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Posts tagged ‘photographs’

Happy Mother’s Day

PL Precept #15 All is a mirror
show appreciation
Keepers pups are 7 years old today!
Love is unconditional
be kind to yourself.!.

PL Precept #1 Life is Art

Good morning Monday

Bom Dia

*Deus Natureza (Maria Aldinria M.Martins)

Obrigado Oshioya-Sama Por me ensinar amar assim.  Por ver Deus dentro de mim E em qualquer lugar.


Thank you Oshieoya-sama for teaching me to love, to see God within me  and everywhere around.

*Excerpts from God and Nature, sung in church Sunday, (page)

I can harmonize with you with nature and humankind.  I am happy living like this, a rich feeling hard to find.  Harmonizo-me contigo, com os homens e a natureza.  Viendo assim sou feliz E nao ha maior riqueza

With love and blessings, great the world with your smile and presence.




a winter’s day

winchester fog

Driving through the take out lane, I saw the fog was lifting. earlier, not even an hour or so, I could see only two car lengths  in front of me

I was heading back towards the city now,  with each passing mile, the sky got brighter

building across from po

bright enough, that I thought to stop to take a picture.  Usually I am driving by this site during the work day, and the road is just too busy.  I may have mentioned that I have been wanting to get a picture before the whole building disappears.  It has happened before, I am driving  along a road I travel many times a week when suddenly I realize that a building has disappeared.

The world around me is in constant flux.  For some reason, the demolition, began at a time that for whatever reason, I missed it.  I happened to go to the post office one day (it is across from this location) and when I drove out, it was a “WOW when did that happen???”  That was in the fall, and here it is February of the following year, and there it still stands.

building across from post office

I did see an opening in the fence.  However, my common sense, held me in check.  No hard hat, and not wearing my steel toed footwear.  Maybe I’ll get a chance another day. LOL if I were to find rust I would be in 7th heaven.

This adventure took place last week, today, I am looking forward to what’s ahead.

PL Calendar 18    Look Forward to What’s Ahead.

There is no use brooding over the past.  Always try to begin each day anew with a fresh outlook.

What a good teaching to start a new week.  Hope everyone is enjoying a long week-end, and is revving up for a stunning brand new week.



for the love of shoes!

Shoes from China, to fit a Tonner 16″ doll.  Finally a shoe collection I don’t have to wear. simply enjoy.  It takes almost a month for them to get here from China, but well worth the wait.

Patience is one of the virtues, that I am continually working on. =^_^=

Happiness is!!!!

I know I am not alone in my “enjoyment” of shoes.  These are manageable, and I don’t have to wear them….

PL Precept # 7   Everything exists in Relativity..

Offer me a decadent dessert, or a pair of shoes……….. the shoes will win…

See no calories.! =^_^=

Enjoy a leisurely Saturday, have fun, and remember to share that winning smile !!!

Happiness is for every one!!


Rub a dub Friday

fright high

remember the puzzle, where something is out of place…. hmmmm

fright high 1

There is one in every crowd.  What can I say.  the girls say.. Have a great day, it is soon the start of a week-end.  enjoy your day, where ever you are..

PL Precept #1    Life is Art

Crazy strange garden “art”

happy notOK I have no idea, what I was thinking of when I did this, but it happened.  Years later, I still don’t know what it was that drew me to put this “idea” together.  Knowing I did it, always gave me pause.  I thought to simply throw it out, yet it sat in the back garden for some time, a reminder that not everything I do, or come up with is “picture perfect”

hand of the past_edited-1At the time, I really liked the idea.  The glove, the hand,  I’m not sure, but it still might be out back too.  We are cleaning up back there, it is time for a change.  I know if they are there, it will be time to “let them go”

peekingI remember putting this “character” into the old wood bird house, so he would be out of the elements.  It is all overgrown now, but I saw through the branches  that he is still there.  It would require cutting away half of the evergreen now to get him out… so… he’ll get to stay. Actually maybe it was a she..

who comesThe garden guardians have come and gone, they tended and hosted the wildlife that used our land to travel safely through the urban sprawl.  There is beauty in all that nature provides, and there is an unseen world around us that some of us see, and other’s don’t. Never-the-less, the world of imagination and fantasy never fails to capture our attention, when we listen to the wind whisper softly through the trees, or hear it howl when it is voicing discontent. This week we’ve heard the heavens  bowling in celebration of a summer’s eve.  the bowling balls landing with loud thunder as they rolled across the skies.

garden past

Even the wooden sprite is peeking out from his curtain of ivy… (this was he, before this summer’s growth)  The heavy rains clear the spider webs from his face, and wash the ants away… He’s happy too.

Hmmm when I review our motley crew of garden elves and faeries… they have done such a wonderful job of keeping our land lush, green and safe from urban predators, maybe, yes maybe… I need to be selective and rethink the changes in the garden,  I need to remember why they are there.  It is not their looks that count, it is their reason for being!

