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sabai sabai

thailand“Sabai sabai”

“A ubiquitous Thai phrase.  it is a greeting, ” like hey man, be cool,” or “take it easy” In Thailand where the people and their customs, are gentle, and a smile is always the way to greet someone, hands  in special position, like a prayer, with a slight low bow.  It seemed like a fitting way to start my greeting to you today.

We have the sunshine today, however, temperatures are in the zero range.  So imagining the sunshine  in Thailand where the weather is “warmer”.. feels good.

I am reading a nook by David Casarett,M.D.  = Murder at the house of Rooster Happiness = the main character is Ladarat Patalung, a nurse who is slowly adding detective to her “talents”   It is a debut book,  one gets to enjoy the sights and sounds of Thailand.  How it ended up in my reading, I don’t remember.  I actually didn’t think I would even be able to still my mind with all that is going on these days, but… wonder..of wonders, it is written in a way that I am drawn to know more about a country I know little about, and learning about customs, and traditions that are interesting.  What a way to travel and enjoy a mystery at the same time.

Seeing life from the perspective of a Thai person, regarding time spent in the USA ..let’s just say.. it made me smile, a lot!!!!

Isn’t that what life is all about, finding moments and ways to bring heart-felt smiles into our daily lives.  When we smile, we pass along our happiness.

africa elephant

The Elephant found in Thailand, is the one also found in India….   an elephant is an elephant to me,  this is a picture I have in my inventory of an elephant, forgive me if there is a distinct difference.

I am feeling an elephant size load of happy today, and want to share it with you.  Being happy is important.. even if it is a struggle to smile, curve those lips and take a nice deep breath.. say to yourself happy happy happy, sabai, sabai… and you will be blessed with a big inner smile.

Till next visit.   sabai, sabai…



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