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Posts tagged ‘Thanksgiving’


Be thankful at the beginning and end of each day. Each and everyone of your actions can inspire peace with your family, community and the word around you. This peace will eventually help lead to World Peace.

Perfect Liberty 2020.21

PL Precept #7 Everything exists in relativity

Did you know? Every spring grouse come from near and far to perform elaborate courtship dances at their breeding ground. Around sunrise the males spread their tails and inflate their feathery chests repeatedly in one of the fanciest dance moves ever made by a bird. I have been blessed by hearing this .. I’ve heard it but have yet to see it.. It is awesome.. the first time I had no idea,, .another birder explained it to me.. Nature is fascinating.


SAGE GROUSE video https://youtu.be/UtU_ICPuzV8?si=KctpOnCzbaBF36iB


Every key plays a different note,.. assembled together played in different formats, they produce sounds that can be melodic .. it matters where they are played and how they are put together. In life, at one time or another, you will land on different keys. Each landing will produce a different sound, and reaction from you. In some there will be harmony, in others. . . you will draw on your creativity to get past the experience… In PL.. the first precept is Life is Art.

YOU are the result of your daily efforts. Put your whole heart into everything you do in your daily life. Your true self will shine through. PL 2022.10

Q? When you are about to eat, you pick up your utensil, and take a bite… do you finish the first bite before starting on the second?

Do you take time to masticate and thoroughly enjoy each bite?

Highs and Lows, Sharp and Flats.. All part of having an interesting day!


Tomorrow the 21st. (Thanksgiving/Day of Appreciation) there will be two services, one at 10 a.m. and the other at 7 pm.


Begin your day with appreciation. Welcome each new day with renewed appreciation, and step forward with a feeling of World Peace in your heart.

Perfect Liberty 2011.21

The woods are alive with the singing of the birds these days… March is just a few weeks away.

Service this morning at 10 a.m. and an evening one at 7 pm. (Day of Appreciation/Thanksgiving)




Your Path will open up if you let go. Your heart is weakened when you are swayed too easily by money, things and reputation. If you can let go of these things, you will be able to truly express yourself.

nb* Thanksgiving Service on 21st. 10:a.m. and 7 pm

Have a great start to a new week!


Banana tea… a bedtime cuppa supposedly known to have a “sleepy” nudge into a night of satisfying slumber. The article suggested a ripe organic would be best. if too starchy or sweet, only do the skin. I tried it last night. Keeper and I watched two videos on how to change a nebbie avatar to mesh body and head. (in Second LIfe)… OK. I watched, she slept like a baby. I was the one who drank the banana tea. Anyone out there tried this?

Live today filled with enthusiasm. Life is an accumulation of the efforts you make, day by day. Live keeping in mind that “today” only comes once and live your precious life to the fullest.

Perfect Liberty 2015.20

nb* tomorrow Sunday, (21st) there will be a 10 a.m service and an evening one at 7 pm. 21st of every month the Thanksgiving service is held worldwide in PL.

Pl Principle # 3 I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

PL Principle #1 I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto into all I say and do .. (sincerity)


Thanksgiving offering at a friend’s place. I’m glad I wasn’t there, it would have been a difficult choice on what to put on my plate. Montana is a tad far to get to for a meal, but what a spread she put out for her friends! Wow! Wonder if she made everyone eat with chopsticks! Hope if you were celebrating Thanksgiving, you had a wonderful day/evening. Now its time to carry the bounty of kindness and good cheer forward.

Always be cheerful, happy and good humored. When you make the effort to be cheerful and happy, you will naturally begin to feel that way.

Perfect Liberty 2020.12

My choice, is happiness, I like to feel and be happy!

Photo .. Little Sister


Sometimes in life, we have to deal with challenges we were not expecting. How do you cope.. “let me count the ways”… It certainly took me by surprise one day to find that ouch.. that hurt, and .. contrary to what I thought. .. after a rest it did not go away. It did calm down, but it did stay around, and by the looks of it, it has no intentions of just packing up and going away. Others suffered with this painful “nasty” not me.. Hah! Nature does not play favourites

I do suspect I know some of the “sitiuations” that could have caused this latest flare up, the cold damp weather that has landed in the area, due to the coming season change. Not wearing proper footwear that my “current” time of life requires. i.e. heavy insulated outdoor gear .. is now too heavy for my unhappy hip joint to carry around when I’m out and about. Means.. I have to (had to) consider getting myself a pair of boots that will do the same job but are more lightweight and easier for me to maintain my “active” lifestyle.

