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Posts tagged ‘pray’

optical artistry


voici le moment

au fond de moi, j’en suis certaine

at this moment

I am certain

from deep within

my spirits stirs

I feel the warmth

of recognition

the comfort of knowing

a new day has begun

somewhere near

the sun is bright

even tho’

I am here in the night

God is everywhere

day and night

we are ONE


Kahlil Gibran

In this little treasure of a book I found yesterday, is a quote .. I had not seen this one before from one of Kahlil Gibran’s writings;.

You pray in your distress and in your need;  would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance… Kahlil Gibran



Every day is a new beginning

PL Precept # 11  Always be with God

Ayez une foi sincere en Dieu

giving thanks


a pile of wood you say

more a work of art

I’d say

look at the array of colour

the texture and the pattern

of each and every


come winter

someone will find

comfort and warmth

to bring peace

and sanctuary

on a cold winters day

on this 21st

day of August

thanksgiving day

for those of us

who walk the PL “way”

I give thanks

and pray

with gratitude

in appreciation

for all that comes

my way.


PL Precept # 11  Always be with God

praying together


I happened to arrive at church today as the people in residence were about to gather in prayer to start the day.  Being there I joined in.  It is a prayer that is said daily, and not new to me, yet, standing there with the ministers and family members, I felt a rush of joy at being there, sharing in the morning prayer.

4efef7f7e3503cced3dad81b5a0c3e65In prayer we are all connected. The bond grows stronger.


 close your eyes and reverently pray

that today, you will keep the connection

with the Universe/God 

in all you say and do.

no more, no less

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri





what will I do today

I will pray

I will walk in the sunshine

feel the sun on my face

and I will pray

when I am too tired

to walk, I will sit

in the shade

and I will pray

everything I do in life

is done with a prayerful mind

thank you God for the abundance

of love and joy in my life

thank you for the bounty at my table

and the gift of friends that care

please watch over

and provide for my friends & family

it is with gratitude in my heart

that I am beginning another day



Bom Dia.. Good Morning everyone!

Brazil on a foggy day -Pinterest


Brazil on a foggy day *

My heart and prayers go out today to the readers who are presently suffering tragedy and sorrow, to the friends who are facing challenges that required a lot of inner strength.  Those of us who today have extra energy and love to share, please, let us put our hands together in prayer and silently send Oyashikiri to our brothers and sisters out there.

The Tao – Over and over, sages  have told us that the world is but a dream, and when one wakes on a foggy morning, with mists obscuring hills and valleys, we might even agree with them.  Reality can often be phantasmagoria.  The world is a dream from which there is no escaping.

Brazil,found on dailyscreebs,cin

Tough times never last, but tough people do – Robert H. Schuller

“take a chance, take charge, take control” Robert H. Schuller

Upon awakening, decide to do something – anything – that will improve the quality of life for someone. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

I love each and everyone of you with all my heart.  I have been so blessed to be able to share this time with you.  If you have something to do today, do it with joy and enthusiasm.

    Namaste  –    Oyashikiri 

Brazil, Lencois, Bahia

Joie de vivre

* Found on Sakurako22.tumblr.com

** found on dailyscreens.com – Brazil, views at Christ the Redeemer,Rio de Janeiro

*** Flickr – Brazil, Lencois,Bahia (Angelo nero (angel preto) by Cigh!

Bonjour c’est mardi, good morning everyone!

spring mist


In exercise of meditation /concentration, trying to force results will only lead to an undesired outcome. Changes no matter what they are, ( although at the time we don’t think it is what we want), in time we learn, they are usually the best for us, and the catalyst to an improved and better state of  BEING.

Let us pray/meditate today for all who need to feel an extra boost of positive energy coming their way.  Take time today to touch base with a friend, smile at a stranger, wish people a good day.  May YOUR day be blessed with the knowledge that you are loved.. always and forever…           Oyashikiri


The great escape

Tired of all that snow, ice and weather roulette that Mother Nature has been throwing our way. In many places in North America, she has been having her fun doling out a droll mixture of nasty and nice.  While cities and towns around NY city were being bombarded with a nasty snow and ice storm, NY city itself was a balmy 70 degrees.   Totally unexpected for the unlucky tourists who arrived in their winter togs for Christmas in New York.  That is what life is, isn’t it. One adventure after another. No matter how well we think we have prepared for the day, something usually crops up that is totally not in the plans.

