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Posts tagged ‘saying’

What a beautiful day


“I came upon a sacred view along my way;

While walking through the woods one day, Such calm & beauty gave me pause

when it appeared like a dream;

While I beheld this enchanted woodland scene,

With the steady flow of water softly falling & emitting very little sound;

As it caressed the small rocks & fertile ground…”

– (excerpt from A Woodland’s Charm, by Jean Dament)




Will be on holidays for a wee bit…. see you when I get back, meanwhile, peace be with you….. Q

      Namaste           – Oyashikiri



* found on Lik.com (Kathryn Ivey)
** Pinterest

happy Mother’s day!






Liliy of the Valley

Today we celebrate not only Ancestor’s Day (11th of each month) but in Canada it is Mother’s Day as well.  I am very blessed to still have my Mother in my life, she is a witty, caring and loving person who has managed to meet all her challenges with a determination that has been awe inspiring.  93 years young, she still faces life head on.  Happy Mother’s day Mom… =^_^=

flower arrangement

Life flowers, Mothers come in all shapes and sizes – first and foremost they are women.

“Don’t drown in life looking for a woman.  Drown in a woman looking for life”     Gibran (Khalil Gibran)

mother's day craft

With sincere Makoto, (sincere effort)  give thanks, and show appreciation. Many readers are a parent themselves I pay tribute to you all.  The role of a parent takes on m any guises, always the most important aspect of  life is LOVE

flower desgin - pinned by Anita Lewis


Celebrate Mother’s Day – Happy Mother’s Day to each and every parent who lives  and shares the joy of parenting .. Oyashikiri

Mother -saying




photos found on PInterest

sens unique – bonjour mes amis – good morning my friends



Good morning dear reader, I can be wordy, I know =^_^= however, this morning I found myself stuck on the two quotes I’ve posted here.  My prayer this morning was from an International publications book, called Prayers for good times and bad. It goes like this.

“Please, Comforting Spirit, show me what it means to let go the hope that others will be my cure.

You Great physician, are my healer in this quiet hour”.





Sometimes I think I lead a very sheltered life.  I had not seen or heard this quote before. the movie it comes from I’ve heard about, know about, yet this quote has eluded me … now it jumps out at me.  My progress in life, comes in many forms the joys I have discovered in the transformation process have been many. Think about where you are today, are you happy, does everyday bring a new  experience for you to delight in?  Can you say you are genuinely happy……  I’ve come to realize that even in the moments where I’m grumbling and complaining..  yes… wonders on wonders.. I do find myself having such moments.  I’m doing so, because at that given moment, it is what I need to do, vent or moan, groan, it is my way of dealing with inner distress/conflict…. it 99% of the time has nothing to do with anyone else, but my SELF.  I am the only one who can make changes in my life, or who has control on how I feel or think.  Some “true” friend once said to  me .”own it” at the time I don’t know that I appreciated these words being hurled at me.. But I’ve never forgotten them, and he will always be a part of me for having had the inner strength to speak out honestly to me. It was my behavior he was addressing.  Mine.

floral heart

Strive each and every day to improve yourself – it is never too late to change the road you are on, or to simply stop and enjoy where you are.

Don’t reserve your best behavior for special occasions.    Walk in sunshine, today and always    …blessings…. Oyashikiri

pictures from Pinterest


feelings 1


Bonjour! Hey, how you doing today?  So happy to share this moment with you.

Feelings what a topic to meditate on. What a range , what a gamut of feelings to explore. smiles and send you love…..  Feelings are unique to each and everyone of us.  The depth, the breadth of our emotions belong to us. We need to learn to own them.  So easy to say, so hard sometimes to do.  AND, dear friend not only do we have to own our own feelings, we have to accept differences and respect the feelings of others.  We all have different ways of thinking and feeling.

Proverbs of Solomon  25 : 11  A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.

Sayings of the wise  24 : 26  an honest answer is like a kiss on the lips

China, Fuqing TempleWhen I was  younger, this place or one like it was  in my dreams, this is where I wanted to study and be, (China, Fuqing temple). I never got there physically, but today I found this photograph and my feelings of yesterday, came rushing back.  Value your ability to feel, feelings are part of who you are.  Own them, allow them to flourish and grow, even feelings that hurt or are painful, bring a lesson and their own rewards.  Trust and believe in the blessings of the Universe.  May you feel the love that surrounds you, today and always.   Amen.  Oyashikiri

photos from Pinterest                                            smilePencil

lunes – Good morning everyone!!!

21991b3fd2120cb830e4954adb4acfe9Are you ready for the start of another week?    My wonderful friend Mollie ( co-minister at the Baptist church in a community near here), has been  happily posting in a shared file we have .. I’ve been so “busy” researching and “working” away at my desk, that I see she is being busy, I get a notice that she has posted, but I don’t often get to see what she has been adding.     Hmmm sound familiar.  Reminds me of the expression, about being so close to the trees, that often we don’t see the forest itself.  Or .. is it the other way around, we are so far in the forest we  no longer see the forest,or is it the trees.  OH my, maybe I’m not  fully awake yet……. smiles. …. Thanks Mollie for the above saying, with the cute picture.

Today’s PL lesson is about being making time to express our true selves.  To express ourselves with honesty and integrity  If we ask for help, we do so with sincerity in both words and actions.  The #1 Principle in PL is – I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto (sincerity) into all I say and do.



Trust that you will receive all you need to get through today, then believe it will be the same for tomorrow.  Focus on your feelings, express them honestly, there is an inner joy when we express ourselves with makoto (sincerity)  The surest way to be blessed is to appreciate all the blessings  in our lives, and to give thanks for them.  Appreciate life, renew your connection with God/Tao every day, share your smile with others today.  Your day will be blessed.    … Smile…..    Oyashikiri

Nederlands,sunset,north sea

Nederlands, over the north sea

pictures – Pinterest


Live Today With Good Rhythm

Live Today With Good Rhythm

During the course of a day, new things happen all the time. Get into the rhythm of things flexibly and willingly (PL teaching for day 2)
Live in the moment, observe, Being present in the “NOW” is a gift you give your SELF. blessings everyone! Enjoy today!

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