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Posts tagged ‘acceptance’


storms happen,
at the time, we deal with it,
acceptance is how we move on

Tell yourself “things Happen” Even if something is inconvenient, once you accept it, you’ll be able to move onto the next step.

Perfect Liberty 2021.8

Once something happens it can’t be undone, nor should it be forgotten, we learn from our mistakes, our past choices may have given us unpleasant results. It is by accepting what it, that we can look at the situation with fresh eyes, then move towards positive resolutions.

Embrace the new day, Avoid being trapped in a mindset. Free your mind to consider other possibilities.


Top photo I took during a big ice storm we had in 2009, yes there was a lot of damage, that was then, this is now. WE (the community, cities/towns) cleaned up, we all moved on.

wasted day

Not sure if I shared this picture with you yet.. but it is perfect for my self portrait. This would be a selfie of me this afternoon. What ever it conjures up, this is how I felt. I could do nothing but BE, I lay like this hunk of metal…. dormant, not willing or interested in functioning. The possibilities I’m sure were there, but.. NOTHING was going to inspire action of any kind,

Seconds turned to minutes, and the minutes to hours. ??? What was the cause of this “malady” … a necessary visit to the eye doctor .. as a diabetic I need to visit him once a year. Have my eyes checked for health reasons, it was all for a good cause… and never before in years past, have I had such a negative reaction to this nice man. We all know such visits are painless.

Its the drops. I just can’t cope with the after effect they have on me. Before my husband would be waiting for me to drive me home. However, we all know.. I now have to get home on my own.. and big baby that I was, the sun was hurting my eyes, I felt like I was trying to drive with wool over my eyes. The anxiety was acute, and I succumbed to it. There I have admitted it. The Virgo in me, hates it when I fall prey to the “baby” in me.

Good or Bad….. it is your mirror. Sincere expressions invite good results, but insincere expressions can lead to unexpected trouble.

Perfect Liberty 2020.24

Things that happen to us all have a meaning. /everything that happens to us happens for a reason. Each and every occurrence is a chance for you to improve yourself.

Perfect Liberty 2019.24



elder -youngster

Work well with Everyone regardless of their age or position. The opinions of those who are younger may lead to new solutions, and we can always learn from the accumulated experiences of our elders.

Perfect Liberty 2020.4


sugar coated & mild

ll is still – not a breeze in sight

Your willingness to learn will make you shine even brighter. As long as you are motivated to learn more, you will continue to progress in life.

Perfect Liberty 2020.16


rain today =^_^=

Good morning, see… a lot of “things” are forbidden, not wanted in the forest. Rain is not one of them. Rain in mid January how wonderful is that!! I am aware that it will dampen things a tad for the outdoor enthusiast that would like to X cross country ski today… It is a small blimp, we are sure to have more snow in the days and weeks ahead.

At our Doll Club meeting last Wednesday, for some reason, instead of the usual “gang” of gals, we were only five, Joan, Marge, Pat, Tanya, Barb and myself. It made for a very cosy gathering, where the agenda if there was one, was put aside, and we had a wonderful time, yes talking about dolls, but about the “history” of how dolls became a favourite over the years.

A change in what usually is, is always a great time to regroup, to sit back and do something different. i.e. Right now with the rain, the temperature is milder, most roads will be wet but clear of snow and ice. As the day progresses, towards late afternoon early evening, the temperatures will drop. Then if it is still raining, you guessed it… it will turn to freezing rain and pellets.. So by gummy and golly gee.. get out and get cracking early =^_^=

Today is January 11th. Ancestors Day is at 10:a.m. I am on my way! =^_^=


Wordless Wednesday 25th



These are the locks next to the once called Chateau Laurier in downtown Ottawa. Since forever, I remember these locks, I would see them every day coming into Ottawa when riding public transportation, back… when =^_^=

I don’t get to see them now, I seldom drive that way, however they are still there, and so is the hotel, only now it has another name. Change is a constant in life, it happens. Sometimes we are in the thick of it all, and other times, for some reason, even though we are aware it is happening, it isn’t in our day to day…. so it isn’t till you happen to drive that way that you rediscover the “place” At that moment you often feel the past and present come together in a “wow” moment.

My husband proposed to me at the Chateau, in that second courtyard, as we overlooked the river and the historic landscape around us. It was enchanting. I was a princess, courted by her prince. It is a cherished moment, one I relived today, when I found the sealed envelope they gave me with his wedding ring, and I Ching piece he always wore. (after a funeral, this is what they do) I had completely forgotten…I had a past, and present moment that flashed through me when I found it in a drawer while looking for papers that I needed. =^_^=

First, Accept everything.... Life is filled with moments, sometimes happy and at times inconvenient. It is important to first accept every situation as it occurs and try to accept and understand it for what it is.

Perfect Liberty 8,2019

Unconditional love is forever…


** the first railing near the wall of the hotel.

** note I still don’t have e-mail. Bell is still working on it, it has only been since August..my account must look like a novel by now. Yes I have recorded every phone call, date, time and agent spoken to.

Sunday blessings

PL calendar day 8

First Accept everything!

Life is filled with moments, sometimes happy and at tines inconvenient. It is important to first accept every situation as it occurs and to try to accept and understand it for what it is.


pleasure – quilting

When we apply ourselves to making something we enjoy, it is a pleasure.  The results are rewarding.  When we apply the same philosophy into any of our choices, life is good.  There were “difficult” moments, for example when my sister decided that she didn’t like her first choice of threads when doing the finishing, she ripped out and redid by hand in smaller stitches with a smaller needle and different thread, to get the results she wanted.  Voila, a beautiful and happy quilt.  Was it hours of work, or pleasure.. =^_^=

PL calendar day 28

Let’s find the good in others and praise them.  All people have good qualities and bad qualities.  Focus on the good in others and applaud them every chance you get.

Reminder – August 1st is Kyososai  (Founders’Day)   service at 7PM


Iife is



innocence in art

anna June 23

When we are young and begin our journey, art is a creative outlet.  A way of expression. Young eyes, will replicate with whatever medium they have on hand and will delight us with their drawings and insights.

As we travel the road of life, our thoughts and views take on different forms of expression.  This drawing was done by my 6 year old niece, seeing it, I was filled with memories of the days where I lay with my pencils, crayons and rescued papers, designing what I knew would be the gowns and dresses of the “fashion” world.

What happens to our dreams, do they actually go away, or do they blossom into an assortment of different colour and shapes.  I still think of drawing and using fashion when I sit to “express”  my thoughts, the key word being -think-  that disappears the minute I see a blank page/canvass.  My innocence has had years of living to change its perceptions.

PL Precept #1   Life is Art,   friends, go with the flow, the only constant in life is change.  Life your life to the fullest, appreciate and be grateful for all the comes your way.  Growing pain and all.  You “art” will shine and continue to be uniquely yours.


*yesterday at this time, I was heading for Montreal and fish tails. =^_^=


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