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Posts tagged ‘believe’

harmony within ourselves


A student once said to me, “you tell me that happiness begins with me,  intellectually I agree, but the reality is I don’t know how to begin”.  It is easy to talk about the Precepts and Principles of PL,( Perfect Liberty), they are all so “simple” when stated, but they are not as easily followed as one would imagine,  When someone says relax, we just can’t flick a switch and our bodies will relax.

Like the shadows on the fence the “art” of the moment, is there and if we pause in our day, we will see it, return in another half hour, that moment and play of shadows will no longer be there,.

Think on the number of times, your friend, mate,spouse, child, asks you for something, and you have replied with “just a second,” “wait, I’m busy” or I can’t right now, maybe later.  We all do it, it is so easy to simply excuse ourselves from the moment because we are busy, mentally in another space.

Sometimes, the moment passes, and there is no repercussion, it simply gets lost.  Other times, it could have been a  life changing moment.  We will never know, we let it pass, we made a choice, and come what may, we had a part in that “moment” in time.

in prayer

When we make time in our lives for prayer, we are making time for GOD/TAO/Nature/Divine within ourselves.  To understand and learn more about ourselves, we have to spend time with our “selves”  In PL (Perfect Liberty) we are always available to “listen” and to help YOU sort out the complicated challenges that come your way.  It really happens to everyone, not just you, you are never alone, although at times, it might feel that you are.

PL Precept # 1  – Life is Art

Art doesn’t just happen, everyday we live is an expression of our creativity.  Our TRUST and FAITH in GOD is what will see us through troubled times.

in 2013 the #6 lesson was – A change of Heart can turn the Tide –  No matter what the situation you can’t change others.  The only thing you have control over is how you accept things, and deal with them.

PL Precept # 19

Each moment is a turning point



a leap of faith


There is such beauty and grace

when a horse and rider

take flight and together

mount the challenge

and conquer the moment


the moment didn’t just happen

the rider and the horse

trained and trained

both were ready for the challenge

they both faced

and when the time came

they flew as one

that moment shared


that bond, that connection

once forged

is like the nature that surrounds us

it will flow and ebb

but it will never end


when one believes

new experiences

always open up

begin each day with faith

that all your experiences in life

will carry you through

whatever comes your way

Namaste        –        Oyashikiri

Pl Precept # 18  Each Moment is a Turning Point

location, Perth Ontario

2 good cafe’s to try Fieldhouse  Bakery

Crossroads Tea Room

communication 2015

0d41485561a37c6865761f503975eb84With the technology in our lives today the need to have a telephone available in public places has all but disappeared. Interesting to note though, that in some remote areas, or smaller villages cell phones and internet access is not always easily obtained.   Yet, because of the lack of use .. the public phones are fast becoming non-existent. Heaven forbid you get stuck along a country road between communication towers, or in a deep valley with a lot of mountain between you and the air waves needed to work your cell.

40870a6d01987ff9525864f6e721ac64With central air, and many controlled environments in public areas,, buildings, and newer housing complexes.  We don’t use windows like we used to.  Where at one time I knew many many co-workers and acquaintances who went to cottages and out into the rural areas for most of the summer… I don’t hear of that as much now. The back road summer havens are slowly finding less and less activety … the lakes and rivers are not humming with constant activity.


Yes, creative minds are still at work,  all around we see the creative mind at work.  We live in a society that says, individual rights and freedom of expression  is important.  AND it is.  However, there are times, when we should be looking at how our needs/wants affect others.  AND we should care.It isn’t always about what we  want, I appreciate and enjoy looking at the above bed, do I want to sleep in or on it, no.  Everyone around us, is a unique human being, yet they are all part of who we are… they share the same air, they think and feel emotions, hurts, love, sadness, just like we do.

cliffs of Moher,County ClareSome will want to walk along a path that will mystify and rattle your nerves,  Yet hearing about their journey and seeing the world through their eyes, is WoW… exciting.  You can share the experience, just not in the same way..

Yoho National Park,CanadaThis is an experience I would like to one day explore.  For years I would drive by a frozen waterfall, and wonder what it would be like to climb the frozen sculpture I passed it 5 days a week, going to and coming home from work.  I’ve not done it yet, but it remains a goal.  I may never get to actually climb such a might fall as this one, but never-the-less I keep the desire alive by sharing the passion and exhilaration of those who can and have….  Modern technology is such that today, I can easily find and enjoy a glimpse into what someday might happen.

Never stop believing in your dreams.  Have faith.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

Thanksgiving -Month of May


Good Morning on May 21st, which to those of us practicing living in Perfect Liberty is the day we celebrate with a special service that offers up our thanks for the blessings we received during the month.

A thankful heart, is one that will enjoy happiness and the vibrant world around us.

I must say from the number of e-mails I received on yesterday’s post, many of  you have not heard or had necessarily favourable encounters with personnel from the agency that was mentioned in yesterday’s blog.

After reading some of your comments and responses, I reflected back, and honestly I can find no negatives with our experience. LOL would I do it again, no, but  everyone we met was helpful, and in no way gave us any reason to change our “day off”  happy feeling.  It is like… you are going to head out on an excursion with a friend, you need some cash,  you stop in at a bank, find their machine is down and you have to go inside to deal with a teller.  there is a line up, so you have to slow down and just wait your turn.  You deal with it.

The problem in our society is we want things to work like they always do, and we want to hurry up and get on our way, or get  on with what we are doing.  Distractions can be annoying, but they need not be.. if we are presented with a challenge, it is an opportunity to discover why the Universe brought our frenetic pace to a stop.  I was on a holiday, these young men/women working were stuck in that building working a shift. The sunshine and fresh air that was beckoning was not in their reach till after their shift, and dear knows what responsibilities they had once their work day was over.