PL Precept #12 Everything has a way according to its name

PL Precept # 7  Everything exists in relativity




Egg Roll Tuesday

do egg rolls count as calories

only if you admit to having one

what if they are baked

and not fried

really .. would it still be an egg roll

OK, I will go back out to the garden

pretend we never had

this conversation

you decide

I say

no egg roll,

no calorie

but then, what do I know…

so YOU know

they are homemade

a calorie, will never hide

there is no lying

the real you

will always know

whether you admit to it

or not


bake for 30 minutes


a new week


What is this?p1000437

A picture gone rogue. Even with the best intentions, there are times, even when we do everything “supposedly” right… We don’t get what we were expecting.  Happens.

Do we worry, stress about it.. Of course not, we simply either do it again, or move on to something else.


That works when we are dealing with objects.  When we are dealing with another person, or plural, people,  redoing something isn’t always easy peasy.  In PL, Perfect Liberty, we see each new day, as a new canvas.  the possibilities are endless.

I enjoy a good moan and groan, just like anyone else, but it is a moment in time, I move on.  that is the beauty of  Living in Perfect Liberty (Precept #21)  We are given the tools, to help us maneuver the  challenges we face on a day-to-day basis.

Perfect Liberty is unique in its way of offering personal guidance to members.  We are all so different, with our own personalities and characteristics.  Through consultations given by PL ministers members receive personal guidance tailored to their individual situations.

I already know that I plan on a wonderful new week.  Each night is about having a good sleep so that I can begin my new “adventure”

Smiles and waves, how you doing today? how has it been so far? Had your morning brew yet?  Blessings… have a super grand day, doing whatever it is you need or want to do.



finally, a flashback

prince-edward-county-2011This is a gate that we drove by some 4, 5 years ago.  I’ve never forgotten it, and I have hunted through my files to find it.  Never could locate it.   Today, Facebook sent me a..do you remember this.. message, it wasn’t this gate, but a location close by, in that time and space.

prince-edward-county-4I had seen this rock and was smitten.  I was sure I’d never see it again, but here it is.  Good ole’ Facebook.  There is something about rocks that appeals to me.  Any size will do, if it speaks to me, that’s it, I have to stop and take a closer look.

prince-edward-county-2When putting together a Chinese garden, (and Japanese) rocks are very symbolic.  Just seeing these pictures again, take me back to that fall day.  I can hear the crispness of the leaves under foot, and smell that delicious scent of musky  foliage and the moist evergreens getting ready for the winter season, Even the sky is a different hue of blue.

prine-edward-2011The earth and moss blend together, leaving the faint scent of the cooling breeze, I can’t help it, I bend closer for another look.

prince-edward-county-fall-2011The center leaves are fluffy with a soft baby down, or fuzz on a peach. I can almost see the first velvet touch of frost that will soon come to tenderly lie in the opening at its core. I am energized with the beauty of it all.

The gate was so haunting, it has never been forgotten… and now.. seeing it again, the memories of that time are just like new.  A rerun of my very own special “movie”

Today at church we talked about putting “makoto” in all we do.. (sincerity) (being present, in the moment) that is so true, when we are really present, our memory  is etched in such a way, that we get to enjoy it again.

Thank you for sharing these moment with me. We were in the area of Prince Edward County, we had taken a wine tasting route, totally not something we would ordinarily do.. and look what we found.  No, not wine, deliciously delightful, slices of Mother Nature.


does anyone know exactly where this fence is?

breakfast – steamed rice, poached egg


Still revisiting pictures of Sharon Springs. NY while I have my breakfast.  Wondering what I’ll find this year when we head out on another road trip.  I’m drawn to landscapes with a “story”, at least one that speaks to me.  When I take the picture, I’m trying to capture the thoughts, or story line that came to mind when I came across the “scene”   Some are just my artistic expression, of a time and space, and others are like visual bookmarks for my “gray matter”


We are all different in how we catalogue information, for me .. I know… I’m visual… my desk always looks like gremlins came in the night and tossed everything looking for  hidden treasures. Of course, it is the work of my lazy mind and my easily distracted attention.  Smiles sweetly, and looks up with innocent eyes.  Of course I know it’s a mess… but it is my mess, and I like it.  that is what having one’s own space is all about. =^_^=

Now breakfast – small bowl of steamed rice, small helping of pickled cucumber (Japanese) and one lightly poached egg (omega) on my rice.

bowl-of-rice pickled-cucumber poached-egg


PL Precept #2

To Live is to Express One’s Self

We will each do this in our own unique way.  Life will continually present you with new moments of wonder, awe, and surprises. Some you will delight in and other’s may not charm you as much, but each and every one of the moments, are moments we are living.. and part of.  It is your choice, to live happy, when challenged, find a new creative way to overcome, to surpass, and go beyond.

PL Precept #15

All is a mirror

PL Precept #17

Grasp what is most Essential

Have a great day everyone!!


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