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Posts tagged ‘bark’


It is OK to think…”This is where it starts” There is always a turning point. It’s important what you do from now. (PL 2021.27)

When the tall tree fell early in the month, I cleared around the fallen soldier” and took pictures of the areas that still showed how beautiful it had been in .. the various stages of life it was still holding on to. Parts of the tree that only the birds that used it saw … with it on the ground I was able to walk along side its length and capture some of its beauty. weather worn and lived in and on, it was a work of art.

PL Precept # 16 All things progress and develop

PL Precept #18 Each moment is a turning point,.



Trauma, drama, changes we have no control over, life is full of opportunities to “live and learn” on the 21st in PL it is a time for special dedicated time for renewing our determination to live “the PL Way

. Pl Precept #1 Life is Art.

During the Thanksgiving Service, (Day of Appreciation) we humbly express our appreciation for all the blessings of the past month and sincerely ask to be guided and protected in the coming month.

We all have had experiences and moments in life when we have been ”tested” “pushed to impossible limits” and we survived.. It is in these character building moments that we learn about ourselves and how we are able to “roll with the punches”. WE do! Every moment is a “gift”.

As long as you are motivated to learn more, you will continue to progress in life,


After the big storm we had last spring, I went in search of this ancient tree, it was still standing, but had lost some of its upper limbs. These past few days it has been so busy for me, that when I look in the mirror.. I see a reflection (kind of) looking back at me that reminds me of this tree trunk. LOL.. every line, every crevice tells a story. (yes I have a vivid imagination!) …. Just saying… when morning comes and you wake up wondering how long it will be before you can reclaim your spot in bed…

It is a busy month. Let’s ALL take a moment in the day to reflect on what this month is all about. Not tinsel and sparkle.. but JOY and GRATITUDE, Peace on Earth, Goodwill…..

Express yourself clearly so others can understand you. when you can’t communicate clearly, it can lead to problems. Always express yourself carefully to avoid any misunderstandings.

Perfect Liberty 2022.9

Treasure each moment in time.


There will always be a way. If you persist and be creative without giving up, you will find solutions that you had ot considered before.





IMG_0745Bom dia..

Sim yes, my inspiration today is the bark of this tree.  There is something about textures that appeals to me, I paint using textures, I create a lot of “art” dimensional, I have never analyzed why, I just like it.  After a painting dries, I will close my eyes and gently run my fingers over the canvas to discover its hidden delights.

After years of trying to take in all of what I am seeing, I know that I can see a lot of things at one time, some details will stay with me, some won’t.  So much like I did here, where I focused my lens on one area of the tree, I do that with life. I don’t ignore the rest of the picture, but when I see something that is of interest, then I delight in discovering what it is that is communicating with me.

If you are a photographer, you know  we can walk by a landscape a zillion times, then one day, the lighting is just right, shades dance across our vista, and wow, we “see” an amazing sight.  Just like walking out your back or front door, is different every time you walk into the “outside”.  hmmm did she mean to say it that way.. yes I did =^_^=

remember this picture..

IMG_0748Same day, same place, same time of day give or take, but a different tree. Each had its very own appeal to me.  “that day”  I suspect if I went back today, I couldn’t find them again.  Thus the harping on… live each day to your fullest, today is today, and tomorrow will be a new beginning.

After going on about “observation” I will share with you an incident this morning. I washed my hair (I know exciting stuff) as I was towelling my hair I looked down and wondered what was sticking to my night “dress”.  Hello I found the “bleeding” thing has a pocket. No, I didn’t know, and again no, it isn’t new. So you can see what I wear to sleep and around the house, does not get the attention  I give to other areas in my life.  Oh dear! I am human after all.  sigh.

With that, I will wish you all good cheer, make the most of today, I am off to enjoy mine. Thanks for sharing this brief interlude with me.


oh ho oh ho, its off to church I go, smilePencil

Wordless Wednesday 6/22 – textures









taken in Japan

Namaste       –       Oyashikiri

There is beauty in everything, one only has to look

yes, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder


Change of plans

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Thanks to my sister, I had a great walk on the Quebec side of the river today, Yes it rained off and on, but it didn’t deter us from our mission.  For her it was “must” stop at Tim Horton’s for toast and coffee.  When you drive everywhere, it was a nice change to do this little “hike” from my Mother’s to the Timmy’s down the way. Walking I found  that there was a little creek  that runs along the sidewalk. AND,  that we were actually walking uphill and that by car, it is much easier =^_^=.

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The first part of our walk had us in a big box store shopping center.  However the walk home was through one of the trails in the Gatineau Parkway.  The Gatineau Park lands extend for miles and miles, it was nice to see so many runners, walkers, and bikers out enjoying the day. For me I was thrilled at being in the woodlands, hearing last year’s fallen leaves crunch under foot when I trekked off trail to inspect a tree that caught my fancy.  Seeing my first butterfly of the season!

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In the summer once the leaves are full, and the ground cover has risen to its full height, many of the treasures being discovered today will be hidden from view.  The skies were mostly overcast, so the pictures are showing you the day as it was.  It was beautiful, quiet,the earth had just enough moisture in it to give us that earthy smell that can be so intoxicating.

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I could spend hours marveling at the way the decay in this tree is unfolding into a work of natural beauty.  The insects, bugs,birds,worms, and of course the elements all have had a go at putting their imprint on the tree.

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These ducks were swimming about in the pond till we came along.  I stopped to take pictures and the casually swam towards us and walked up to the walk where we were standing.

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How cool was that.  The whole day was perfect…. I  got to spent time with my sister who is here for a visit.. walking, talking and just enjoying the day.  Something we have not done in years.  It didn’t matter the forecast was for cloudy skies and rain,  being together was sunshine and the rainbow in my day.  I hope you all had a great day too.




photographs -Q

Hull,Quebec (Gatineau)

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