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Posts tagged ‘trees’

tudo e obra divina

early morning cuteness

Tudo e obra divina. Everything is a diving act. When the tree fell in my backyard, I mourned, it has been with me since we bought this place in early 2000s When we moved here, there was nothing but a small flower bed and grass. I took it all away, no grass for me, and no flower beds, I wanted to replicate if I could the Chinese gardens I had when I had my house and gardens on the Quebec side of the river.

I soon learned that in life the only constant is Change. and what worked in Hull, was not going to work here, different property .. sunlight… etc. The Hazelnut corkscrew was one of the first trees I planted, in fact I planted two.. one several years later.. It was a show piece. the gnarled branches coveted by many for their floral arrangements. Then the neighbourhood started to change.. established homes were ripped out including old oaks .. lawns disappeared.. infill began.. and with infill, the focus was on buildings and not on having a lawn, or garden ..

I soon found myself surrounded by big block buildings that looked more like dental or office buildings and new neighbours didn’t have room to do anything but maybe put out a potted plant. or a box with earth raised off the ground on their patios … what trees were left were on city property ( size of a laneway) between the backyard neighbours and my yard. No one tended them and soon they overshadowed my beautiful serenity gardens. My vegetation/ plants were deprived of the full sunlight they had had.. and began to fade. I watched the slow death of many of the shrubs and plants in my yard.

I knew eventually I would have to say a full goodbye.. and that time arrived this year. Last year it was bravely still standing, but .. no.. this past winter it had its last hurrah, Like the passing of the many friends and family members who have “moved on” it is now another page in my memory book.

I’m at an age where I have lived through a lot of “goodbyes”… I’ve learned the process of “letting go” is something that comes with “time”… it is what it is,

There will always be a way. As long as you are serious, there is no reason for you to give up. Move forward one step at a time and things will always turn out for the best. PL2018.13

Nature is being neglected. Look around, listen to what is happening globally…. focus is on destruction, not on harmony…. I pray every day .. for the strength to continue to work towards love and universal peace.


Anyone else remember when we could play in the front and backyard, I was lucky Dad made a small rink in our yard.. there were trees to climb, an area for Dad to have his garden, Mom her flowers, Mom would hang the wash out on sunny days.. linen had that fresh smell when it was put back on the beds. Some where along the way, I heard that is not allowed in some communities. (hanging out your wash)…

Have a good day everyone.. do you have memories of times gone by?


It is OK to think…”This is where it starts” There is always a turning point. It’s important what you do from now. (PL 2021.27)

When the tall tree fell early in the month, I cleared around the fallen soldier” and took pictures of the areas that still showed how beautiful it had been in .. the various stages of life it was still holding on to. Parts of the tree that only the birds that used it saw … with it on the ground I was able to walk along side its length and capture some of its beauty. weather worn and lived in and on, it was a work of art.

PL Precept # 16 All things progress and develop

PL Precept #18 Each moment is a turning point,.



Trauma, drama, changes we have no control over, life is full of opportunities to “live and learn” on the 21st in PL it is a time for special dedicated time for renewing our determination to live “the PL Way

. Pl Precept #1 Life is Art.

During the Thanksgiving Service, (Day of Appreciation) we humbly express our appreciation for all the blessings of the past month and sincerely ask to be guided and protected in the coming month.

We all have had experiences and moments in life when we have been ”tested” “pushed to impossible limits” and we survived.. It is in these character building moments that we learn about ourselves and how we are able to “roll with the punches”. WE do! Every moment is a “gift”.

As long as you are motivated to learn more, you will continue to progress in life,


Good morning, thought I’d share my “gym” with you today. I thought it could be a squirrel, but look at his little hands, I now believe him/her to be innocent of thieving. I arrived one morning to find that one of the cylinder feeders was missing from its placement, I was perplexed, I had (I thought) secured it rather well to the tree with rubber coated wire. (this protects the tree bark)… On inspection I saw the green feeder under the bramble in the bush .. see bottom right picture. I could see it but to get to it I had to maneuver the big trunks …The first time it happened, Tanya arrived for her daily hike, … and helped me retrieve it. For her, younger and more agile she went along the side of the big limbs squeezing along between (see picture to the left of the one you just looked at….. She took her time and the feeder was retrieved. 

The next day, the feeder was missing again. And again, I saw the animal had tried to drag it under the trunks into the bramble ,. likely to its place of residence. This time there was no one to help… after a bit of waiting, I tackled the situation myself.. YES I was successful, was most pleased with myself, I used one of my walking poles, climbed up and lay over the limbs extending myself forward till I was able to hook the feeder. Took some time and I did get a work out.. but it was a success.

This morning I will return to see if the (I think it could be a raccoon(s)) had another go at the feeder.

Your smile is what’s needed. A smile invites happiness and cheer and is essential to energize others as well as yourself.

Perfect Liberty 2022.3

Remember .. where there is “will”, there is a way, Be safe on your adventures of today, enjoy and be happy.



Rust was the colour of the world yesterday, not monotone, just different shades of rust. If I could have put down an abandoned, rusted vintage chevy truck with pumpkins and wood for the fireplace in the back it would have been perfect. The new is creeping in on us… won’t be long!!!

Develop new ideas through your imagination – softly and flexibly. If you could find a way to add a twist, you will have more joy.

Perfect Liberty 2023.28


For the sake of others, society, and world peace. Always live keeping in mind everything you do is for the sake of others, society and world peace. PL 2021.10

La vie est belle – Life is good


Let’s begin today with a smile. Let’s start the day with a positive outlook, looking forward to what we can discover.

Prefect Liberty 2021.12


It was a bitter cold that greeted me this morning on my rounds. I was well dressed for it too. I did see other visitors to the area bundled up for their walks, Even the birds were doing their best to conserve energy.

When something comes to mind, do it right away. The moment that you notice something is the best time to take care of it. If you react quickly, your life will be more efficient.

Perfect Liberty 2020.18

I asked myself,” how do I capture cold”. I looked around and the landscape screamed… “tell it like it is”


Thursday Door

Let’s find the joy in everything. Are you looking for things to complain about? Let’s change our perspective and live a cheerful and joyful life.

Perfect Liberty 2020.25
a fun hide-a-way


silence that wasn’t

trees all around me, standing waiting
the trees filled the woodland

from the pictures, all looks stark and bare – however that is not what was, what could not be capture in the frame, were the sounds of children laughing, crying out in glee at their discoveries. The happy songs of the chickadees that were swooping and landing with graceful delight at the offered treats.

I captured the trees in the late autumn wardrobes, as they patiently waited for the forecasted snow. There were people all around, dressed for the November chill, colourful jackets and scarves could be seen dotting the skyline as they emerged from their cars in the parking lot some yards away.

It was a happy day, everyone knew what was coming this way. You could feel the icy fingers of the teasing taunting wind… oh yes… snow would be here later that day.*

One should never assume that what you see at first glance, is what IS.

It is easy to misinterpret the situation and jump to conclusions. Always have a humble attitude and double check to make sure.

Perfect Liberty 2020.13

Be easy going and live your life cheerfully and flexibly. Strong emotions can be the cause of various troubles. Always strive to have a cheerful and calm state of mind.

Perfect Liberty 2015,24


*It snowed in abundance later that afternoon =^_^=

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