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Today’s quote, is one I need to print put and put on my mirror, on my PC screen .. a kitchen cupboard , my car door, almost everywhere. I have multi tasked all my life. It is time to make a supreme effort to change what is a habit that no longer feels comfortable to me. Just because we have always done something, doesn’t mean that we keep doing it.. when the willingness and the desire wanes. When I was carving out a career path and thrived on achievement.. it was a breeze and I loved it. A snow storm, bah.. I would strap on my X country skis and ski to work.. early before dawn to avoid traffic.. if the skiis were not going to work used my snow shoes I had the will and would find a way.

Life is different now, I am supposed to be retired, Seems I’m busier than ever. BUT my mind may want to be active, my body wants to slow down. Yesterday I pulled my folding chair from the back seat of the car, and simply sat with the birds, squirrels, chipmunks and wild turkeys. Yes it was still on the “cold” side, but soon the morning sun, warmed my face, and I felt a weariness I had been refusing to acknowledge begin to stir.

The singing of the birds, the sound of the big male turkey pecking at the corn, the squirrels chasing and scolding lulled me into a nice restful state. Even the blue jays turned down their cawing …it was amazing. Bonus later as I drove away, the sandhill crane was closer to the road, through the trees I got a good look as it gracefully lowered its head to graze.

Multitasking reduces your joy in half, When doing something .. give it your all. There is joy in everything. PL2021.23


variety of sparrows, doves, juncos, red wing blackbirds, cowbird, you name it, they all dropped in. and lets not forget my ravens who were calling from above. Life is so brilliant when we stop to listen.


You can travel along .. enjoying the view, if you look left, you get a beautiful view of the fall colours, if you look to the right.. a totally different sight meets your eyes. In life we are faced with such situations often in one day … Sometimes it is verbal not visual, but it comes down to choice. How do you cope or accept the opportunities that come your way,.

“When you get stuck, take a step back.. When you are able to see things objectively, your viewpoint will change and you will receive new wisdom,”

Perfect Liberty 2022.23

“The turning point is now. Life is a sequence of moments called now. You have the key to turn yourself around,”

Perfect Liberty 2023.19


photos today, Nick & Mel V.

7.7.22 Tanabata

Think “now is the time” Instead of “it’s no use now” Don’t give up by thinking it’s too late. Tell yourself that there is more that can be done.

Perfect Liberty 2022.7

Thursday Doors taken by good friend Nick Vrtis who was travelling in Germany recently, Grey door is the Cathedral in St. Ola, and the brow doorway is Kirkwall. Thank you Nick…! For more doors, please visit the Thursday Doors posts on Dan’s site. No Facilities https://nofacilities.com/2022/07/07/june-leftovers/

Tanabata is based on the legendary meeting of two stars, Hikoboshi and Orihime, which are represented by Altair and Vega, respectively. After his marriage to Orihime, Hikoboshi idled away and didn’t work. An angry god split Hikoboshi and Orihime apart from the two banks of the Milky Way. However the god permitted Hikoboshi and Orihime to reunite once a year on July 7. So Tanabata is held on that day every year, and it is said to be the day lovers can reunite. (translated from Japanese to English in Japan)

The romantic in me loves that there is a day set aside for “lost love/s/ers” There is always a place in my heart for someone who has brought me pleasure, shown me kindness, taken time to get to know me, spend time with me. In today’s “throw away” society/culture, we often forget that each moment we live/experience life… that moment is etched in our “being”. To know sadness, we have had to have experienced happiness. Love is in every breath we take, it is like the air we breathe. Unseen but ever present.

Always and Forever

Bom dia

Start today with a fresh mind. Even though people and situation may look the same, they are constantly changing. Start each day with a fresh mind.

Perfect Liberty 2022/ 17

March 2

Photo Daniel Cadieux https://www.instagram.com/dancadphotography/ – Northern Shrike

When you look at this adorable young bird, it is hard to remember it is a bird of prey. Looks can be deceiving.

People who don’t reflect]
People who don’t reflect on themselves always believe that what they do is right. Even if you fail, you blame others. It’s an inevitable ending after repeated failures. A man who always prays to God and never forgets to rely on God is a man who learns a lot from deep reflection and always moves forward even if he fails.

Translated in Japan 2022.03.02 to English

Yesterday after the Day of Peace service/ceremony, we talked about the word “humble” the definition, what does it mean to you? I asked myself, am I humble, do I actually know what the word means…??? Is this a quality /characteristic that is still part of my/our makeup???

We certainly need these days to do a lot of reflection on… the qualities in life that will help us to regain, less negativity and more love and understanding of all the many challenges and differences we encounter in our day to day. It is easy to speak of love, it is sometimes a challenge to “act” in a caring respectful manner..

take what you need and pass along the rest.

Saturday 13th

red wing blackbird

Yesterday we had visitors at the feeders. I first caught sight of the red wing blackbird in the morning ..at Dewberry, they were shy, cautious.. staying well off while I refilled the feeders. I was happy to see that the female Grosbeaks that have been there .. were still there, they were patiently waiting .. since I had missed the previous day, they were keen for the sunflower seeds to put out. they didn’t waste anytime getting to the “tables”. It wasn’t long before the happy melodies of contentment was the filling the area.

