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Posts tagged ‘wild birdds’


Today’s quote, is one I need to print put and put on my mirror, on my PC screen .. a kitchen cupboard , my car door, almost everywhere. I have multi tasked all my life. It is time to make a supreme effort to change what is a habit that no longer feels comfortable to me. Just because we have always done something, doesn’t mean that we keep doing it.. when the willingness and the desire wanes. When I was carving out a career path and thrived on achievement.. it was a breeze and I loved it. A snow storm, bah.. I would strap on my X country skis and ski to work.. early before dawn to avoid traffic.. if the skiis were not going to work used my snow shoes I had the will and would find a way.

Life is different now, I am supposed to be retired, Seems I’m busier than ever. BUT my mind may want to be active, my body wants to slow down. Yesterday I pulled my folding chair from the back seat of the car, and simply sat with the birds, squirrels, chipmunks and wild turkeys. Yes it was still on the “cold” side, but soon the morning sun, warmed my face, and I felt a weariness I had been refusing to acknowledge begin to stir.

The singing of the birds, the sound of the big male turkey pecking at the corn, the squirrels chasing and scolding lulled me into a nice restful state. Even the blue jays turned down their cawing …it was amazing. Bonus later as I drove away, the sandhill crane was closer to the road, through the trees I got a good look as it gracefully lowered its head to graze.

Multitasking reduces your joy in half, When doing something .. give it your all. There is joy in everything. PL2021.23


variety of sparrows, doves, juncos, red wing blackbirds, cowbird, you name it, they all dropped in. and lets not forget my ravens who were calling from above. Life is so brilliant when we stop to listen.

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