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Posts tagged ‘garlic butter’

happy day

lunch Baton Rouge 7.25.17

Every once in a while, you get to have a special lunch with good friends, there is shared laughter and playful fun.  Let’s not forget, great food.  Steak rare… tender, moist lobster tail, and a baked potato that was simply delicious.  The waitress said try it, I did, and .. let me tell you.. it was wickedly sinful.  No dessert needed.

Enjoy every moment of your day!

Today it was easy peasy.  Genuine laughter, conversations, light, interesting and comfortable.  Yup, a hedge hog, possum and fox, make for good company and a great lunch. Me? a cross between a fennec and a cat =^_^=  That is all I’ll say.

Happy mid-week everyone!



Restaurant – Baton Rouge, Kanata, Ontario


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