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Doorways, entrances, there is always a certain intrigue ..sometimes more obvious than others. Even at night, we are drawn to buildings because of an entrance/doorway. Some can be very deceiving, impressive and exciting on the outside, but uninviting once inside. Other doors or functional, strong and commanding, while inside there is calm and serenity.

Today I have combined the Thursday Door challenge that I participate in, and pictures of two of the Perfect Liberty churches. the streamline one on the left, is the PL Church in Hawaii, the bottom right is the Ottawa church, standing in front of the main entrance are, Rev Hiroki Matsuki and his wife, Yoshiko.

Reminder today is Ancestors Day, there will be a 10 a.m ceremony, if unable to attend, please take a moment for a short prayer mid morning if you can.

Today’s quote

Give thanks to your ancestors and to your parents. You exist today thanks to your ancestors and parents. Express your appreciation by devoting yourself for the sake of others and society. (PL 2015.11)

Note* In today’s prayers, make time to remember “All” who have touched your life in some way, been there for you, travelled some of your journey. Some may have been strangers, you met and never saw again, but the meeting left a lasting impression. Could be a voice at the other end of line, who when you needed kindness, was there for you. Gratitude and Appreciation are gifts we not only extend to others, but benefit our own lives.


Today being Thursday, as always if you want more doors, please visit Dan’s No Facilities site and enjoy the trip around the world enjoying the doors shared by other door bloggers. https://nofacilities.com/2024/04/11/alumni-doors/

Photos.Rev. Goto, except last one taken in Ottawa by yours truly when new ministers arrived.

Cheers everyone!

Enjoy, shared from the heart

Comments on: "jeudi" (2)

  1. Excellent doors and photos and a wonderful message. I try to think of those people in my life, friends and family, often. They all contributed to who I am.

  2. hi, good afternoon Dan…. hope you are keeping dry… it has been so wet of late. sending sunshine wishes your way.

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