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Be Thankful at the beginning and end of each day. Each and everyone of your actions can inspire peace within your family your community and the world around you. This peace will eventually help lead to World Peace.

Perfect Liberty 2020.21


Comments on: "Thankful" (12)

  1. Great idea for how to start and end a day. It’s the middle of the day that gets less peaceful, in my experience.

  2. This is amazing wood carving. I’m always in awe of people who can carve like this. I find even simple wood joinery in 3D to be a challenge.

    • There are native sculptures all over Omega Park. and yes .. I too have tried my hand and working with wood.. it takes patience and that is not one of my strong suits. Good morning to you, waves hello across the miles..

    • if you do it on the Quebec side, its WOW. . on the Ontario side, not so much. if it is pedal bike, you will be going up and down rolling hills.. very pretty. If you come this way, for sure you will enjoy Omega Park, and then you have Chateau Montebello.. very historic and wonderful grounds. =^_^=

  3. I am always thankful to awake in the morning and find myself on the upside of the terra firma. Sometimes it’s a tougher row to hoe at the end of the day.

    I love the bike ride you’ve described. I’m sure I’d love it.

    I’ve done some wood carving (a mahogany headboard for the bed I built) – that is hard work!!!

    • Good morning sweet friend, yesterday I took myself out to Stony Swamp a federal reserve just half an hour from home basically still in the city. Ottawa is spread out that way, with nature trails and green space within the city. I rolled down the window and just listened to the quiet. ahhhhh what a wonderful few minutes. Mahogany.. girl, you are strong willed. !!!! I started on the soft woods and basically stayed there before realizing I was better at creating in other ways.- i.e. sculpting .. with apoxies and clay mediums. lol… have a good one dear.

    • good morning Cindy, sends a warm hug to you across the miles.. or maybe a bit cooler cuz its coming from you know where.. xxxo

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