Instead of snow, I went in search of some tropical holiday ambiance.  Since it wasn’t practical for me to try to actually travel at this time of year,  like you I’ve seen the television coverage of the over crowded airports and all the delayed and cancelled flights, I went into the virtual world of Second Life.  In SL I can listen and watch the world go by in the comfort of my home.  Today I visited Eliza Wierwight’s Art of Christmas at PATRON,  it was my first time to visit her build , it won’t be the last.   She is a gifted artist.  Her art works are available for sale, with some items shown as 100% profit to one of her causes.

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She not only creates an amazing world for you to visit, she has an interest in saving the elephants of Asia.  There are places one can donate all through her build. Save the elephant Foundation.  http://www.saveelephant.org/index.html   (a Thai non profit organization)

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I went in to escape from the snow and the constant talk about the weather.  In doing so, I spent a pleasant half hour exploring the creativity of an artist till today that was unknown to me, and discovering  a cause that was also new to me.  In Canada, elephants are not top of mind.

December is a month of STRESS in capital letters.  Whether it is happy stress or anxious, sad, worrisome stress, no matter how you cut the cake, it is stress.  It seems everyone around me is being “stressed” about something,  There are warnings galore about making sure you don’t over exert when shoveling, that seniors dress properly for the cold weather, children and adults are being warned about the dangers of catching a virus/flu,  Of course a biggie is “don’t drink and drive”.  My two cents.  Remember to take time to pray/ meditate.    Make time for YOU.   Stay mindful and present.  No one else can do these things for you. You are the master/mistress of your life.

It isn’t enough to just do things that make us happy, we need to find outcomes that include those around us.  Like that little pebble that drops into pond.  It creates a little plop, and slowly one ripple begins, then two, three and soon the pond has many expanding ripples that reach out and merge  till all the water has felt the impact of the little pebble.   Be the catalyst of a  happy day.  Share your smile, keep your internal batteries charged, stay tuned to GOD/TAO and bring your mega watt smile along with you in all you do.   LIFE IS ART

smilePencilThe challenges we deal with in life make us stronger!

PL Precept # 11  Always be with God   (PL Church of Perfect Liberty)

Live each day with excitement

PL teaching – Live Each Day With Excitement  > Challenge everything with enthusiasm.  You will be rewarded with joy and encounter happy occurrences.

I am back from the most amazing time away, where each and every day was a new challenge.  The rewards were many and the happy encounters and memories made, endless.  There is no way that I can begin to tell you, or share with you all that has happened to me in the last 9 days.  As I took in the country, the people, the environment, and all that went with the days and nights away in this remarkable country called Japan, I knew that it was a new chapter in my journey of self discovery. the images and sounds, the friends made, in one word, it was all profound.  A simple egg – became not just an egg, but a “wow”, the taste was different and the colour of the yoke was as bright as the sun.  Telling you this is so mundane, you had to be there, I thought a dye had been used, but I was assured that no this was the colour of the yoke in Japan.  Certainly in every other instance I had to see a yoke it was the same intense orange.

Be assured that as the days progress and my mind recovers from the jet lag, I will be recounting the many moments/insights and learning, much is still being assimilated and processed.  I was there to learn, I was on a pilgrimage, the Director of the International Office of PL – Rev. Tokuo Itagaki, and his team of assistants and staff did an amazing job.  the Rev. Fukito Kimura who coordinated the Rensei Training was outstanding.  It was a phenomenal experience.

There were hundreds of people there trying to communicate with one another, The main languages being Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish (Castellano), we were only 5 English, 4 USA and 1 Canadian (yours truly), we came together because of our faith and dedication to PL (Perfect Liberty).  

For the Founders Day Ceremony ( Kyososai), August 1. PL followers came by the bus load. We are talking of thousands of people who came to worship/pray and celebrate.  During service, as promised I held you all close to my heart so that  the blessings could be shared with you.  Oshieoya-sama’s presence brought total silence and reverence, it was totally awesome.    The flames spell out LIFE IS ART


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