We tend to want to continue doing things the way we did,,, and we don’t take into consideration that “change” affects us all…not just “others”. Have the new boots helped, yes.. but it will take time now for me to allow the joint to recover. This means.. R E S T I N G the joint when it says “stop” I need to heed the warning. Gosh.. rules, rules, rules..

This is thanksgiving week in the USA so for us here in Canada, we get to enjoy focusing on appreciation and practicing mindful awareness of all the good in our lives. Again.. note to self, this should be done regularly all the time.. without coaching or civic reminders.

Today’s calendar

Move forward with confidence. Experiences you have acquired through efforts so far are wonderful. Give it all you’ve got.

Perfect Liberty 2023.20

btw. PL Thanksgiving, day of appreciation is every month on the 21st. With services in churches at 10: a.m.



Years ago now I was given a copy of You can Heal your life by Louise L. Hay…. it took me awhile, but one day I picked the book up and opened it.. page 123… chapter 14 … the Body…” I believe we create every so-called “illness” in our body. The body, like everything else in life is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. The body is always talking to us, if we will only take the time to listen. Every cell within your body responds to every single thought you think and every word you speak”

Well.. what a surprise, the Universe is always a step ahead of us. I needed to hear those words, it is also my thinking and what I believe.. but having a total stranger to me, mirror that message back to me.. made me aware that I had gotten lazy, I was letting the world around me influence MY personal well being.

In PL… Precept 15 All is a mirror.

Today being the 21st. we will be holding the Day of Appreciation service (formerly Thanksgiving) we do this every month on the 21st. Today there will be a service at 10 a.m. and one at 7 pm.

Be Grateful for everything. If you see everything as material to express gratitude, you can encounter a number of opportunities you are grateful for.

Perfect Liberty 2023.21

Rain on Sunday

The rain comes to wash away the dust, dirt and grime of the past weeks. We mortals that we are, also have a way of clearing away the “mental” debris we accumulate over the days and nights we cohabit on this planet. We pray! Whether prayer is silent, or voiced, we offer our thanks and express our gratitude for everything in our lives, whether they have been happy or challenging.

In PL, we offer our gratitude and prayer monthly with a ceremony at the church, however, I try to start and end each day with a prayer of gratitude, I offer my thanks for a good night of sleep and my thanks for presenting me with a brand new day. In the fall, there is a stir of excitement in the air when the weather starts to change, we visually see the beginning of a new season. Orange’s and bright yellows begin to appear with dashes of crimson here and there, till almost all the greens disappear and only the fall pallet is before us. Then we are blessed with a cornucopia of golds, burnt umber, rusts and the evergreens that remain show off the many variances of their colour range.

The foundation of our faith, PL Precept # 1 Life is art…. “as a living person, you interact with the people and things around you in order to express your feelings. Your life is shaped by the way you express yourself each and every day. Through your daily artistic expressions, you can create your one and only life.” It is easy to get so caught up in the chaotic energy of the world around us, that is why it is so important to remember to pray and give thanks each day for the blessing of life itself.

Our lives are our very own unique work of art. If you cut corners or miss important details, you will not be able to live up to your fullest potential. PL Precept #2 To live is to express One’s Self!!

I am most grateful to each and everyone of YOU, for being part of this community of “friends” who share and enjoy this world with me. I truly feel blessed and appreciate your visits and the sharing of your thoughts, stories and pictures that I get to enjoy and read… Oyashikiri…

Till soon -love always!

mosquito alley

My first visit. I drive by all the time, thought today I’d actually stop and see what it was. Its a straight path, It goes for a distance, I realize now how come they show signs of horseback riding and bikes. I encountered bikers on the path. Not my kind of place… at least for the moment, I’m not drawn to the place.. its pretty I guess, but too straight, it is basically an unpaved road, an actual road cuts through it.. you have to stop, wait for traffic to go by.. then you cross over and go on another part of a trail, that looks just like this one.

If you are a cyclist, or a runner, this would be a great place to visit. There is parking although not a ton of it. No facilities that I saw.. not off Anderson anyway.

You are you, others are others. You have have your own way of doing things, and others have their way of doing things. don’t worry about what other people will say. Simply take care of the task at hand.

Perfect Liberty 2021.20

Reminder. tomorrow 21st. (Day of Appreciation/Thanksgiving) our evening service will be a closed service. However, there will be a ten o’clock a.m. service (morning) for those who wish /or can attend.

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