, Himalayan bowls or suzu gongs) are a type of bell, specifically classified as a standing bell. Rather than hanging inverted or attached to a handle, singing bowls sit with the bottom surface resting, and the rim vibrates to produce sound characterized by a fundamental frequency (first harmonic) and usually two audible harmonic overtones (second and third harmonic).[citation needed]

Singing bowls are used worldwide for meditation, music, relaxation, and personal well-being. Singing bowls were historically made throughout Asia, especially Nepal, China and Japan. They are closely related to decorative bells made along the Silk Road from the Near East to Western Asia. Today they are made in Nepal, India, Japan, China and Korea.   – source Wikipedia

You can read more about the bowls on Wikipedia, I have a small collection, I love the sound produced in the older, (antique) bowls, they produce a harmonic overtone that resonates with me.  The complex harmonic frequencies simply “speak” volumes to me.  Each voice is unique. The hand-made bowls are my preference.

Modern bowls today, are manufactured.  However, if you search you can still find newer ones that have been made in the traditional way.  I admit to being a bit of a snob when it came to the bowls.. I went out of my way to search out and find just the “right” ones (for me and my uses)

I used them in my personal meditation and prayers, and with students and “clients”  To this day, the sound of a bowl will ring out in the day or night-time atmosphere, as I allow myself to drift with the vibration and sound.  The longer the bowl sings, the deeper the journey.

The bowls will sing if you run your wooden instrument along its sides, caressing it with a gently rhythm, or you can gently tap it with the leather or covered end of your mallet.. (personal preferences are many)


Rin gong at Kiyomizu-dera Kyoto

work by Michael Maggs click for more info

Those of us who enjoy and use the singing bowls, are passionate about them, and many will often give performances or demonstrations of just how melodic and  mind satisfying the voices are.  I play only for my own enjoyment and purposes.. however, many practice and use the bowl to play for large audiences.

Having a fondness for the bowls, you know that as I travelled and made my way around “treasure” shops, I looked for bowls that had been cast off, or simply given away, the previous owner thinking them merely decorative. while on such a hunt I happened to be in the aisle where they had on display pots, pans, lids and other household items.  We had a pot that needed a cover.. so I was idly picking up different lids when I was jarred to attention, when this one lid sang to me.  What… it was ugly, heavy and battered looking.. to be sure, I found myself a wooden stirring stick, and tentatively gave it a tap… WOW….  zing went the strings of my heart.


Love can happen when you least expect it to.  It is just something that happens, we can go out and search all we like, but it is when we are ready, and open to the experience that we become naturally receptive to the  calling, “voice” of another.

LOL all this to say…   thanks to Marga, I dug out my lids ( I later found the one on the right, at home, waiting for me to see it just wasn’t a lid)

Love beckons from strange places, and when you least expect it.  Isn’t Love Grand!!!!


Namaste     –      Oyashikiri

hmmmm – disquiet – sadness – forlorn

61cbbe12b29fda678de79268147fee64 Really?

Could this be me?

Why do I feel this way….

I am sad because i failed to see

that my Russia Olive (tree)

needed me..

You see I planted her

when she was very young,

and until recently I have checked her every day

she is not hard to miss,

she is right outside my bedroom window

and to the left of the deck when I go out.

Yet with the heat

and with all the … this and that…

that have been happening in my days

I saw she was getting top-heavy,

but I didn’t go further then register that thought

in my sun drenched, heat wilted brain

With an overnight rain, now she bows her head

in shame, for she is no longer standing proud and vain

d8e9fb81cca602bb0e29f1dde5d2650fYes she has even started to bear fruit

her very first year to produce fruit

now she needs repair

True in nature on her own, she would be fine

but i adopted and brought her here

and put her down in the ground of a city lot

I took responsibility, and then forgot

The PL Second Founder said:  When you have to pay for things, pay them joyfully and quickly without regret.  In the same manner when you something to be done, let’s do it without any reluctance or hesitation.  When you have to say something necessary, let’s express boldly and shamelessly without any compromise.  This is the mot natural  and right way to follow, PL Precept 19.  Begin once you Perceive.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

yes.. she will be attended to today!!


Russian Olive, Elaegnus angustifolia,photo by B.N. Sullivan

Bonjour, hello, goedemorgen


What a beautiful day

is there any other way

to start a Friday


come on now, I’ll race you to the top

when we can start on a positive note

each step we take

will take us higher and higher

above the clouds we will float


our shouts of hello world

will echo through out the land

a warm welcome

to everyone one we meet

with a simple wave of our hand

a smile from the heart

and joy in our step


we feel free

we are free

life is good

yes you can hug a tree

but please….

I’ll hug you and you hug me


love is the key

love for each and every one

of you…. pass it along

LOVE is for everyONE


namaste     –     oyashikri


pics – Pinterest

a new season will soon be here…


The warm fuzzy glow of a warm house, frost on the windows, air that is crisp and clear. Hmm not everyone smiles dreamily at the thought of the coming of winter, but I do.  There is something to be said about “nesting”.  Like a squirrel gathering nuts before the snow comes, I get in supplies like I think that it is the late 1800’s or early 1900’s and we need to be prepared.


Winter weather has been rather erratic of late, wow, places that seldom saw snow  have been hit with blizzards, crops in the southern states have had some brutal storms come their way.  All over the world, winter comes and changes where we live, and we have to adjust.