They were in greater number at Mer Bleue, Kevin who was at the feeders later in the day, saw them too. Don’t know how long they will stay, the milder weather of the past week, brought them to the area. They like marshland which the bog will give them the environment they enjoy, but today the temperatures have dropped. It is around the freezing mark, and it will drop further before the day is out.

We are all wonderful in our own way. Although results are important your effort is what is truly precious.

Perfect Liberty 2021.13

Take action now rather than later. Things you notice are hints from God. Be thankful and take action immediately.

Perfect Liberty 2012.13

It is cold, but it is sunny, whatever you do .. enjoy! Stay safe and BE HAPPY!


A friend came over and left me a big steak, a fillet of salmon and a package of bacon that had freezer burn. I chopped it all up into little pieces and this morning set out a buffet for the waiting birds. Even as they landed to grab pieces and then fly away, there were so many of them, that I lost count .. I knew that by the time I positioned myself and got the camera ready, poof they’d be off. In less than 10 minutes, the ground was clear of all signs that there had been a feast.

What I don’t get is there can be an empty sky, when I arrived there was one crow on a snow bank, he flew up into a tree as I drove in, and parked. By the time I scattered the food, they were all waiting, well a portion of them. As I drove away to give them space and position myself over a ways, I could see more crows coming from blocks away. How do they know? How do they communicate? Like after any big meal, some sat around just chilling, others left. Certainly there was nothing left on the “table’.

I noticed when I got to the one trail that I go to, this morning there were crows. I seldom see crows there, I would have liked them to stay around, but on my arrival they all took off. My usual crew of Evening grosbeaks, blue jays, woodpeckers and the little birds were hovering waiting… I set about filling feeders, dusting snow, and spreading the peanuts and sunflower seeds. Wasn’t long before the dining area was full of chatter and flapping about.

The beautiful cardinal was there this morning (guess I was early enough to catch sight of him) his female companion was there too. I was pleased that I was able to distinguish her by her head/shape and colouring. I’m getting better at recognizing the ones that I see regularly. I am even flattered that there are some of the chicks now that will actually land on me pecking at what is in my container. A few are as bold as brass.

Even the naughty little squirrels that I scold for getting into or on the flat feeders.. will just look at me now and talk back to me. so…. guess who went and got them their own peanuts complete with shells. Gosh.. is there hope for me… LOL it is fun. and I am getting my fresh air.

Be careful about saying “Its probably good enough” Wholeheartedly do what you notice, when and how you notice it.

Perfect Liberty 2021.29



In life we are often faced with having to make a decision, take the turn to the left, follow the road straight ahead or turn right. When faced with such a decision, do you ponder what road to take, or let your instincts guide you? In the wooded area that I was in this morning, when I saw people heading out on their adventure, I noticed that many of them seemed to know just where they wanted to go, what direction to head out on.

Myself, I didn’t venture past where I was tending the feeders. I was intent on waiting for and watching for the blue jays. During my time there, I noticed that when there was little to no activity in the parking lot, the birds would somehow know that there would be no “traffic” and they would dive down, swooping in from the tall tree tops. To experience this I had to practice, standing still. Each time I go, and the more times I practice being still, the easier it is getting for me.

Right now, in many of the churches we can only visit by appointment to ensure social distancing can be maintained. Standing still in the middle of a woodland “space”… is much like the quiet stillness that can envelope you when you are in church. Something magical happens. our sense are fine tuned.

Improve yourself to have a kinder heart. Do what you can to be caring and considerate to make others happy.

Perfect Liberty 2021


happy yummy

fresh baked tea biscuit, smothered in butter, and raw honey

That sounds soooo good. The doctor is not worried about my cough, or cracked and at times absent voice. Fixing the diabetic numbers is more important. The fact that for the last many years, every time I am under the weather or allergies hit.. my voice goes wonky (pointed out by my son this morning)…. leaves me wanting a hot steaming fresh out of the oven tea biscuit. lathered with butter and creamy honey… A good cuppa ice water (told to drink lots of water during the day) I’m sure that is to make sure that my new diuretic pill has something to work with…. a fresh brisk walk around Costco.. (a couple of times to make even more steps for my exercise log) makes for a full day.

For supper .. fresh roasted yellow spuds.. tossed in a bit of vinegar and Japanese salt. Steamed green beans… again the Japanese salt and black peppercorns… served as side dishes for the fresh tender trout fillets I got when at Costco.

If you get the idea that I’m hungry and anxiously waiting for my food to be ready… You are so right. Sometimes we just have to give in to the urge to treat our tummies.

How was your day.??

I thank the Universe for the blessings I have received so far today, and for the delicious meal that will be on my plate. (hhmmmm soon!!)

It is important to say “thank you”… Everything that appears in front of you is all material for you to improve yourself, whether it is food, people or things. Learn to accept everything, whether it is something you like or not.

Perfect Liberty 2020.9


day of Peace 1st of the month

taking time to reflect

End of day comes, I reflect on the days events, the friends I have met, the new people I’ve shared a moment with and most of all thanked the Universe for my good fortune. I lived another day, and will be blessed with a brand new one when I wake.

1st of each month in PL is the day where we come together to renew our thoughts and commitment to bring world peace to everyone.

Harmony brings us Peace. Let’s strive to always maintain good relationships at home, at work and in the community we live in.

Perfect Liberty 2020.1


virtual photo – SL (Second Life)

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