Life can be colourful or it can be bleak.  It is after all art of our making.  We create the thoughts, it is our decision to  enjoy a moment or to be dragged down by circumstances.   During the PL Thanksgiving Services, we, members humbly express our appreciation to God for all the blessings of the past month and sincerely ask to be guided and protected by the grace of Oyashikiri in the coming month.

We renew our determination to follow and practice the teachings of PL. and to share this love/faith  wholeheartedly with others.

2e1e6225e6e428947b464e32403b8c18A painting takes time, it happens over a period of time. Why is it that we are so often wanting things to be just right all the time, as an artist I know that some of my best pieces came about because I made mistakes that meant I had to pause, reflect and review, then action .. usually always in a different direction, giving what I was doing greater depth.

Service this evening at 7 pm. in all PL churches everywhere.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

ps..I say thank you to all of you who commented to me on yesterday’s blog. It made it all the more special and endearing to me.  Blessings …

* last photo, grahamfineart.com

Inner Sensitivity


Oh to be lazy, to sit in the hammock and simply while away the day. =^_^=

Today’s lesson is about being able to perceive our surroundings with more sensitivity.

We are asked to continue to learn and to add to our knowledge and experiences.

Learning can be painful, it can produce growing pains….  actually, most lessons that contribute to our sensitivity to SELF, are ones that force us to face some of the truths, that lie dormant in our Being

intellectually we work things out so that we contrive a form of acceptance.  A way to live with the feelings of vulnerability, our inner insecurities, if we are truly honest with ourselves, we all have to deal with these feelings, thoughts, and inner ramblings.  Will lying in the hammock, closing our eyes, and letting the sounds of the meadow change things?

Sometimes, my surroundings are important, I am happy being where I am…. the question that i ask, is there a need …to always interact with our surroundings, or…. can we simply BE.


To be more aware, to be more in tune with our surroundings, we need to focus and be present, in all we say and do.

no more… …no less

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri



Every destination has a story

every rock, a story of its own

every day a dream does come true

 I believe 

and live with love

it is eternal


Namaste     –     Oyashikiri


abandone o apego ao dinheiro e aos objectos -Take the first step with Determination

goat, moutain climbing


When we BELIEVE that nothing is impossible, and we  KNOW that we are ONE with the UNIVERSE, our FAITH and DETERMINATION will get us to where we are meant to be.  Note I said, Where we are meant to be, not where we want to go. 


Knowing this is what you can do, and doing it, is what choices are all about.  when we are faced with a decision, if we hesitate, it is not the right moment, WAIT, when the time is right, you will know it, and act accordingly.

gaots, argan tree

This is  common sight in Morocco, where the goats climb Argan trees to reach their so loved fruit, which to them is obviously a delight to the taste buds. ( fruit similar to an olive).  In nature, LIFE IS.  We often make our own lives more difficult by trying to second guess something, or by not listening to our inner voice, and  allowing outside influences to cause doubt.

goat on cliff

Do what is right for you.  If you need time to digest and ponder your life/day.  Do it.  Having a place or space to simply be yourself, and enjoy the moment is a gift, a luxury, a treasure that is yours alone.  Know what you want, believe you can do it, and go for it.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri






** Pinterest

*** beautyprez.com

**** expandedconsciousness.com




hello out there

how are you today

I’ve been thinking of you a lot these days

have you been well… are you alright…

has time been good to you…

is your world sunny and bright

a lot of questions, I know

it is just that when my thoughts drift in your direction 

I remember the fun we had

&  how you made me laugh


life is good, I’m very happy

every day I’m presented with a brand new day

and I hope in my heart that you are happy too

the world is such an amazing place…

that our hearts connected is such a gift


love is such a powerful and amazing gift

it transcends all and everything

we may never understand it

but as long as we believe and trust in God

we will always be connected

for we are…. ONE

Namaste    –   Oyashikiri

* man-and-camera.com

** magicalnaturetour.tumblr.com

*** photofrom the world.com

Bom dia, Good morning !

inner peace 1  found sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net


Where are your thoughts today. When the days past have been busy and full, have you made time for you.  Have you made time to say THANK YOU for all you’ve received so far, yes whether for the challenges or the joys.  Does your heart rejoice at the end of the day?

inner peace2  via kristi dingwell morrison

When I first began a life of teaching and service I was a student of life, many decades later, I am constantly learning and relearning lessons that I thought I had learned already.  However, when I reflect on my most inner feelings, or when my emotions are being rendered senseless with constant chatter from my tattle telling mind, I realize that I’ve been forgetting that I am the captain of my ship.  Whatever the circumstance, it was through my choices over time that I am currently in the puddle I’m in.  Sigh, the quotes and sayings that are posted all over social media, and used in my blog and others,  are great, but reading them and acknowledging the truth of them isn’t enough.


We have to live the words we believe in, we have to acknowledge and give thanks to  the Universe for the learning we are acquiring. Live and learn brothers and sisters,this is life, this is living.  Express and live with full Makoto (sincerity)  Reach out and say thank you today when you can, even for minor matters, smile from the heart and have a blessed day.

lotus flower - flickr.com  Bahman Farzad

White Lotus -Sanskrit Pundarika – in Buddhism, the lotus flower resembles the purifying of the spirit which is born into murkiness. =^_^=

Namaste   – Oyashikiri

*** social media

Lotus -Bahman Farzad on flickr

Sunday morning sunshine


Open the door today, to another way

Don’t just look at the door and say


Make today that special day

Step through, then walk away

from yesterday

Today, when you pray

You will be shown “the WAY”

God, is with you today, and always!



prayer/poem by Q


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