Before the days of instant news, and social media, we simply dealt with what came along. It might not have always been fun, or easy, but we took measures to  do our best to cope with the power outages, furnace malfunctions, delayed  transportation etc.  Now with “instant fixes, and gratification” it seems that there is more of a “panic” mode that sets in. OMG the cell phone is not working, or the TV  signal is all askew.


Arggghhh my PC is down.  Honeeeeee the internet is not working,  anguish at its best.  LOL been there done that.  Remember the days of trying to read by candle till the lights came back on.  How about the wind up radio, so you can hear the news should there be an announcement of when the power lines will be up again.


Winter is a special time, a time for spiritual rebirth, for reconnecting with the inner YOU.  A time where we can enjoy seeing the world new and fresh,  We are all unique and different in our own way, personalities and lifestyles vary.  One thing we all share is the gift of life and LOVE.

Let us do our best to see the positive in our lives, and to appreciate and show appreciation to those who share in our world. Whether close or far, reach out and say  hello, show you care.

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri

*** Scotland

other pictures gathered from Pinterest

Silliness aside


Jalapeno bacon, scrambled with eggs and hot chili spice, topped with another  jalapeno sliced, seeds left in.

 Side of calamari,  battered in salt and pepper.  accompanied by a garden fresh juicy tomato.

Dear reader who asked the question, would I eat this when my taste buds are not busy battling a nasty flu bug.  Answer, yes and no.  I am on the mend, the omelet I am eating no problem, I cannot do the sliced jalapeno even with the tomato to cool it down.  The jalapeno bacon, ,hmmmm yes.. it is sooo good.  I cook the bacon up on it’s on with about as many slices of jalapeno as you see in the picture.  The whole package of very thinly sliced bacon goes into a wok type pan and is slowly cooked in its own juices along with the peppers.

When the bacon has simmered and cooked for about 20 minutes it is taken out with tongs and well-drained,  When I cook I used the bacon for flavouring, in the mornings it is used to do up an omelet such as the one above…  It is delicious, no extra seasoning is needed, but hey, go crazy with whatever you feel will grab your morning appetite.

This morning I am treating myself to a hearty breakfast since I know we will be on the road for a couple of hours.  It is a beautiful autumn day, Hubby will take us for a drive, so the dogs can have a good run in the dog park by the St. Lawrence River. (body of water that runs between Canada and the United States.

Principle #12 in Perfect Liberty is about starting the day with a pleasant and positive attitude.

Whatever your plans for today, I  hope that you succeed at accomplishing what you want to do,  you are all in my thoughts and prayers no matter where I am,  In heart and spirit you are with me always…

Namaste          Oyashikiri

YaY to a good day


Prince pays tribute to Chaka Khan one of my favourite singers.  You’ll see Stevie Wonder in the clip, all this because a friend posted Prince doing Everlasting Now on FB.  +^_^=     share and pass on the “happy”


Don’t  let nobody get you down!



Come sta? How are YOU today.. giovedi?

cabin, turner lake,Juneau Alaska

How often are you asked how you are, and find that before you can even formulate an answer, the person talking with you has moved on and is chatting away about this or that in their lives.  Is it something you are sometimes guilty of yourself?  Why do you think this happens?  When I was still actively working in Health Care, I would often ask the client, “what do you think causes this/these  “symptom(s)?”  Almost 90% of the time, the answer related to a stress of some kind, and more often then not, there were more then one stress factors in that person’s life.

Q – “what do you think could be a solution”

answer – “time away, getting away”  were two of the most stated forms of  actions required for relief sought ..

Ah that elusive cabin in the woods, that dream of peace and quiet that would be achieved if only we could get away from the daily grind and get out of the city.  Those of you who live in the country and have seen city types come out to live in the quiet rural communities, only to realize in a short period of time that all the conveniences of city living don’t exist … One friend said..”they want to be in the country, but live like they did in the city”.   The grass is always greener on the other side.  We’ve all heard that saying before.

When we live in the moment, every moment is an opportunity for that ” oh wow feels sooo  good”  time in space.

cabin, in the woods bathroom suite.Serafini Amelia

Whether it is sinking into a refreshing sudsy bath after a long day of activity, or you are floating along on the Bayou, be present in all you do, that way, when someone says “how are you today”, if they don’t allow you to answer, it won’t matter, you will know they need you to “listen”..   The “Quiet” is missing from their lives at that moment in time.Bayou swamp-Louisiana  Michelle Morris

So…..  how are you today? ………….. where do you want to be …………….. wherever it is, be HAPPY

The Quiet resides in us all




* cabin spotted Turner Lake, Juneau Alaska (Nora Stengrim) Pinterest

** Pinterest -Seafini Amelia, Grand by Design bathroom Suite

***On the Bayou (Louisiana) by Michelle Morris on Fivehundredpx


Accumulate Virtue and Pass It On

Accumulate Virtue and Pass It On

Today the 11th in PL we celebrate Ancestor’s day. Service today at 10 a.m. Through the ceremony we express our gratitude for the love and virtues of our ancestors. We ask for their protection and guidance so we can continue to live the PL WAY.

Accumulate Virtue and Pass It on to Your Future Generations. Always be thankful for the blessings you have received and pass those virtues on. Let’s pay our respects and give sincere thanks to those who came before us.

Blessings from the heart ..today and always

photo -Q’s garden 9.13

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